Me and My Best Friend | Teen Ink

Me and My Best Friend

September 7, 2023
By JulianZ BRONZE, Houston, Texas
JulianZ BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jane is laying in the hospital bed. She was in a coma for two weeks. Her best friend Maya came into the room to see her. How are you feeling Jane,said Maya. I feel amazing, it's just my legs, it feels like they are being cut up. Said Jane. The doctors said that should go away in no time, Maya said. I was wondering Maya if I could come over to your house after I get out. We can have a sleepover like we used to have when we were little, said Jane. That would be so much fun of course you can. We can watch scary movies too now since we are older. You used to be scared of everything Jane. I was never scared they just made no sense, said Jane, annoyed

.        After another week in the hospital Jane was finally able to leave, Maya was there to pick her up. I brought all our favorite snacks and I was thinking of getting wings later on too. You are too nice Maya. Well I want to make sure we have a lot of fun obviously. I picked out the movie too already, said Maya. Really? What did you pick? Scream, it’s my favorite movie right now. Oh… I guess that movie is good, it’s not even that scary, said Jane. We don’t have to watch it if you are too scared. No, it's fine. I like those movies too.

         They pull up to Maya's driveway  house both excited. Oooo I can’t wait to eat all those snacks, said Jane excitedly. I had to eat nasty hospital food for so long. As Jane and Maya are watching Scream, Jane starts to hear noises from the kitchen. I thought you said we were the only ones home, said Jane. We are the only ones home, why are you asking? Because I heard the kitchen door open, didn’t you? No? Maybe you are just paranoid, said Maya. The doorbell rings. Oh it's our food, Jane can you get it? I have to use the restroom. Sure I can get it. Jane opens the door, there was no one there or any food. Did you get the food Jane, yelled Maya.There is no food out here. Jane is shaking. What do you mean let me see. Ugh Jane it's right there. The food was on a chair that Maya keeps outside her door. Oh sorry I didn’t see it there. Hey if you are too scared we can change the movie, said Maya. Yeah let's watch something less scary please.

         As they are eating Jane sees something out of  the corner of her eye. She turns around and sees it. It is in the corner next to the lamp. It is looking at her, smiling at her, waving at her. Jane is so frightened she couldn’t even move, she couldn’t even say anything. All she could do is point at it. Jane, what are you pointing at? There's something there Maya, said Jane! Jane, are you okay, there's nothing there, here look. Maya walks over to turn on the lamp to show that there is nothing there. I swear I saw something there, Maya. Maybe we should just go to sleep Jane, I think all that junk food is freaking you out. Fine, but I’m telling you there was definitely something there.

          Here I will sleep on the floor so you can sleep on the couch to be more comfortable. Thank you Maya. After a couple of hours of sleeping Jane wakes up from a noise coming from the kitchen. Maya did you hear that? Maya? Maya! She's not there. Maya where are you, Jane screamed. The door that’s right in front of her slowly opens. There it is, it’s staring at here. A tall black figure smiling its huge smile, waving its long hands. Jane move! She said in her head, run, go, HURRY! BOOM! All the lights went out, it was pitched black. JANE! She heard Maya's voice coming from upstairs. Maya…are you there? Jane help me it’s trying to get in the room with me! I’m coming Maya. Hurry its trying to break down the door. Jane tried to go upstairs as fast as she could, but her legs feel like they are going to fall off.

           I’m here, where are you Maya? It's quite, Maya, where are you? We need to leave right now! Jane sees Maya down at the end of the hall. Maya there you are hurry , let's go. As soon as she comes closer to her it appears. Before Jane can react it slashes at her legs. Jane grunted in pain struggling to run back downstairs. She runs for the front door but it wont open, The one in the kitchen might be unlocked, said Jane. She runs for the kitchen door but it wont open. Is it holding the doors somehow, said jane. She had no other options, she tried pushing the door open. Bang! Bang! Bang! It swings open and Jane falls on the floor from the pressure. Jane got up and ran, she had some blood on her leg from it cutting her legs. It is still chasing her. It looks like Maya but she knows it's not her. Jane don’t leave me, it said mimicking her voice. I’m almost to the street, Jane looks back to see how far it is. It's gone. She looks in front of her and it's right in front of her face. She trips from how startled she was, head first on the street. Jane passes out.

                 She is halfway awake till Jane can hear talking, it sounds like Maya. She was acting crazy and saying something was watching us. Then she started screaming at me and ran out. Then I found her on the floor. Jane is fully awake, but she's tied up in a foam covered room. She's in a insane asylum.  What am I doing here, she screams at the doctors. They ignored her. Maya what is happening. Maya is turned the other way, Jane sits in the corner emotionless. There it is smiling at her, waving at her, in the room with her.

The author's comments:

I like movies that make someone look crazy, so i wanted Jane to seem like she is really crazy. I also really scary movies and ones with something unknow.

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