The Haunting Within | Teen Ink

The Haunting Within

September 7, 2023
By mianahi_17 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
mianahi_17 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Summer before senior year, Monica wanted to hang out with her friends Jennifer and Ashley. Monica said where they were going but didn't say any background information of the house that Monica picked out for them. “Let's all meet there at 7:00 in the afternoon,” said Monica. Jennifer and Ashley got there before Monica and Jennifer's car started to act weird. While both of the girls were waiting for Monica the car kept shutting off. “I pumped gas before I came. I don't know why it's shutting off, maybe it’s the battery,” said Jennifer. By the time Monica got there Jennifer fixed her car hoping it wouldn’t happen again. “Sorry guys for being late, there was traffic,” said Monica. They went into the house and there were snacks and drinks laid out as if it was a get together or a small party. “This is actually a really nice house but it seems kind of old,” said Ashley. “It does but at least there's an upstairs, let's go check out the rooms.” said Jennifer. “I wanted to hang out with you guys before we don't get the chance to hang out again.” said Monica while walking up the stairs. “Why do you say that? you know we are still going to see each other at school.” “We can still hang out on school days when we have off periods or on weekends.” “We don't know what you have planned for us but we just hope we have fun.” said Jennifer and Ashley. 

        While they finished unpacking Monica told them to the kitchen so she can tell them more about what they are going to do. Jennifer went to check up on Ashley and saw she was laying down as if she was asleep. “We have to go downstairs. What are you doing laying down?” asked Jennifer. “Since we got here I've had a headache. It feels like a sharp pain. I've never felt anything like this.” said Ashley “Did you eat? You don't think it could be that?” asked Jennifer. “Let's go downstairs, I can probably get something to eat while Monica talks to us,” said Ashley. “What do you think she’ll tell us? I hope she has some good plans for us to do.” said Jennifer. They all met in the kitchen and Ashley decided to grab a sandwich and chips while they spoke.

“I booked this house for us to stay a whole week, and something that yall don't know about this house is..” “Someone famous has been here before.” said Jennifer interrupting Monica. “No, this house is haunted AND before both of you decide to back out of this we will have so much fun i promise.” said Monica “It would be our first time being at a haunted house. Yes I'm down if we are all here.” said Jennifer. “What about you Ash? Are you down?” asked Jennifer. “It's only for a week right? I'm very suspicious about this house.” said Ashley. “Do you know the backstory of the house or like what happened and why it's haunted?” asked Jennifer.” “That's what we'll find out with the Estes Method. Do yall know what it is?” asked Monica. “No, what is it?” both of them asked. “The Estes method is just like a spirit box connected with headphones; it sounds static and you put on a blindfold. The spirit box scans through radio frequencies, and while we ask questions you will say what you hear but you won't hear us asking the questions. There will be a time where your mind will be somewhere else like you will zone out of it and you’ll still say what you hear.” said Monica. “That sounds really scary but I'll do it,” said Jennifer. “What??!! you are crazy Jennifer??” asked Jennifer, freaking out. “No Ashley, I think it'll be fun, don't be a party pooper.” Jennifer told Ashley looking at her begging. “I'm not a party pooper Jen. I will only do this for both of you. But if something horrible happens I'm leaving.” said Ashley. “Nothing horrible will happen. We are here, you have nothing to worry about.” said Jennifer “Just stay with us it is going to be fun.” said Monica.

           They all went to wash up. When Jennifer got out of the shower she saw something written on the mirror and ran to tell Ashley. “I told you something was going to happen. What did it say?” asked Ashley. “Get out” was written on the mirror. “You don't think it was Monica that wrote it before you took a shower,” said Ashley. They went to Monica's room to ask her about it, and when they knocked on the door no one said anything. Both of them looked at each other and one of them opened the door and was hesitant opening the door. “We need answers. We have to ask Monica what is going on here.” said Ashley. Both of the girls went around the house wondering where Monica went and couldn’t find her, they tried calling and texting her but no answer. They heard someone speak upstairs and thought it was Monica so they went running up the stairs and checked all the rooms again. No one was visible. They thought it was weird that they heard something, but no one was there. They double checked if her stuff was still there and they found some things that seemed to be pranks planned. They also checked if her car was gone. They heard the front door open and they got creeped out because there's no reason the door should've opened. They went to check who it was and it was Monica. “Where have you been? We were looking for you all over the house.” said Jennifer “I went for a walk just to clear my mind you know?” said Monica “At 1 in the morning? A walk at 1 in the morning? What's wrong with you Monica? It's so late. You could've gotten kidnapped or something could have happened to you” said Jennifer worried. “I'm fine, I promise,” said Monica. She went up to her room after seeing a chimera lurking in the shadows. “That's so weird I wonder why she went for a walk so late,” said Jennifer. “Something has been off with her,” said Ashley.

        Hours later Monica decided to do the Estes Method at 3 in the morning. All the girls circled around a small coffee table, and Monica put her ghost equipment in the middle. “ I didn't know you had all of this'' said Ashley. Monica set up a flashlight on the table and a few cat balls around the floor. “Who wants to do the Estes Method first? It's pretty simple, it's just like listening to music and singing.” said Monica. “I'll go first, I'll do it,” said Jennifer. Jennifer puts on the headphones and she can't see or hear Monica and Ashley. They start off by asking her questions about the house and she ends up answering them. She repeatedly says “Get out! Get out! Get out!” She later says “It sounds like a man or like a 20 year old.” After a while Monica asks the questions Ashley asks “have you been messing with us since we got here?” “Monica...also” says Jennifer. “What do you mean?” asks Ashley. “Pranks. Friends.” said Jennifer. “Not sure what that means. Do you?” asked Monica. Ashley asked Monica “Have you been the one messing with us?” “Me? I haven’t done anything or tried to prank yall.” said Monica. Jennifer started twitching and doing certain movements that weren’t normal. They took off the blindfold and grabbed the headphones off of Jennifer. They shook Jennifer but something was wrong. Monica was abstracted from her connection with the ghost. Soon enough Jennifer starts to freak out wondering what had happened and Ashley is trying to tell her everything while Monica begins to prattle about never doing the pranks. “We have to leave Jennifer. I can't stay with Monica another night and the nights after. I feel betrayed” said Ashley. “I remember she spoke about her mental illness, she's probably just really interested in this type of stuff,” said Jennifer. “Didn't you see what just happened to you? You were possessed. We have to go. Please Jennifer.” said Ashley.

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