The Twin Tale | Teen Ink

The Twin Tale

August 22, 2023
By jamjam BRONZE, Helsinki, Other
jamjam BRONZE, Helsinki, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walk three steps down and about, 

"Willow and Wendy" they both shout,

The knife the killer stabs you with, 

Sticks out your back, 

Just like theirs did,

Hair wrapped ‘round their necks,

the crashing waves drowned their pleas; 

The killer watched them be dragged down into the frigid sea.


Beware as you call out to the sea,

Blood they will take from thee.

To survive days you only have two,

And hope the killer doesn't get you too.

The author's comments:

read it in a chorus of children's voices for extra horror effect :)

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