Jane's betrayal | Teen Ink

Jane's betrayal

September 13, 2022
By tz0402706 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
tz0402706 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

December just started and even though it was freezing outside, the hearts of this new-married couple were warm, full of happiness. Charles used to be a passionate football player when he was in high school where he met a sweet, beautiful cheerleader Jane and even though their ways have parted when they went to college, later they found their way back to each other and now they’re moving together to a new house in Boston. They’re both kind people with hearts as big as the ocean (simile) and willingness to help anyone that needs it. When they move, they meet their new neighbor Josh. He’s a young, shy man who lives alone and adores football, which is the main reason why Charles and he became close friends in a bit. They would watch football games together every evening, sometimes till early morning, wearing the team jerseys with a sign saying, “our win” (symbolism). Jane didn’t really like him. She thought he was just a guy that doesn’t care about anything or anyone who will probably die alone in his lonely house, and she believed there was a reason for that. She just couldn’t stand him.

Charles decided he must do something about that. These two were his favorite people so them getting along was important to him. He ended up inviting Josh for dinner one day. They stayed together till 3am, talking about everything and even though it was late, they didn’t get tired. (irony) They were enjoying each other’s company so much.

Next day, when Charles came home from work, he announced that he must leave on a two weeklong work trip to London. He packed his things and left that day in the evening. “Take care of my Jane” says Charles to Josh while getting in the car. “I will” answers Josh and hugs his best friend. Jane was fearing that the freezing snowflakes falling fast from the sky (alliteration) would make his way harder, and she was right. Later she got a call from him saying how their car got stuck, but they pulled it out and arrived okay. She was so delighted.  

Jane was getting really bored without him, so she decided she’s going to ask Josh to come over to watch a movie. He came and stayed late. They enjoyed their time together so much they continued seeing each other every evening and it started getting more and more out of their hands. Jane never realized this but since her husband used to be gone a lot, this was exactly the attention she was missing. She was starting to get obsessed with him and he didn’t mind because she fulfilled his empty heart. The enchantment between them was enormous. They couldn’t stop it and they didn’t even feel bad. It was like a drug.

One day Josh came over again. It was supposed to be their last night before Charles’ arrival, so they decided they’re going to make it special. Jane made spaghetti carbonara which is Josh’s favorite food. They set up the table, lit up some candles and had the most romantic evening. Until someone opened the door and they recognized that the someone is Charles. What was he doing here? It was so soon. They didn’t even have time to try to understand it.

Charles got extremely mad. He started screaming and throwing things around him. He looked so scary even the house started shaking in fear. (personification) Jane and Josh were just sitting there with horror in their eyes. They couldn’t even say anything. Then Charles stopped, looked at them, grabbed the closest thing to him and hit them both so hard they fell on the floor and just stayed laying there with no motion. He stopped and didn’t understand what just happened. He was paralyzed. He was just standing there looking at two dead bodies. He couldn’t believe it. The panic started possessing him. Every way he tried to revive them was useless. He was desperate. He withed he could be somewhere else, far away. Maybe on a beach with seabirds flying around him singing songs about a beautiful day. (imaginary) But that wasn’t reality. The reality was much worse. How was he supposed to live with the fact that he killed his wife? He knew what she did was wrong, but she didn’t deserve to die. She gave him a beautiful life full of happiness. They could’ve just gotten a divorce. And Josh? His best friend? He didn’t deserve this either. Even though they did something horrible, death wasn’t the solution. He should probably get rid of the bodies, but he just couldn’t do that. The heaviness of his crime was destroying him. He had to be punished. He deserved it. He took his phone and dialed 911. “I would like to report a crime…”

After all the trials, he got sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Maybe if he hadn’t come earlier, he would never know, and they would live happily together forever. Or maybe not. It’s written imperceptibly somewhere in the stars he’s watching every night from his prison cell window, thinking about the life he will never have, because deep down he knew he’s going to die here.

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