Jimmy's Bloody Revenge | Teen Ink

Jimmy's Bloody Revenge

December 20, 2018
By Jazael209 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Jazael209 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jimmy’s Bloody Revenge

Jimmy wakes up with a headache at 6:00 in the morning. “It’s six already?”said Jimmy with a confused look on his face. “I better get to school,” said Jimmy, “Let’s see what god has for me today.”Jimmy wasn’t the most popular kid at school, but this girl named Miranda decided to talk to him and get to know him 3 months ago and then they became a couple then. They been going out since then. Jimmy heads out the door and gives a kiss to his mom. Jimmy exclaimes, “Miranda is here, I have to go.” Jimmy goes into the car and greets Miranda with a lovely hug. Riding around to find a parking space, Miranda crashes into a car that happens to be the man who picks on Jimmy, but as soon as that happens Jimmy gets out of the car quickly to apologize and take the blame. “What the hell Jimmy!”the bully said. Jimmy tries to apologize, but the man wouldn’t budge to accept it. Jimmy grabs Miranda and they scoot away to class avoiding any eye contact.                                                                                                                           “The man has the most angriest face ever,”Jimmy said.

“You got that right” said Miranda.

“Hope he doesn’t bother to kick my butt” said Jimmy.

“ I wouldn’t worry too much”said Miranda. The day goes by fast and it’s already end of  six period. The man spots Jimmy and Miranda afterschool and he yanks Jimmy away from his girlfriend.

The man asked with a smirk, “Do you want to go to my party that I’m going to have?”

Jimmy with a super scared look replies, “Sure, but aren’t you mad at me for crashing your car?”

Miranda hides behind Jimmy in shame. “No, not at all Jim,” The man answered.  

Jimmy asks, “Are you sure bro?’’

The Bully replies, “Believe me Jim, I’m okay and so is the my car.”

Jimmy shockley said, “I guess I’ll see you on friday.”                                                                                

Jimmy and Miranda walk out the door with smiles on their faces but are confused at the same time. The bully stares at Jim with a smirk like he knows what will go down at the party. Eventually, It hit friday the day after Jimmy’s incident with the car crash that he took blame of. Jimmy was running out of the door and Jim was screaming, “Bye Mom!” Jimmy was excited for the party he was invited to tonight at 5. He had never really been involved in parties because he was never invited to them and most people didn’t like him except Miranda. Jimmy became really happy and everything was perfect he thought. Miranda was admiring his big smile and thinking about how lucky she was to have him. Jimmy became nervous to go to his first party, so Jim told Miranda, “I’m so excited for this party.” Miranda stared at him and smiles at him, “Yes me too but let’s not get ahead of ourselves we have to be cool.” Jimmy looks at her, “Don’t be stupid and were super cool. “Jimmy gets out of school and his heart is raising to the top. Miranda drives Jimmy back to his house so he can get ready for the party. Jimmy tells his mom that if she can come with him to the party. They get in Miranda’s car and drive to the party. They arrive to the party, dressed in fancy clothes. “Jimmy, I’m going to go get the beers,”said Miranda. “Okay I’ll go with my mom to sit down,” Jimmy mutters. Jimmy and his mother find a seat next to the pool. They get offered drinks by the man who owns the party. Jimmy thinks the bully is being nice for once, but then it backfired. The man smiled because he poisoned the drink that Jimmy’s mom sipped on. Jimmy grabs both drinks, not knowing that his mom’s drink has poison and gives her one. They sip on it and think it’s really good. “I’ll be back, I’m going to find Miranda,”said Jimmy. His mom just answered with a slight nod. Jimmy walks around the corner between a herd of people. He stumbles upon Miranda who was kissing another guy on the couch. Jimmy suddenly yells, “Why are you kissing him?” Miranda looks at him in embarrassment. Jimmy exclaimes, “Don’t ever talk to me you idiot.” Jimmy is furious and tells his mom were going walking and leaving this trash party. The man yells behind Jimmy, “See ya then and tell your mom if she liked the drink it's pretty poisonous if you ask me.” Jimmy looks at him and looks quickly at his mother who is lying on the floor trying to breathe right. Jimmy tries to pick up his mom and set her on her feet. JImmy puts her on his shoulders to run to the hospital before she’s dead. Jimmy looks at the man and everybody in the party.

Jimmy yells, “You will all scream one night and I’m after all you!”

Miranda says, “Shut up Jim.”

The Man says, “ You ain't going to do anything to us dude.”

“You will see what I can do,” said Jimmy.

“Get out of here Jim and take your smelly mom,” said The Man.

“Watch your back idiots,” said Jimmy.

Jimmy holds his mother tightly on his shoulders and gives them a nasty look. Jimmy’s mother breathes heavily in his ear and looks very dull. Jimmy tells his mother if she is holding up, but all she says is I can’t son. Jimmy rushes to the nearest bench next to the park. He brings up his GPS and searches for the nearest hospital. Jimmy finds a hospital called Medical Fast that is 4 minutes away from his destination. He pulls up to the entrance while “yelling please help please” in a very strong girl voice. My Mother was poisoned by a drink that was infected . Doctors rush her into a room and examine her all the way. Doctors tell Jimmy to please step outside and wait. After 20 minutes, Jimmy gets worried until the doctor comes out of the room and explains the situation to Jimmy.

“Jimmy, your mom won't make it,” said The Doctor.

“How?” said Jim, “no doctor please.”

“I’m afraid she has only has a 2 days to live son,” said the Doctor.

Jimmy screams, “Why god!”

“I’m sorry for your loss son,” said the Doctor.

“Was there a lot of poison in the drink?”asked Jimmy.

“Unfortunately there was a ton and it’s really making her sick,”said the Doctor.

The Doctor gives Jim a hug and tells him it will be better if she stays here for 2 days before she passes away. Jimmy heads out of the door with his head all down. Jimmy regrets going to the dumb old party and he thinks about his memories with his mother. Jimmy arrives home with tears rolling down his face. Jimmy makes a face and growls, “I’m killing all those idiots that were at that party.” Jimmy goes in the house and warms up some hot pockets to eat. Jimmy starts to cry and cut himself because of his mom’s death. His brother arrives a few minutes later telling Jim what happened. Jimmy says, “That doesn't matter at all.” Jim explains how he will slice all of those kids down with his knife on the next party they host to his brother. Jimmy’s brother doesn’t agree with what Jimmy wants to do. Jimmy tells him it’s for our mother and that she would want that more than anything. She dies a week later. Jimmy becomes devastated.

“I’m going to find out when all of those idiots plan a party, so I can rip their skulls,” said Jim.

“No Jim, Don't do it,” said his brother.

“I’m warning you to lay off,” said Jimmy.

Jimmy just runs to his room and locks the door. His brother sighs in disbelief and thinks about stopping him. The next few weeks run by, Jimmy hears at school that there will be a barbecue at the bullies house on saturday at night. Jimmy becomes all hears on the plan and takes his knife out. It’s saturday night, Jimmy grabs his backpack and knife. He wears all black with a clown mask. When he tries to head out of the door his brother tells him to stop this nonsense. Jimmy suddenly becomes angry and tries to get through, but his brother goes in his way. Jimmy swings the knife on the forehead of his brother and cuts him open a little. His brother screams in pain. Jimmy gets kicked in the private area and yells loudly. Jim stabs his brother straight through the head. “Get out of my way wimp,” said Jimmy. Jimmy heads out of the door and straight head he sees the house all dark. Jimmy realizes he missed the barbecue. Jimmy becomes furious with his brother that he heads back to the house to stab him multiple times. Jimmy starts to cry because he will never get to kill his enemies. He realizes a plan that will involve him to go to this girl who always goes to the parties and of course she knows the enemies. Jimmy awaits school to come on monday. Jim decides to sleep on it and wake up on sunday afternoon. Jimmy wakes up with a major headache and grabs four pills of painkillers and just jugs them up. Jimmy becomes depressed and more games follow and follow. It’s monday morning and Jimmy has a mask on thats a clown to become hidden but tries to find that girl that he knows by a familiar face. He spots her and yanks her into the girls bathroom. He pulls out the knife that has blood on it. He tells her what are the addresses of the people at the big party that were there that saturday night. She specifies all of them and tells Jim that there will be a get together on wednesday for a pool party and graduation celebration. Jimmy smiles under the mask. The girl yells for help, but Jimmy pulls her in the stalls and dumps her head in the toilet until she drowns. He runs out of there quickly and acts normal to to leave the school safe. Jimmy tells himself that he should wait for the big celebration which is funny because he is starting to become crazy. All he eats is waffles which is bad but he likes to be the most sicken person ever. The day arrives of the celebration and Jimmy goes to school like a regular teenager and smiles to people like a doof. Eventually the afternoon swings by, Jimmy gets ready to go out happy as a clown. Jimmy heads out of the door and runs to the house quickly enough. He hides in the bush and crawls out and stabs a guy right in the heart and a scream louder than a rocket is heard. Jimmy runs into the open and stays still and tilts his head at everyone. He points to the bully with a bloody knife.

The Bully says, “Who the hell are you?’’

“I’m your worst nightmare,”said Jimmy.

“Your sick man,” said the Bully.

“Give me all your heads,”said Jimmy.

“Please leave!”exclaimes Miranda.

“Aww look it’s a tiny mouse trying to give me directions,”said Jimmy.

“It’s you, Jimmy,” said the Bully.

Miranda says, “I love how your mom died.”

Jimmy stares at her and grabs the knife more tighter. The Bully tells everyone to get a fork and try to kill this insane man. Jimmy leaps and grabs miranda by the jaw to stab the knife through. Multiple people head towards Jimmy but with no problem he slices them across the arm ripping all of their fingers. The Bully stabs Jimmy right in the leg and Jimmy becomes angrier. He pulls the fork out of his leg and yells in pain. Jimmy gets stab right on his arm by one person. Jimmy gets a flashback of his mother in the hospital and he remembers it’s for his mother not for him. Jimmy stands up straight and cuts bully’s hand off. Then, Jimmy kills the person who stabbed his arm. Jimmy grabs his knife and leaps for two girls trying to run away. He kills them instantly. Jim sees all of the bodies on the floor with blood and screams that made him satisfied with care. Jimmy stood by the bully and smiled.

“This isn’t over Jim,” said the Bully.

“Oh, yes it is,”said Jimmy.

“Kill me go ahead,”said the Bully.

“I am not going to but this drink of poison will though,”said Jimmy smiling.

“No, please I don't want to,”said the bully crying.

“ I will give you five seconds to drink this if not, then I will slowly cut your toes off one by one,”said Jimmy.

“Okay dude please!”said the Bully.

“You regret ever messing with my mom?”asked Jimmy.

“Yes!”cried the Bully.

Slowly jugging the beverage, Jimmy tells him if its good and the Bully nods. Jimmy laughs at him and grabs his foot to cut off all of his toes because Jimmy was going to cut them anyway. Jimmy wanted to torture the kid as much as possible, but he thought this was enough. The Bully screams in pain when he feels the knife right in his pinkie while Jimmy gives him a happy look.  Jimmy says, “See you in heaven idiot.” Jim grabs one of the Bully’s toe and eats it, telling him that was delicious. Jimmy talks to himself about his mother. Jimmy screams out there all gone mom, all of them. Jimmy begins to hear police sirens in the distance. Jimmy scoops his knife up and he bursted across the lawn. It was a dark day, so all there was, was a shadowy figure in the distance covered in blood while his knife was slightly dripping blood.

The author's comments:

I'm a highschool student.

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