The Unknown Crying | Teen Ink

The Unknown Crying

May 20, 2021
By bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     No one knew where the crying came from. Some of them say it’s a baby crying. Some say it’s an animal crying. No one knows. But the crying usually happens exactly at the same time every day. 2:34 am is the scariest time. There were rumors about if you’re out around this time. You will make contact with the crying entity. But no one ever returns. So it is unlikely to ever see the person that has seen the crying entity. They end up being found dead with many scratch marks around their neck and thighs. Their eyes pulled out. A weird symbol that looks like a teddy bear marked on their stomach. No one knows who or what does this but they believe it was the crying entity. It is still unknown. Do not go looking for it.

The author's comments:

The entity will always be near you.

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