The Strange Note | Teen Ink

The Strange Note

December 7, 2020
By bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Strange Note

It was early morning and I was waiting to board my flight. Very boring way to start off the day. There’s nothing to do except spend money on unnecessary things in the shops in the airport. I’d rather spend my money when I land in New York. They should start calling for my flight in two minutes. I can’t wait any longer. Let’s just look at what’s going on in the interwebs for now. A sudden loud voice comes out of nowhere calling out my flight. Grabbing my luggage I sprint to the door and hand them my ticket. 

My hands were sweating from all the nervousness. This will be my first time flying to a different state. Even though I might seem excited about flying I am really nervous to fly on an airplane. So many things can go wrong. The plane stops flying and we crash into the ocean and we’ll be lost at sea. Enough with the terrible situations. Think positive! Heading to the window seat that I paid lots of money for, I put my luggage away and sat right away. 

I should probably start getting comfortable since it will be a long time until we get to New York. Now feeling less nervous about flying, reading sounds like a great idea. While waiting for the rest of the passengers to get on the plane I open the book from where I left off and slowly fade into my fantasy world. Everyone started settling down and it was time to watch the safety video. I put my book away so I can have my full attention on the screen. Something seemed off about the video. 

They didn’t show the procedures on how to get off the plane if something happens. I’m starting to feel wary about this. Out of nowhere a note falls from on top of me. It gracefully lands on my lap. If you are reading this then that means the worst is yet to come. I have been taken away from my family and I’m somewhere on this plane. They’re planning on taking everyone on this plane out. Immediately leave the plane when we land. Try and do something to prevent them from taking everyone out. While reading this we took flight. Well, I wasn’t expecting this at all.

The author's comments:

This piece was a free choice that I wrote for creative writing.

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