Evil Twins | Teen Ink

Evil Twins

September 7, 2023
By yaryssaramirez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
yaryssaramirez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the year 1973, in Houston Texas, there was a set of twins, Hope and Faith, who were always really close up until they turned into teenagers. Hope was pale with long black hair with dark eyes and rosy cheeks and lips, she had many friends and was popular. Meanwhile Faith was the complete opposite, as if they were the sun and moon or yin and yang.  Faith never minded being in her sisters shadow but the second they turned 13 everything changed. Faith had grown jealous of her sister, she hated that Hope was getting praised for her looks, got the boys that she wanted and was basically the favorite twin in the family. As the years went by Faith just grew angrier and angrier, she was starting to lose control over it. Hope never understood why her sister hated her so much because to her, they were still best friends like they always have been. On February 3rd, 1973, it was their birthday and they were turning 17 years old. Diego, a boy that Faith has had a crush on since elementary school showed up at their birthday party. Faith thought that Diego came for her but he only came for Hope, only brought Hope a present and only gave Hope his attention. She was as angry as scorching as a fire that rages. When the party ended Faith went straight to her room, she locked the door and she started planning her revenge. Her anger got the best of her this time and she decided to make a plan to get rid of her sister. Hope had a suspicion that her sister was acting shady but she thought that she was just being ingrate about the whole birthday party because she didn’t get her way. Faith had called her best friend Ashley because she came to the conclusion that it was a two person job. Ashley answered and immediately said no, she tried to talk Faith out of this but she had already made up her mind. By 12:00 the whole house was already asleep, Faith couldn’t stop thinking about the day and the more that she thought about it the angrier she got. Finally she made the decision to go to the kitchen, she gets the sharpest knife on the counter and she goes back to her room. By this time she had 3 missed calls from Ashley and when Faith called back, Ashley threatened to call the cops on her if she hurt her sister but Faith knew she was bluffing, they’ve been friends for 12 years and she didn’t think that Ashley would do her like that. Finally Faith hung up and she was now hesitant about doing this but at the same time the more she waited the more impatient she got. She walked out her room and went into her sisters room, she stood there for a good two minutes before she finally decided to get the knife and stab her sister. She stabbed her sister right on the neck, blood gushing out and she quickly ran to the restroom to wash off the blood. When she went back to Hope’s room and noticed that she was gone, she was no where in sight nor any sign of her anywhere, she just disappeared. Alarmed  she ran to her room and fell asleep.

As the morning rolled by Faith woke up and suddenly feeling good about her self. She went downstairs and walked in to her mom crying, Hope was considered a missing person. Faith’s mom, Veronica, had told Faith to stay home from school but Faith insisted that she would go just so she could be distracted, but in reality she just wanted the attention that people were going to give her. When she got to school she automatically noticed that Ashley wasn’t there, she didn’t think anything of it but she did think it was weird. The day goes on and Faith is getting the attention she wanted, but as 6th period comes around she gets called to the principals office. She thought maybe it was just them checking up on how she was doing but when she got there, the office was full of cops and there was three cops in front of something but she couldn’t see what it was. Faith immediately tries to run away but the cop quickly grabs her arm and hand cuffed her, Faith was being charged for the attempted murder of Hope Anderson. Faith was confused, she asked the cop “what do you mean ‘attempted' '. Then, the three cops revealed what they were covering and Faith was horrified. It was Hope and Ashley. Last night, after Faith hung up the phone, Ashley immediately rushed to Faith’s house and got there just in time to help Hope. When Faith went to the restroom Ashley thought it was a perfect chance to take her, she didn’t have the courage to tell anyone but she didn’t want Faith walking around free even more. Veronica was there too, bawling her eyes out but she did want to see Faith in jail even though she was her daughter. Faith was sentenced seven years in prison and Veronica, Ashley, and Hope were more than glad to hear that.

February 18th, 1980.

Faith had been released, after seven years in prison she was finally a free woman. Veronica picked her up and when they got home, there was a welcome party for her. She had already felt guilty for what she did but now she felt even more guilty now knowing that Hope was the one that planned the party, like if nothing ever happened. Hope had even got her a necklace, the necklace was silver and it had a yin and yang symbol, Hope got one for herself too so they could be matching. The day is almost to an end and Faith finally had the courage to apologize to Hope, they had a long talk and started talking about their childhood. Faith was embarrassed that she acted out all those years and literally hated her sister over something like that. They stayed up drinking and talking for hours as if they were little kids again, Faith felt good, she felt like her sister genuinely meant everything she said and if they were finally going to get their bond back. The next day, Faith woke up confused, she didn’t even remember falling asleep, it didn’t take long for her to figure out that she was tied up in an unfamiliar basement. It was as dark as a midnight forest, then all of a sudden, Hope lights up a candle which only makes her face visible but Faith could faintly see someone else in the distance but she couldn’t make up who it was. Faith couldn’t tell what was going on but when Hope started talking it all made sense. Hope had been planning on how to get back at Faith since the second she went to jail, she would play nice and give her a gift to let Faith know that she could trust her. In reality, Hope wanted nothing to do with her sister the second she stabbed her. Faith tried apologizing but Hope didn’t want to hear it, she let Faith know that nobody cares about her anymore and nobody will care if she disappears. Faith was in tears, she thought she could rely on Hope, how could she do this to her? The person in the back revealed herself, it was Ashley. She had a knife in her hand, when she handed Hope the knife the last words she said were “I told you not to do it” and before you know it, Hope stabbed her sister right on the neck, the last words Faith heard were “I knew I was always the favorite twin”. 

The author's comments:

I am a junior at PMHS

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