A True Chimera | Teen Ink

A True Chimera

September 7, 2023
By escamillajaime BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
escamillajaime BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

George Hill has always been Schizophrenic after his thirties. He had a wife named Samantha and a boy named Nick. They lived in a well known neighborhood, with problems rarely ever happening. George usually went to his psychiatrist to treat his Schizophrenia. He made sure to go to all of his appointments and to take his medicine. He made sure he did all of these for his safety and everyone else’s safety.

Samantha was the love of his life, and he respected her for sticking with him through all his hardships and worst moments. Their son Nick, 12 years old, didn’t fully understand his father’s disorder yet. All he knew is if he didn’t remind his dad or his dad didn’t go to his appointments, something bad could happen.

One day Samantha and Nick went to a movie at around 5:00. George had an appointment at 6 o’clock, and since the psychiatry was close, he told them he would go walking. Samantha agreed to this and told him they would be back around 7:30, which is around the time the appointment should’ve been over.

George said “Okay, 7:30 it is”.

6:00 pm came around and George had forgotten about his appointment. An hour passed by and he thought it would be a good idea to go to the corner store. It was pretty close so it wasn’t that far of a walk. After buying some snacks and what not from the store, he proceeds to walk home. While he’s walking he starts to hear voices and starts to get disoriented. He tries to get home faster, but then he sees a man running at him with a knife! In self defense, George smacks the knife out of his hand and starts choking the man. The man slowly turns from red to blue and then purple.

George finally snaps out of his hallucination and realizes what he’s just done. Terrified, he starts to run home, leaving what he had just bought from the store behind. 

George didn't know, but someone had just watched him commit the crime. Her name was Ruby, and George had killed the man right outside of her house. She had heard all the commotion happening, and as soon as she looked outside her window, she saw George. He was standing over the corpse, terrified of what he had just done. He managed to only see her for a split second, causing him to take off running. As soon as he got home, he locked the front door, and ran to his room. 

Five minutes later, Samantha and Nick arrived home. They were wondering where George was because they couldn’t find him anywhere. Samantha then went up to his room and she found him in bed, passed out. She decides to let him sleep and talk in the morning.George wakes up to Samantha cooking breakfast, and she starts to speak.

“When we were coming home, we saw the police and ambulance by the corner store”, she said. George hears this and he starts to panic. Samantha then realized they didn’t remind him of his appointment. Samantha then asks “George, did you go outside at all yesterday?”. George nodded to her question. “Did you go to the corner store?”, she asks. He nods again. She starts to get worried, and while she is figuring out what to do, there’s a knock at the door.

It’s the police, and they tell Samantha there is a warrant out for the arrest of George Hill. The police see George and they ferociously barge in and get him in cuffs. .Nick heard what was going on and walked into the kitchen. There he saw his dad and the floor, in cuffs and an officer on top of him. They take George, place him into the car, and drive off. 

The trial came around and Samantha and Nick were ready to hear what the judge had to say about George’s case. Ruby, the only witness of the case, had also gone to discuss what she saw. After hearing both sides of the case, the judge decided to give George the death penalty. He said the crime was way too nefarious to not be given the death penalty. He also added that the bond would be set at a staggering three million dollars! George looked over at Samantha and then at his son Nick and knew he probably wouldn’t see them again, apart from visits. For the next 3 years, Samantha and Nick would try to make money in any way to get George out. They did this since the judge didn’t believe George was Schizophrenic. 

Samantha and Nick are sitting in the living room when they get a call from a random number. She answers and realizes it’s the judge, and he has good news. He told her George’s doctor reached out to him and showed him proof that George was Schizophrenic. He said he showed him George’s previous scheduled appointments, his treatments, and more. The judge told them to come to a final trial to tell his family his decision.

The day of the trial came and Samantha and Nick were ready to hear the judge. The judge said “In the case of George Hill. the death trial will be no more, but I will send him to a mental asylum for 2 years so he can get better”. Samantha and Nick were relieved to hear this news but not all the way. They weren't happy completely since he was being sent to a mental asylum. On the bright side, they could visit him whenever they wanted too.

For the next year and a half, George would get visits from his lovely Samantha and his son Nick. One of these days, George would end up committing suicide by strangling himself with a bed sheet. The guard couldn’t get to George in time and he had killed himself. The guard told Samantha that some people just can’t handle it anymore, being in a room, no noise, and with no one to socialize with anymore. Samantha and Nick cremated George and hoped that he felt free now in a better place. He wouldn’t have to deal with Schizophrenia anymore and treatments. Samantha was relieved knowing this, and she lived the rest of her life in peace, with her son Nick.

The author's comments:

George is Schizophrenic and kills someone. He is put on death row, but then sent to a mental asylum. 

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