Encounter with the Harlem Robber | Teen Ink

Encounter with the Harlem Robber

October 17, 2022
By JayBerry BRONZE, Riverview, Florida
JayBerry BRONZE, Riverview, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Harlem there was a criminal going around on random nights and catching people and stealing all their belongings. The criminal has had many encounters with the police since 2010. He stole 100.9 million dollars this year and injured many people who tried to fight back. The thief has even stolen from major companies like Nike. He has also stolen money from other countries as well. Such as the royal mint of Spain. But even though he was internationally known he mostly committed crimes in Harlem in New York. 
New York already had a problem with gangs and murders which made it extremely hard to catch the Harlem robber. An investigator named Mark was sent out specifically to find the robber. Mark was like a mini celebrity in Harlem he was a very smart man. He has won two rewards from the president himself. On Tuesday April 16th Mark went to a crime scene but this was out of the regular it was sloppy, and it had 2 witnesses. After Mark was done questioning the 2 women, they both said they saw a shadowy figure watching. But the biggest clue was he was a white male with a skinny frame. Knowing this big clue, Mark, asked the two women “He got away by running in a dark alley” the two girls said.  
Mark could not sleep because he could not shake the shadowy figure. Of course, it could have been a civilian, but it felt too eerie. It felt like he was watching the robber like a boss at an internship. Then Mark remembered there was a coffee shop that might have cameras that caught the figure. Mark hopped out of bed and drove to the coffee shop he turned a sharp left, then he saw it. The coffee shop ravaged like a cricket in a mortar and pestle. The front window was broken, and the cameras ripped apart. The investigator walked into the shop glass crushing under his slippers. He looked on the camera and saw a man that had been ‘dead’ for years. Then he heard “FREEZE” Mark slowly put his hands up as he turned around a light blinded him. He grunted then they opened fire BOOM BOOM. A grin ran across the officer's face. 
Adam greeted his wife on the way out to the police station. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and then he got a call from the department. The person informed Adam about Mark, the man said Mark was an apprentice for the robber. The man told Adam he would explain at the department. A tear waltzed down Adams face he responded with a melancholic “I will be there in ten.” When Adam arrived at the department his boss Vinny said, “Mark was spotted on many occasions at the live scene supervising the Harlem robber so, I sent officers to hunt him down and use lethal force if needed.” Adam was astonished by what had happened then BANG someone had busted through the door. It was a high-ranking FBI agent, Mia Sky. “WHERE IS THE MAN WHO KILLED MARK” she demanded “we do not know he vanished after the shooting” Vinny said shamefully. Adam pushed pass Mia and left the department store. He got in his car and went to the infamous coffee shop. He checked the cameras and saw Mark looking at the camera footage complexed. Mark was looking at the shadowy figure's identity. 
Adam saw the face of the officer and then he realized it was a newcomer member of the department. Adam watched his friend get shot and killed for no reason. Enraged he drove back to the department and when he arrived, he demanded for Vinny. Everyone pointed at the interrogation room, “he’s questioning the man who shot Mark with Mrs. Sky,” said an officer. Adam controlled his temper and went to the interrogation room as he was about to turn the doorknob Mia came out the room. “I assume you want answers” said Mia, she informed Adam that the boy was on pay roll and was ordered to shoot Mark. “But there was one key thing he told us, we know where their hideout is, but you will not be coming because you cannot control your temper.” Adam ran out of the department for a second time and he swore he would find out who did this to his beloved friend. 
The following night Adam broke into the police station in hopes of trying to figure out the hideout. He looked through files and attempted hacking Vinnys computer. Adam heard the door slam behind him he turned around swiftly, and he saw Mia in the doorway “what a sad broken man, send him away” Mia said. 

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