fear | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

In the future the government made a law during the 20th century; every 18 year old has to take an hour long test and pass to keep living. The government found this was an easy way to keep the population under control. 

“Kate”was  screamed from across the house so loud I'm sure the neighbors could hear.

“Mom , I'm ready,” Kate said walking down the hall to meet her mother in the kitchen where she was making breakfast. 

My town is very small with a very small population seeing as parents don't want their kids to go through what they had to endure just to live. Kate was one of the many few who turned 18 today. August 19,3010. Kate thought of herself as smart, fearless, and adventurous. She tried to make sure she didn't have any fear so her mother didn't have to endure losing another child again.

She was sure she would make it out but she's a little nervous because in all honesty she doesn't really know herself as she thought she would; I broke out of my transe once my mother placed my breakfast in front of me and told me to eat before we had to leave. 

A few minutes went by and I just couldn't eat more with all the food my mother was packing me up with.

“Are you ready to head out?’ said my mom, looking nervous. 

“Yes , we can leave now” I went and got my shoes and was ready to leave.

The drive took less than an hour to get to the building, once pulled up in front of the building it was huge, gray with a lot of windows. 

“Mom i'm here, i have to go now”  i told my mom after i tried to open the door but it was locked.

“I know I'm just feeling nervous.” Mom was trying to stay strong since we couldn't show fear in public. 

“Mom please calm down you know what can happen” i turned to her 

“Mom i have to go but please understand i will come back” i told her as i got out of the car. 

I shut the door and made my way to the front of the building; I  made my way to the sign in and the waiting room. I made my way to the front desk.

“Hello” I said looking at a woman, she looked up at me.


“Kate Hernadez” 

“ Take a seat, we will call you when its your turn. '' She looked back at me and pointed at the seats behind me.

I sat and waited for what felt like hours. Finally they called my name

“Kate” said a man in a white coat and had an ipad in his hands. 

“Follow me’

We walked through the hallway. It felt empty so cold and alone, something that I am not so used to.

We walked into a room the room had plain white walls and a hospital bed in the middle of the room the sheets and pillows look new the whole room and equipment look new, i was snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor called my name and asked me to please get on the bed to be hooked to the machine. Once that was done we got ready for the test.

“Okay it will only sting and you will probably feel the effect of it right away but even then dont move and stay calm please and good luck” he said that as if he has said it a thousand of times before and he probably has. I felt the needle hit my neck and was feeling myself go to sleep and was ready to get over it as fast as possible. They say you'll know when you passed the exam but will i ever really know. that was my last thought before i was out. 

I woke up in my room on my bed it felt as if i was little girl again but it was also as if something was wrong but i just can tell what. I got out of my bed and walked down the hallway when i tripped and feel face first to the ground but what surprise me wasn't the fall was the voice i heard.

“Are you okay?” asked my older brother from his bedroom door. I didn't know how to react so I did the first thing that came to mind and that was to hug him so I ran up to him but before I could hug him he disappeared. I ran into the wall instead of hugging the one person i missed the most. 

“Mom” i screamed from his bedroom door but when i turn to face the stairs im no longer at my house or at my brothers door im at a cemetery and infront of two stones I was scared to look, i was so scared to look at the names and once i got the courage to look.  

John Hernadez & susan Hernadez.

I was in shock i couldn't even recover from seeing that because i was no longer at the cemetery. I was in a black room no lights no sound but then i see in front of my cloudy vision is my brother. He was in front of me yelling the most horrible things ever i turned and covered my ears and when i turn i see my mother also looking at me with hatred and telling me it should've been me and not my brother but i believed it for second but i had to think straight i couldn't let this win when i hear those thoughts i remembered im in a dream this isn't real. My real mother would never say that i had to convince myself that she wasn't real.

I just looked at her with tears in my eyes and i went to touch her arm but when i did  she disappeared and i turned to my brother and did the same. I knew he wasn't real hes been dead for years and no mater how much i missed him, i knew he's not real he's not my brother. I walked away from him and kept walking for what felt like hours crying ever since  i was little i didn't like being alone but for the first time in a long time i was alone i thought i faced my fear since the room didn't feel as Abate.

I decided to sit in what looked like a corner of the black room and i feel asleep and this time I didn't wake up. 

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