The Perfect Vacation | Teen Ink

The Perfect Vacation

November 15, 2012
By Anonymous

“I found one!” Megan screams across the dark house. Travis comes running into the room with chunks of gooey chocolate chip cookie dough all over his shirt since he still refuses to wear an apron. “Look its perfect right?” she asked him as she continued to stare in amazement at the computer monitor. Her eyes glazed over and blood shot red from the hours she had just spent searching for their perfect vacation.
Travis stood there for a minute glazing into the monitor and laughed. “Yea if you have five grand just laying around let me know! This place is mega expensive! That’s crazy,” Travis exclaimed. “S***, this place is so fancy that the president might stay there on his vacations!”
“Yea but we only get one real vacation a year – if that. Besides, do you think your boss will ever give you a week off again?” she begs and teases him.
“Not a chance!” he jokingly tells her. “But then again I’ll never earn him a five-G bonus ever again either though. I’m going to keep looking. You GO FINISH THE COOKIES!” he playfully demands.
As she leaves the room, Travis switches the search to under $100 a night. There has to be something good here he thinks to himself, not wanting to waste all of his bonus money before he even arrives. After awhile the computer screen starts to blur together, hotel after motel and still nothing decent enough to present to his girlfriend. “Nope. Defiantly not. Not even close. Nope…” he continues to mumble to himself after each click of the mouse turns into another dead-end. His mind starts to drift off looking at the pictures of these junky motels, and places claiming to be hotels. His mind goes back to his first real vacation; being 10 years old again in the woods with his dad all weekend – the best place ever, he thought to himself. Even though they where staying in a tent with no power, electricity, a cell phone, or anything else he now couldn’t live without, it was perfect. Just perfect, why couldn’t he have a vacation that perfect again? This thought just kept circling around his head over and over.
Megan walks into the room eating one of the chocolate chip cookies and sees Travis passed out on the computer chair with a pile of drool running down his mouth. “Wow, that’s nasty dude,” she mumbles while walking up to the now on sleep mode monitor. She hits the power button, turn on already she thinks to herself about ready to sock the computer screen. Finally it powers up and she sees all of the cheap motels he has been looking at on the screen, “Dude!” Megan shouts.
Travis almost falls off his chair he’s so surprised, “How’d you get there?!” he asks completely surprised, “I mean, you weren’t there a second ago. I just closed my eyes for a second…” he explains trying to defend himself.
“Yea for a second, you passed out…” Megan laughs. “Kind of drooled on yourself a bit too babe,” she tries to say without laughing at the seriously confused look on his face. “Why are you looking at all of these crappy places? You promised we would go somewhere nice this time!” she reminds him.
“I know, I know, don’t worry. We will…” he starts to promises to her when the computer dings out “YOU’VE GOT MAIL!”
“The hell… I’m not even logged in to anything are you?” Megan says in a confused voice.
“…and since when did our computer say you’ve Got MAIL!” Travis laughs. “Now that’s some old school computer language,” he mumbles under his breath, confused himself of how he could receive an email while there not logged in. Megan looks over to him, “no clue…” he said to her in a puzzled face. He just sits there quietly and watches Megan Google search why the computer would say that. “Google has everything…” he laughs. Travis watches the words appear on the monitor:
You’ve got mail is an AOL saying.
“Hey, uh, I don’t have an AOL, do you?”
“Uhhh no? I’ve never even heard of that until right now.” Again he watches Megan do her thing on the computer, “hey lets just go onto AOL and see if someone left it signed in maybe?” he exclaims thinking he just had the greatest idea ever. This deserves a cookie he thought to himself and ran into the kitchen to grab some.
“Yea, nice.” Good idea, she thinks to herself why didn’t I think of that? Hmm, now how do I log onto AOL, what the hell is AOL even? I know it’s really old, but I don’t think is going to work. The thoughts keep running through her head until she too gets a brilliant idea: Google search.
“It says you’re logged in…. I though you didn’t have an AOL?” he asks confused as to why she would lie about something so stupid.
“…but, I never made an AOL, especially not on this computer, I … don’t know. That’s weird.” The thoughts keep flowing out as words until she realizes this and shuts up.
“Hey, his is the email we just got” she points on the screen. It doesn’t look like spam mail either?

“And it’s the ONLY email, are you sure you didn’t make one for some reason?” Travis asks her, the cookie crumbs falling out of his mouth while he talks.

“I’m SURE!” she shouts, kind of hurt that he would think she was lying about something so dumb. She quickly clicks on the email: Free Week Stay at the Marwolaeth Manor! “This can’t be for real. I never entered any contests or anything like that, those things are jokes anyways. No one ever actually wins this stuff.” She mumbles while scrolling down.

-Master suit

-Hot tub

-Full complimentary room service and full staff

-Full bar

“This is… wow. This is amazing hunny. Look at all of this! Look at the pictures!” He starts talking really fast in excitement. “Can we, PLEASE, go here babe, this looks perfect!” he begs her. This might be the only other perfect vacation I’ll ever get he thinks to himself , and best of all – its free!

Megan looks at the joy fill his face while looking at this place; I just want him to be happy like how he was before his dad died. I wish people didn’t have to die, never had to leave us, then Travis wouldn’t be constantly in fear of losing someone. Without speaking she clicks on the link and books their stay. Before she could even look back at him, he grabs her and hugs her so tight.

“Let’s pack!” he screams, and picks her up and carries her to their room.

“Are we almost there yet” Megan keeps asking while playing with her two month old phone that looks like a flat brick since the case is so huge. She isn’t asking to find out if they are almost there though, she can read just fine. Besides her iPhone has a GPS has a timer on their arrival: 4hours, 15minutes. The real reason she keeps asking to annoy him, because she thinks it’s funny.
“NO! Geese you’re so annoying” he screams at her playfully and then cranks up the Blink-182 off of his new iPhone which is hooked up to the car stereo. “Let’s wake EVERYONE UP!” he screams to Megan and continues to scream half correct lyrics at the top of his lungs.
“35minutes until arrival” the GPS reads back to them.
“I love this thing!” Megan shouts over the music which is now starting to give her a headache. 4 hours of ear defining music with a guy singing off tune the whole way could make anyone’s head ache. Truthfully she can’t wait to get there now, not to be there, but to sleep. There is no way I can sleep in this car in the middle of nowhere she thinks to herself. Over half of the scary movies she has ever seen have been with two people driving in the middle of nowhere, and then they become stranded and die. She starts to freak herself out thinking of all the movies she has ever seen that ended with people dying off a creepy abandon highway or some other dust covered area like the place they are traveling through right now. “Can you drive faster please” she begs him, now scared to death as they are passing old farms and cornfields; Children of the Cornfield, Jeepers Creepers, every scary farm movie she has ever seen. “Let’s get out of here” she begs again, now completely afraid.
“Awe, are you scared babe?” he laughs.

“No. I’m just tired, I want to go to sleep, don’t you?” she tries to defend herself but her voice doesn’t help her cause. Megan cranks the radio back up and begins singing to the song along with him. Trying not be afraid anymore; or at least appear to be unafraid. There wasn’t anything more to it; she just doesn’t like being the scared little kid anymore. Ever since she was eight years old, she decided she would rather face her fears then live in them. Being extremely scared of the dark meant nothing anymore; she would walk in the woods on the way to school. Truthfully she was terrified, and still is terrified of the dark and almost every scary movie she has ever seen sticks with her in her mind; terrifying her. But she doesn’t want to be that scared person anymore, so she deals with it. With the 4’’ buffer fly knife in her pocket that she always carries with her, everywhere she goes. Lost in thought and thinking of old memories she doesn’t even realize what’s going on.

“Well, next time I’m flying,” Travis mumbles to himself after he realizes Megan fell asleep. This is probably the longest car ride he has ever been in and the last hour of it has been the worst. He starts tapping his foot out of anxiety and begins to drive faster and faster down the abandon straightaway.
“Beep… beeps…. Beep.. beep ..beep .beep beep beep beep”
Travis looks at the speed gauge, “S***!” he screams, hits his hand on the steering wheel, and slowly starts riding his brakes.
“Seatbelt!” Megan mumbles slowly gaining concensence from the loud beeping
He puts on his seatbelt while looking around to see if he can find a speed limit sign. Nothing. “I’m guessing 50?” he questions Megan.
“Yea that should be good, where not from here anyways” she mumbles out again. Surely enough about 15 seconds later she spots the black and white car on the side of the road. Out of habit she keeps checking the side mirrors repeatedly making sure he didn’t pull out of his stupid speed trap.
“Dang, I thought he would have been on us for sure, I was going 120! There is no way he didn’t radar me” he gasps out, so relived that he wouldn’t be spending his week in the city jail. His nerves are still intensified from the possible threat of jail time.
“Maybe cops don’t do that here? I mean we are in the middle of nowhere” she laughs. What a fun town, no cops, no speed laws, I could have so much fun here she day dreams to herself.
“4 minutes until arrival” the GPS yips out. They continue their drive in complete silence, in awe that this city is so small. It’s virtually a town square with a long path going to the manor. It’s dark out but as far as they can tell the manor has no lights on. It looks as if its strait from a horror movie. The big shadow is cast down over the town. There’s an old blue and white rusty jail house; the door still hangs half open as if someone is standing behind it. An abandon looking town house with an old bell on top of it. A really old looking gas station with one eerie light hanging above the pump,. An old time diner that looks like a place your grandma would have hung out in her day, and a few different ancient looking stores. Nothing familiar to them, and no one in sight. They study the dust covered town for a minute trying to think of explanations for its desertedness. Driving 5 miles an hour the start to see off in the distance as far as they can see there is a few houses, possibly two story; also very old looking.
“Yea this place is giving me the creeps, you sure we should have came here?” Megan whispers out, trying to sound louder, but the fear won’t let her.
“Phhssss, it will be fine! Look babe, here’s a diner, ya hungry?” He says trying to comfort her. Truthfully this place is creeping him out just as much. The cold chills his spine but he is determined to not let the fear show. What kind of restaurant is so beat up and broken down. It’s not even this bad in Detroit. This is just straight up abandon looking he thinks to himself. He pulls into the diner parking lot – completely deserted. “Well we can try it, the lights are on,” he tells her.
“Yea, I’m starving, let’s try it!” she whimpers out trying not to have fear in her voice. This place is so creepy, but what’s the worst that can happen?
They walk up to the door, it’s unlocked. “Hey, there’s an open sign, where good. They are probably just parked in the back or something.” They open the half- rotted out door and walk into the restaurant and the smell seizes up there noses, it’s amazing, like a fresh baked apple pie and fresh brewed coffee. The inside of the diner is in perfect condition, even the floors look like they are freshly polished. The two of them probably look so out of place just standing there in amazement that the outside is such a dump but the inside is perfect. There are four people sitting at the bar drinking coffees, cokes, or shakes. A family that looks like it could be in a TV show sitting on the far booth, their hair perfectly parted, they look as if they are strait from the 60’s. “Creepy” he mumbles. The smell of the food is just too good to take creepy or weird into account though, it smells absolutely amazing. So they sit down.
The waitress comes rollerblading over to their table, “Can I get you guys something to eat?” she asks in the most polite voice they have ever heard.
“Yea can we get 2 Mountain Dews and I’ll have a ham sandwich, what about you babe?” Travis asks nicely, knowing her drink of choice is of course, Mountain Dew.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have Mountain Dew here, can I get you something else?” the lady tells them clearly confused.
“Oh uh, a Pepsi or a Coke?” he asks. Why did she say it like that he thinks to himself, she acts like she has never heard of mountain dew.
“I’ll take a hot dog and a Coke, thanks,” Megan tells the lady.
“Coming right up!” she exclaims and walks away into the kitchen.
“Weird right?” Travis laughs.
“Yea, maybe she has a disability or something though, don’t be rude!” she scolds him. The food comes out in minutes and it’s absolutely delicious. The rollerblading lady comes back and drops off their bill after they finish eating. 2 dollars 37 cents. “This cant be right? 2 bucks! That’s crazy,” Megan laughs.
“Yea no way, let’s just leave like 15 bucks that should cover it,” and Travis stands up and helps Megan out of the table. They start to walk to their car when they here the rollerblading lady skate up to them.
“Sir, I think you forgot some money,” she informs him while handing back 12 bucks and some change.
“No, that’s your tip, have a good day miss” He tells her in the politest voice he could find, all while trying to keep a straight voice. “I could get used to talking like this” he whispers jokingly into Megan’s ear as they walk to the car. “Woo, babe? This place was just deserted wasn’t it?” he asks completely shocked. He turns around and looks back at the diner and it appears completely restored. Just how it would have looked 50 years ago. “How did we miss this?” he asks Megan, but the look on her face tells him she doesn’t know either. Everything in the town is restored; the dead plants they passed on the way in, even the street lights are on. There are a few old cars driving down the street and some couples walking hand in hand.
“Brrrnggg” The clock on the town hall clicked 8:00 pm and the bell tower is now moving with a shadow of a guy on the top who must be sounding the bell.
Travis points to the giant marble statue of a man on the sidewalk. “Ok, now I KNOW that that was not there before!” He shouted just quiet enough that only Megan could hear him. The fear comes back to his body, this town is so strange he thinks to himself.
“It had to of been, that thing must way two-thousand pounds, no way someone could have put that there in the 30 minutes we where inside,” Megan whispers so only he could hear. The two of them stand there for a minute just observing the town; the abandon parking lot now has at least 10 cars in it. Each and every car in the lot is old, not trashy, but old. Everyone’s except theirs.
“Maybe there’s a car convention in town?” Travis tells her, trying to think of a reasonable explanation for everything. The town looks as if it has changed by years in the half hour they where inside that diner.
“I don’t know, that doesn’t explain how the people are dressed, this town is so weird. I hate small towns,” Megan babbled on. “You know what; let’s just get to the hotel, I’m tired, you’re tired. Where imagining stuff, we have to be.” She explains while pulling on Travis’s arm toward the car. She takes a look toward the hotel and sees every light on, water coming out of the gianourmous fountain that she could of sworn an hour ago wasn’t there.
“Yea, your right,” he says in a confused voice. He gets into the car and slowly shuts the door, no sudden movements he thinks to himself and laughs it off.
“Nice ride Mr.!” a kid walking with his family shouts to Travis.
Wow, he starts, but then realized that the kid sounded sincere. The hell, my rides junk he thinks to himself. For four grand I’d sell it and walk home he thinks to himself.
“In 20 feet, turn right” the GPS yaps out again through the tiny speaker on the phone. Wow, this place looks just like the pictures he thinks to himself as they pass this huge elaborate front gate that must have been 20 feet high. The sprinklers are spraying water all over the already very green grass and there are men dressed up at the front doors of the hotel in valley uniforms. He pulls up the doors and rolls down the window.
“How much is the valley?” Travis asks.
“Don’t be a cheap-ass!” Megan mumbles just quietly enough the valley men couldn’t hear while she playfully hits him in the arm.
“Complimentary sir! Tips very much appreciated though!” The taller valley man shouts up to his window while walking around the car to get his door. The younger valley guy walks up to Megan’s door and opens it.
“Can I get your luggage first?” the younger man asks in a very polite voice.
“Sure, thanks!” Megan laughs clearly happy that these men are treating them like royalty; the first real vacation they have taken that hasn’t been in a motel. She walks over to the trunk and goes to pull out the bags of luggage.
“I got it miss,” the younger man exclaims. He runs over to grab a luggage cart and carefully loads it all up.
“Here is your ticket Mr.” The older valley hands Travis the ticket and takes the keys. “This is the coolest car I have ever seen, but don’t worry; your car is in good hands!” he assures Travis.
“Lets go check in babe, I’m really tired, this is all so weird!” he tells Megan.
“But it’s so cool, where like famous or something!” she laughs and they walk inside the giant hotel. “Oh. My. God!” she quietly shouts as soon as they walk inside. This place is like a castle she thinks to herself. “They weren’t lying when they called this place a manor!” she said trying not to jump up and down. There are several maids walking around in the old maid uniforms. Men in tuxedos holding trays of food and fancy drinks are walking throughout the lobby.
“Can I help you?” The man behind the front counter asks them.
“Yea, I am Travis, and this is my girlfriend Meg. We received an email telling us we had a free week stay here. We booked online” he tells the man, totally unsure now if the reservations where even real.
“Email, online?” The man mumbles to himself totally unsure of the words meanings. “Ohh, here you are. Mr. Divea and Ms. Fisher. You have a free weeks stay in our master suite. I’ll have someone escort you to your room!” He declares as if they are something truly special. “Jimmy!” he shouts. The boy he called Jimmy ran over to him and he whispered something into his ear.
“Got it!” Jimmy told the man behind the counter. “Hello, my name is Jimmy, ill be escorting you to your room. I’ll take your luggage up too,” Jimmy told the couple.
“This place is absolutely amazing” Megan whispered to Travis so that Jimmy couldn’t hear her.
“We haven’t even seen the room yet” Travis laughed. “You never know, we may be staying in a dump” he whispered in her ear.
“Here is your room Sir!” he exclaimed while handing him the room key. Just before he started to walk away Travis handed him a five dollar bill. “Geese Mr. are you sure?” Travis just nodded and the boy happily skipped down the hallway to the elevator.
Moment of truth he thought to himself as he slowly put the old school key into the lock and opened the door. “WOW!” he shouted.
“Babe, are you seeing this!” Megan screamed while running into the hotel room. “Look, the sodas only 5cents here! We should take some for the road, where are we ever gunna get pop so cheap!” she shouted in absolute amazement.
“Only you would be thinking about how to rip off the hotel the night we get here” Travis laughed.
“Ohh you are too. You know it!” she whispered to him. “Dang, there TV sucks though,” she laughed. She watched Travis walk over to the bed and nearly pass out from laying down on it. “Awwe, your really tired aren’t you?” Megan starts to say but the second she sat down onto the bed she starts to pass out too.

“Good morning,” Megan yawns out as she sits up in the bed. She turns her head to see that Travis isn’t there anymore. “Good morning,” she quietly shouted this time and got out of bed. “Where are you babe?” she asked as she walked around the hotel room. “Come on man, this isn’t funny anymore!” she started screaming louder, “Travis! Ughhh, so like him to get up and leave with out even waking me up first!” she mumbled in disgust. Whatever, I can do without him she thinks to herself. Megan walks over to there suites’ kitchen and makes herself some coffee. While she sits at her little table drinking her home made coffee, she looked over to where Travis’s bags used to be and realized that they where gone.
“The number you have dialed is out of service” her phone spoke in a monotone voice back to her.

“Impossible, what the hell!” she shouted. There is no way his phone is off; he lives by that thing she thought. He would never do something this extreme. This has gone too far she thought to herself as the panic started to seek in. What if something happened to him and that thought kept crossing through her mind. She got dressed and walked down the hall to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited for the very long descent down from their floor. The man behind the counter was the same man from last night, great! “Hello, mister? Have you seen the man I came in with last night? He wasn’t in his room this morning and now his phone is off,” Megan politely asked the man.
“Good morning miss Megan,” he shrieked out with a smile on his face. “You came in alone last night though. About eight or nine pm if I remember correctly.” He verified to her.
“No, I came in with my boyfriend; Travis Divea. His name was down on the reservation along with mine. You where the one that checked us both in last night and a boy named Jimmy walked us to our room!” she tried to explain to him without freaking completely out.

“Megan Fisher, correct?” he asked her again in a very calm and polite voice.

“Well yea, but you even said our names out loud last night. You said Mr. Travis Divea and Miss Megan Fisher. You can’t just take his name off of the reservation!” she tried to say without completely losing herself.

“I’m going to have to ask you to calm down miss!” he told Megan very clearly. “I watched you walk in last night, you where alone, with no one else but yourself. You had no boyfriend with you then; therefore, you have no boyfriend with you now. The man said in a very sarcastic tone. “Are you feeling alright miss?” He asked now very concerned.

“I’m fine!” Megan said in a very flat confused voice. Panic and anger attacked her mind. What happened to him? How does that man have no memory of Travis? Jimmy, of course, he would remember Travis! “Could I talk to Jimmy for a second?” Megan asked the man trying to sound sane again.

“I don’t see why that would help but sure. Jimmy, come here boy” the man called as if he was calling for his dog. The boy came darting up to him and again the man whispered in his ear.

“Hi–ya miss,” The boy said this time in a very happy jumpy voice. “Can I help you with something?” he asked very nicely.

“Yea, do you remember the man I was with last night. I can’t find him,” she asked him hoping he would know at least something.

The boy turned back to the older man behind the counter and fear shot through his eyes. “No mamm, I saw you come in alone last night I walked you to your room” he said as if he recited the words.

“Jimmy, please” she whispered to him. “Travis gave you 5 dollars last night, do you remember that?” she begged in a very patronizing tone.

“No mamm, you gave me the 5 dollars,” Jimmy said this time with the fear crossing over his face. “If that’s all you need mamm, I have work I have to do. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help!” he shouted to her as he raced away.

She started to walk towards the door, I’m going crazy she though to herself. Why was he so afraid though? He was lying, he had to be. The thoughts kept flooding in, why, how, when. Why would he lie about Travis? Why would someone take Travis? Oh my god, what if they took Travis. The fear kept growing and growing. She nearly sprinted to the front doors. As she left the building she spotted the valet men; the same ones from last night. She asked the younger valet man if he seen Travis, and again she got the same answer; who is Travis; you came here alone last night. Then she remembered about the car, if she could just get to the car. She asked the men for her car back and they acted like she was crazy; “It’s a black 2001 Firebird,” she begged them to remember.

“Miss, I think you need a doctor, are you feeling okay?” he started to question her. “I’m a mechanic and I have never heard of a Firebird, none the less a 2001 so there is no way you would have a car that is over 30 years advanced,” He mocked her. These people are all insane. How can no one remember him? But that’s not true, they all remember him, they are lying, they must be!
Megan started racing back to the town and then remembered how much she hates running. Wait I know the cars here if they want to admit so or not she thought to herself. They can’t just make a car disappear even if they are evil liars! She snuck over behind the bushes and the tall metal fence to the car lot. It has to be here somewhere she thought as she peaked through the fence at hundreds and hundreds of cars; Hummers, Tahoes, Escalades, Grand-ams, Mustangs – wait! She suddenly thought… these cars aren’t 30 years old? These are new cars she started and then realized how stupid she sounds, of course they are new cars this isn’t the 1970’s! She tried to find a hole in the fence but there was none. Good thing I can climb a fence she thought to herself, and with a little bit of trouble she managed to lift herself up and through herself down on the other side of the metal fence. She sprinted up to his car and started it. “S***, that’s so loud!” she uttered to herself. Trying to calm herself down she put on some really quiet music, almost too quiet for her to hear, but she had to be able to hear them coming - just incase.
“Vrrrrrrrrmmmmm” the car roared off as she drove it 75 mph out of the lot. I don’t care about cops. I don’t care if I hit anyone, they’re all evil! They’re bad people she thought to herself; they took Travis! As she raced through the town going faster then the speed of light, the people just stopped and looked at her. Their confused and amazed faces stuck in her mind. The little boy from last night just stood there on the side walk, his jaw looked as if he unhinged it and let it just hang down. The rollerblading waitress watched from the window along with the four people at the bar and the one family in the booth; the exact same people from last night. I have to get out of here, I have to leave, I have to find Travis, and I have to get help! The thoughts kept flooding on through. Who prepares for something like this? Then she remembered the cop on the side of the road. Was he one of them? But he couldn’t of been he was too far out, at least 5 miles, she kept driving faster and faster down the highway until she heard the “beep beep beep” again.

“Perfect!” she screamed clearly happy for the first time in her life for a cop. She pulled up to his car, still sitting there. Perfectly parked in his speed trap.
“Sir?” Megan yelled as she walked up to the cop’s window. But as soon as she got close she realized he wouldn’t be of any use anymore. The rotten smell of decay clogged her nose and make her start to gag. Do I even want to look she thought to herself, but she knew she had too. The police officer wasn’t there; there was bones, with flesh half on them, there he lied, just rotting away. “ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod” she kept screaming over and over as if it would somehow help the situation. Then she looked at the cop car, oh my god… she thought to herself one last time. The car read: The Marwolaeth Police Department of 1967. This was too much for her, she fell to the ground, the smell and the thoughts where killing her, her eyes shut and she laid there, Travis’s car still running.

“Miss, are you alright?” A man with a flash light shined at her face asked her over and over. “Did you get into an accident? Are you intoxicated?” His questions kept going into one ear and out the other.

“I’m fine,” she started to say and then remembered the smell, the decaying officer in the old squad car, the crazy people who kidnapped Travis. Where am I? She thought to herself then saw Travis’s car sitting on the side of the road with the driver’s door still open, the car still running. “The cop!” she shouted.

“Mam, I’m a cop, I am here to help you, I was on patrol and saw your car on the side of the road with you in the road, is there anything you need to tell me or anything you can remember” he asks her while trying to keep the situation calm.

“Yea, my boyfriend. We where on a vacation. This is his car. The people in the town, they took him! We where in a hotel and when I woke up he was gone, they said he was never there but he was!” she ran to the car and the cop started to chase and then realized she wasn’t running. “Look, this is Travis!” she shouted, “he’s gone they took him, so I started to run, well drive out of there – to get help. And I saw a squad car on the side of the road, the cop inside was dead. He was just bones and rotting flesh!” she screamed, clearly still in shock.

“We have no reports of any missing officers around there area, nor there cars. When did this Travis go missing so we can file a report? What town where you in again?” he asked trying to help her.

“Marwolaeth,” she stumbled out the name. “We got an invitation for a free week stay at the hotel there; the Marwolaeth manor. Everyone there is so strange! They took him they had to of!” she started to shout again.

“I’m going to have to ask you to take a breathalyzer miss…” the cop asked in concern, he started to walk towards her with the test.

“I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not drunk!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “oh my god, I am sorry sir” she then quickly apologized realizing that she just screamed at a police offer. The test came out 0.00, clean.

Clearly confused the officer motioned for her to get in his car, in the front seat. “Miss, come take a ride with me…” he told her and shut the door after she got in. They drove three or four minutes to the town and when they got there it was nothing like how she left it.

“Impossible, when I drove out of here, there where people everywhere! Kids, staff, families, people! This was all new and nice looking. There where dogs and cars and movement!” she stumbled out.

“Like this?” the man handed her a picture of the town, it looked exactly like it was last night, even the people in the picture – she saw them, she knew them.
She nodded her head, “exactly like that,” she said.
“This is a picture from 1967, exactly 3 days before the big accident, that man there in the photo – he is my grandpa” the officer said in clear shock.
The cars she remembered, there where hundred of them! “Drive up to the manor please,” she begged him. “Behind here, the car lot,” she asks afraid he would think she was crazy, would if she was. Nothing, not a new car on the lot, a few old ones. But where is Travis then she thought to herself. His phone, he still has a phone, but then she remembered the out of service tone she got last time, but this time I’m not in 1967 she thought and then realized how crazy that sounds. She got out her phone and dialed the number: Rnggg, rnng, rng, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, CLEAR! What she thought to herself? CLEAR! She heard the words in her head again, why am I hearing that she panicked. The cop, he was gone. Suddenly the world around her faded out, she was lying back on the ground, the same spot as before, she looked and saw the driver’s door lying open still. It was no longer abandon though, no longer day time. She was laying there on the hot cement in the middle of the night, she watched men with bright lights circle around her. She watched them put someone on a stretcher and carry him away, running and rushing. A helicopter came down and picked him up as she just realized men where doing the same to her. Shinning bright lights into her eyes and put her on one, loaded her up onto a helicopter and carried her away. She struggled to stay awake but the noise, the lights, it was so blinding she couldn’t.
White lights everywhere, a constant ground noise. Am I dying she thought to herself and then quickly changed her mind. She knew this place. The nurse came into the room along with an officer and looked her clipboard over thoroughly.
“Do you remember anything mam?” he asked her politely.
Struggling to remain awake, keep eye contact, even breathe, she choked out, “no, what happened? Where is Travis!” she remembered those words very clearly now.
“He is in surgery, he split his head open. If all goes well he is expected to make a full recovery,” he said trying to comfort her, but not lie to her. “As for what happened though, we don’t exactly know. My partner was sitting in his squad car and said he got you two on radar going 123 mph strait at him. You guys slowed down and must of saw him but somehow lost control of your car and wiped out on the side of the road nearly 5 feet from him. He thought he was going to die at first but then realized it was a miracle; if he hadn’t of been there and you two wiped out somewhere else, he would of died in minutes, you hours,” the cop explained. But she looked over his face again; this is the man from the squad car, the same one that found her the first time. The nurse, she’s the rollerblading women from the diner. She started to go into a panic attack but passed out again.
She regained and lost conciseness several times later over a course of 2 days until final she had news that Travis was going to make it. That they both made it through there scary story. A bus was arriving today to take them to their home town so they could resume medical care there now that they where stable.
“Travis!” she screamed the second she saw him and gave him the biggest hug ever, “I’m so glad I can finally see you!” she shrieked out.

Travis just hugged her back, barely able to move from the wheel chair they had him in, “what happened?” he asked her confused.

“We got into an accident, must have happened before we went to the diner…” she started to say and then remembered how crazy that must have just sounded, there was no diner.

“Yea the diner with the crazy rollerblading chick who only charged us 3 bucks” he laughed out, not really sure of why it was funny, he just wanted to be happy again.

“Babe, we got into the accident before then, before we got to the town. Wait… you remember the diner too?” she cried out. “But that never happened, there is no diner. I remember the lady to though, the lady on the rollerblades with blonde pony tails and a pink shirt…”

Travis sat there with his hands in his lap thinking to himself, trying to remember. How did I know about the diner? He thought to himself, how did we have the same dream. That’s not possible he thought to himself. Jimmy, the valley men, being in the hotel room and lying down with Megan, and then waking up in the hospital. “The last thing I remember is laying down with you in the hotel room, it was so warm and awesome. Then I woke up in the hospital and the doctors told me I just had surgery, that I was in a car accident, and I was dead when the paramedics arrived at the scene” He stumbled out, as if he was thinking while talking .

The fear spreads across Megan’s face. This cant be happening she thought to herself. That town doesn’t exist! Well it does but its gone now, deserted. The cop took me there I remember, but wait that was in a dream from the first time I woke up, but it seemed so real. “Sir, have you heard of Marwolaeth” she yells up to the old bus driver.

Surprise spreads across the man’s face. “Well yea, everyone around here has. That town was blown to bits by radioactive plant that went haywire in the late 60’s. 1967 if I’m correct. Still uninhabitable for another 500 years at least, it’s a shame, my family used to live there.” he told her clearly unaware of what he just said meant to them. Megan and Travis just sat there staring at one another. Trying to think of some explanation, there had to be one. Travis reached for his wallet out of his pants pockets and felt something strange. He reached in and pulled out their old fashion room key from his pocket. The rest of the trip they just sat there staring at the old rusted key with the words Marwolaeth in carved onto it.

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