-Luck- | Teen Ink


November 15, 2012
By Anonymous


Dwayne was your average white American man about 6 feet tall slight beard, brown short hair like Brad Pitt, and dark blue eyes. He worked for a simple job of stamp art creator but worried of losing this job due to the increase of people that use Email instead of the regular mail. He had no wife or kids he had a single bed and a bathroom apartment located in Chicago it was nothing fancy white walls carpeted throughout except in the kitchen which had worn older tiles, This was Dwyane he lived a normal life , that until he found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time.

He was walking to work one day because could not get any luck with the normally more than gracious to take your money taxi drivers. It was early in the morning a bit chilly for August so he had a nice black over the head hoodie on. He realized that he had forgot to eat breakfast that day so he took a quick glance at his phone to see the time (6:22am) he didn't have to be at work for awhile so he finally decided it was time to get some chow. There was a nice little family owned breakfast dinner he could stop by fast if he took a shortcut if he ran through an alleyway about a block down the road. He began walking. He almost had walked past the alley. It was only lit by the light gray light from the sky from the early morning. As he began walking down the alley he heard something that sounded close to him and made a heavy breathing like a dying he turned the corner and saw a dead end to his displeasure and realized that the alley was actually another whole block down. To his left in a large yellow metal garbage bin that appeared to be the source of the breathing. He looked inside. He found a bloody man missing his hands and had a large cut down his face, his clothes were so bloodied it became hard to tell what color they were originally all Dwyane could tell was his the man's t-shirt and sweatpants. As he stared into the bin all he could see was the fear in the man’s eyes, the man wanted to scream but could not he didn't have the strength left to. Dwayne began to panic and was going to run away from the whole scene but as he took the first step he heard two men beginning to come down the alleyway with a joyful whisper.

The men came around the corner Dwyane acted quickly and hid on the opposite side of the trash can. The men were two slick backed haired men in large leather jackets and dress pants, and cigarette in the man on the lefts mouth. The one on the left began to speak and removed the cigarette and threw it in the bin and said “ well lets see if our little friend is still breathing” he opened the garbage bin and looked down and saw the bloodied man “tsk, tsk you have to be alive to feel this little man” the man on the left looked to the man on his right and gave a terrible smirk like if he was a Grinch about to steal Christmas. Dwyane was terrified for his life. The man on the right had a big smile on his face and pulled out a large red gas can and began dumping the contents into the garbage bin. Dwyane knew he had to act fast or else at some point they would see him and he would meet the same fate as the man in the garbage bin. The man on the left slowly removed a box of matches from his coat pocket and tossed them into the air a couple of times before preparing a match. Dwyane noticed the wheels on the bottom of the metal trash bin and thought he may be able to knock the men over with the trash bin if he pushed hard enough but Dwyane was always a smaller guy and he never worked out, he would have to hope for the best. He striked the garbage can with all of his force and it began to move. Luckily the wheels were not rusted and the bin began to pick up enough speed to hit the man on the right into the ground and it rolled over the mans hand and you could hear a crack in the man’s hand but the man on the left fell into the garbage bin because was standing right on its open side and as he fell into the bin the match had struck the box and was lit and as he fell into the bin he dropped the lit match and it ignited you could hear the shrieking screams from both men in the bin as it rolled into the wall at the opposite side of the alleyway. Dwyane took a fast look to observe his environment to be sure neither men would be able to chase after him. He began running down the alley as fast as he could like a race car engine about to give out. Once he was far from the alley on the sidewalk he took some deep breaths. He was able to get a taxi to the police department. There he explained the situation to the officers who came to the conclusion that it was some local gang activity dealing with what was most likely a snitch. Dwyane found out later that they would at the point have to place him into the witness protection program due the fact that when they went to the crime scene they had only found 2 bodies meaning the other man Dwyane had mention escaped and also chances are got a good look at his face and it doesn’t take long for gangsters to find witnesses, Dwyane understood and a few weeks later he was moved and also received police protection until a trial could take place to pin who was responsible for the attack. He did not feel angry with the fact that he had to pick up his life and move he almost saw it as a sign of relief because he never had much in Chicago ever he was just a normal guy but he thought maybe he could make something more of himself, someone that people know and can see he has done something with his life that he was somebody.

Dwayne woke on Monday to a normal Chicago morning. He would get up and look out his balcony window to see the dark blue sky with grey clouds and smile, his life was better here; he had a lot of friends from work and around town. His life was at a peak he thought but then he got a knock on his door. Dwyane opened the door completely surprised to see a slick backed haired man, the man smiled at Dwayne and showed him his gun that was concealed in his coat pocket. “Have a seat Dwayne” Dwayne said nothing and just followed the command given to him, He took a seat on his purple couch that sat in front of his TV. “Dwayne do you know what you have done to me? The Boss is in jail now and do you know what that means for me?” Said the slick backed haired man. Dwayne just shook his head no, “Well Dwayne that means I am out of a job and that means I cannot support my family, so my wife decided she could not take the financial debt I was bringing on us and left and took my two kids with her” the man said, “and to be honest Dwayne I blame you a 100 F*cking percent” the man removed the gun from his coat and aimed it at Dwayne’s head. Dwayne began to run towards the door but the man grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the balcony and aimed the gun at his head, pulled the trigger and pushed Dwayne’s lifeless body off the balcony.

Epilogue: Dwayne was your average white American man about 6 feet tall slight beard and brown short hair like Brad Pitts. He worked for a simple job of a local restaurant owner business was always good for him because people always needed to eat and he even got offered for his restaurant to be on Tv which he sadly had to decline. He had no wife or kids he had a single bed and a bathroom home located in Grainfield Kansas it was nothing fancy light blue walls carpeted throughout except in the kitchen which had a 90s looking wood flooring, This was Dwyane he lived a normal life , that was until he heard a knock on his door from a slick backed hair man.

The author's comments:
This was written for Creative Writing

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