Best Friends | Teen Ink

Best Friends

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a cloudy day on a Tuesday, and school had just begun for the classmen of 1991. Students are still trying to get adjusted to their classes. However, there are two students named Ariana, and Chelsi. They have known each other for quite some time since the beginning of kindergarten. Chelsi talks to Ariana about what type of classes they have together so they both know where to go. However, Chelsi then has a feeling that none of the students in that class like her, she notices that they are giving her a look of Animosity.  Chelsi then asks Ariana, ‘’ Do you know why the other students are giving me dirty looks?’’, and Ariana replies’’ I'm not quite sure either’’. Chelsi then notices that Ariana had a look of mischief, but doesn’t pay too much attention to it because Chelsi is apocryphal that Ariana would do something horrible. They both continue on with their day during school. Chelsi talks about her new job, and how much work she has for Ariana. 

As they were walking Ariana decided to ask Chelsi,’’ Hey we should hang out at my house sometime’’, and Chelsi responded‘’ I'm not sure yet I have to see if I have work on that day’’.

Ariana then clenches her fist in distress as if she had an intention to do something if they were to hang out, and Ariana then responds,’’ Oh it’s okay we'll figure out a day’’.  Cheli and Ariana then go to the lunchroom that smells like freshly waxed, and walls that look like wet paper. After Chelsi And Ariana get lunch a group of people invite Arana and Chelsi to eat with them.

The group of people ask Chelsi ‘’ Are those rumors about you true?’’. ‘’I'm not sure who's been spreading rumors about me either’’ Chelsi responds with a sad and confused tone. They all get to know each other, and they soon realize that the rumors about Chelsi aren't true. They all get along with each other and soon become friends. Ariana and Chelsi then go to their last of the day which is math for the both of them. As they were sitting at their desk Ariana looked at Chesli with a look of lust, and obsession towards her own best friend. The school has just ended for the day so Ariana and Chelsi start walking to their homes, but as they are walking towards their homes Chelsi looks at Ariana with a look of bloodlust, and desire. ‘’Are you okay Ariana?’’ Chelsi stated worriedly. ‘’Sorry I was just thinking about something, but I'm okay!’’ Ariana said affirmingly. Chelsi was excited to go to school the next day, but an uneasy feeling was keeping her from going to school the next day. The next day of School arrives, and Chelsi and Ariana go to their first period for the morning. As Ariana and Chelsi sit down the intercom comes on and states that a group of students have gone missing, and to report to the office if anyone knows anything. Chelsi then started to worry because the names that were stated were the friends that she had just made during lunch. Chelsi looks at Ariana and notices that she is unfazed by what has just happened,  but then she notices that Ariana starts to smile a little.  ‘’What do you think happened to them?!’’ Chelsi states with a worried look on her face. ‘’ I'm not sure what happened to them’’ Ariana says with no worry in her face. Ariana and Chelsi then continued on with their day, ‘’ Hey Chelsi would you like to come and hang out at my house today’’ Ariana asked eagerly. ‘’ Sure’’, Chelsi says with a calm tone. It's finally the end of the day of school, the trees are waving to the sky, the sky is blue, and Chelsi and Ariana Start heading to Ariana’s house. Ariana and Chelsi then arrive at Ariana's house, but Ariana notices that Chelsi is still shaken by what had happened to her friends that she met during lunch. ‘’ Hey, do you want some water?’’ Ariana asked intentionally.’’ Yes please I need to calm myself down from what happened’’, Chelsi said awkwardly. Ariana's house was filled with tuberose all over her shelves.  As Ariana went to get drinks and snacks, Chelsi noticed that Ariana's computer was on so Chelsi got curious about it. Chelsi then looks at the computer, her jaw drops, and her heart starts aching. She notices that the account she sees is the one that's spreading all those rumors about Chelsi. She then realizes that her only best friend is the one spreading rumors about her, and preventing her from getting friends. Chelsi then hears a creak in the floorboards, and all of a sudden everything goes black. Chelsi then wakes up, and all she feels is a great pain coming from the back of her head. Chelsi then tries to feel it, but she sees that her hands are tied up against a chair she is sitting on. Chelsi looks around her eyes and can't believe what she is seeing hanging on the wall. 

Chelsi would never think that her friends that went missing were in Ariana's basement, rotting, and with the smell as if rotting foods had been left in a dumpster can for millions of years. Chesli kept on repeating to herself, ‘’ Why am I down here’’, and ‘’ Where is Ariana?!’’.  Chelsi then starts connecting the dots in her head and realizes that her only best friend was the one keeping people away from her by spreading those rumors. Then she also realizes the friends she made during lunch were killed by Ariana.  Chelsi then hears the door start to turn and is afraid that Arina is gonna do the same to her as well. Chelsi starts screaming with fear, and sadness because that was Chelsi’s only good friend. The lights brightened slowly with gray walls wrapping all around Chelsi like a secret bunker,  but coming from the dark ‘’you mine only’’, Ariana chuckled. Chelsi then sees Ariana holding a knife with her cold and bloody hands. Chelsi knew her time had come but continued to argue with Ariana trying to convince her to not do this, but after a while, Chelsi knew it had become pointless. Ariana then walks closer to Chelsi without saying anything, and Chelsi has fear in her eyes like a deer about to get finished off by its hunter. Ariana then grabs Chelsi by her ear then whispers,’’ I love you, Chelsi…..’’

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Pasadena Memorial highschool in Pasadena TX 

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