Taylor's bestfriend | Teen Ink

Taylor's bestfriend

September 7, 2023
By nl0304326 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
nl0304326 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Taylor's best friend 

It was the last time Taylor ever saw her best friend Selena. They had agreed to meet at a cafe later that week because their schedules were packed and they wanted to talk because Selena had very big news to share, although Taylor got there first she decided to order a latte for herself as she waited patiently for Selena she decided to also order a slice of red velvet cake, it was her all time favorite. An hour went by and Taylor ended up calling  Selena's phone but she did not pick up and Taylor found it really odd. Selena would always pick up when Taylor called no matter what was happening. Since Selena was late and didn't answer the phone call, Taylor decided to grab an espresso for Selena and go check on her at her apartment with worry. 

                      As Taylor arrived at Selena's place she noticed the door to her apartment was opened, she was skeptical about entering but she needed to find out where Selena was. Taylor found things knocked over and found it messy so she called the police right away, yet she was worried sick about Selena. As Taylor waited for the police at Selena's apartment, she decided to sit at her bed and noticed a picture frame of her and Selena smiling at each other at their college graduation on her bedside table. Taylor started to sob and noticed a paper under the bed. Taylor reached for it and it ended up being an ultrasound picture of a baby. Taylor was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to do, she believed it was the big news Selena was going to tell her. 

                                     The police arrived shortly to the apartment, and Taylor decided to keep the picture to herself and a secret. They investigated her apartment and decided to ask Taylor a few questions regarding Selena. Although the police asked questions she couldn't help but feel abstracted from everything that was going on. They ended up telling her that they'll investigate and mark the case as a missing persons case so she didn't have to be distressed about it. Taylor returned to her apartment not knowing what to do and needed to process the big news and questioned what could have happened to her. Taylor ached to find Selena so she thought up of all the places she could have gone to and the memorable ones although this was dangerous and there was snow which would make things harder but it was a start and Taylor did not care, she desired to find her at all costs. 

                                      Taylor was viable, she started looking for her at the place where they became best friends she did not find her there yet she was hopeful on finding her. After two hours of searching she couldn't find her and she felt a bit distraught as it was snowing outside so she decided to go back home and get a cup of coffee and think some more. Taylor had forgotten about the place that Selena loved the most, it had been her childhood house, the place where everything was fun and where she had numerous good and spirited memories until everything collapsed.       

                                       Taylor couldn't go immediately because there was a snow storm starting and the childhood house was in Philadelphia while they lived in New York, she had to wait a couple of days until it passed. In the meantime Taylor got in contact with Selena's parents and told each of them about what's been happening. Selena's parents were devastated to hear the news and were very worried about her. A couple of days later the snow storm went away and Taylor started getting on the road.                     

                                             When Taylor arrived and she noticed the house was empty as if no one had moved in, once Selena's parents got a divorce and moved away, it had many vines growing up it. She still wanted to check inside just in case she was hiding so Taylor broke in, as she went up the creaky stairs she noticed the main windows on the second floor were destroyed and old. She still decided to look around and when she came around to Selena's childhood room she recognized her figure and  brown hair as she was sitting in an old rocking chair looking out the window. 

                                         Taylor was stunned to see her there; she couldn't believe it. She went up to hug Selena as she started to bawl loudly but she felt like something was wrong. Taylor looked at Selena and shaked her wondering what was wrong. Taylor noticed her hand on her belly and she looked like she had been crying for multiple hours. Selena told Taylor “I lost the baby” and they both started crying in each others arms grieving for the baby and her. Taylor told Selena it was going to be okay and that she would take care of her as she wiped away her tears. Selena told Taylor that she had gotten engaged and had bought the house so they could be a family. It turned out that Selena's old room was going to be the baby's nursery. Selena's fiancé broke off things with her because of her miscarriage. Taylor was at a loss for words and felt bad for Selena.

                                            Although this had happened Taylor did not want Selena to cry again so she took her back home and took very good care of her. After a few years Selena and Taylor were still best friends and their relationship had grown closer because of this. As Taylor was at park she saw a butterfly and it reminded her of Selena and how much she had overcome. As more time passed they both eventually got married to wonderful people and had kids with them.

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