Panic Pool | Teen Ink

Panic Pool

August 26, 2024
By amelia_rittel BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
amelia_rittel BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is sunset on August 23, 2024, and the Wilson family is together at grandma and grandpa’s house. The Wilson family end-of-summer pool night is the grandkid’s favorite night of the entire summer. Music is playing, smores are roasting, and laughs are being shared among the family. The two Wilson brothers, their wives, and the grandparents are sitting beside the fire pit. The grandkids (Sara, Micheal, Lisa, and Cole) are playing in the pool. 

Everyone is having a fantastic time. Suddenly Sara looks over and the gate into the backyard unlatches and begins slamming open. A loud bang sounds and everyone jumps in shock. No one is near the gate, and there is no wind in the air. They move on, continue playing, chatting, and blame the event on a squirrel. Then, without warning, the water starts to spin in the pool, and the lights begin flashing. Still no wind in the air. Loads of water begin flowing over the sides of the pool onto the cement. The adults come rushing over and see the shadow of a ghost. Grandma Wilson screams, “there’s a ghost!” Right as they are about to tell the kids to get out of the pool, an intense tornado forms in the deepest part of the pool. The tornado begins to suck the four cousins beneath the water. The adults are in shock, and Uncle Matt is the first to react. He jumps in after the children. Uncle Matt drags Sara and Micheal out first. Following this, using all of his strength, he pulls the other two out after. 

Once all the kids are out of the water the tornado dies down, the lights stop blinking, and the water outside of the pool magically drifts back into the pool. Everyone sees the ghost drift away in a gust of wind. No one says a word, except Grandma Wilson, “everyone inside right away.” The Wilson’s eat ice cream in the living room and discuss the events of the evening.

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