Two Staggs and a Dove at the Oakrest Tavern | Teen Ink

Two Staggs and a Dove at the Oakrest Tavern

April 30, 2014
By JosephJr BRONZE, Hanover, Massachusetts
JosephJr BRONZE, Hanover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Promise me you'll always remember: your braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin, Winnie The Pooh.

Two Staggs and a Dove in the Oakrest Tavern
A short play

Cast of Characters

Prince Anthony Stagg:
A young, and charming, prince who, after fighting in a war for some time, decides to take his brother to have some fun before head back home. He’s a strong, well built, and passionate man who loves to tell stories and embrace the spotlight.

Prince Gabriel Stagg:
A young prince, and renowned archer, who just finished fighting in the war and is returning home with his brother, ANTHONY. Compared to his brother, he is much more quiet and to himself and unlike his brother, he holds deeps emotional scars from the war.

A beautiful maiden, who becomes the one girl that GABRIEL, wishes to focus on. She is a quiet, but caring girl who has experienced the horrors of war in her past.

A tavern girl who is more fascinated with the wealth and power of the Stagg Empire than with GABRIEL.

Another tavern girl is enamored by ANTHONY charm and exciting stories.

(Lights turn up, revealing a small tavern with two tables [R and L], complete with three chairs each with a handkerchief on top of the right table, behind them reveal two windows covered by curtains. Sound of wind picks up for a couple seconds, before ANTHONY and GABRIEL enters the tavern [L] brushing their cloaks and rub their hands]

ANTHONY: Phew, quite stormy outside, right my dear brother?
GABRIEL: Indeed, is that why you have brought us to such lovely place?
ANTHONY: Oh come now dear brother, I brought you here to enjoy some pleasantries. The war is over and we need to celebrate.
GABRIEL: Why couldn’t we have just gone back to the castle? I could have endured the rain a little longer.
ANTHONY: And waste your time at father’s parties, meeting lords and ladies you haven’t met before? Come now, here we can be ourselves, tell stories to the commoners, and maybe meet some of girls, am I right? Come; find us a table, while I get us some drinks.
(ANTHONY leaves stage right.)
GABRIEL: (To himself) Hmm yes, I know the commoners here just as well as the lords and ladies back home.

(GABRIEL looks around the stage, taking off his cloak and putting it on one of the chairs on the left table. He glances over at the right table, and then focuses on it to see the handkerchief, going over to pick it up and look at. ANTHONY then enters stage right, with two drinks and two girls; GABRIEL hides the handkerchief)

ANTHONY: Ah, here we are, brother, with nice and attractive girls for the both of us. The blonde one is Cindy and the red headed girl is- well - Red. (Laughs and hands GABRIEL a drink)

(Two girls giggle)

ANTHONY: Come let us sit and get acquainted with our new friends.

(All four pull up chairs around the left table and sit down.)

RED: If I may, your majesty, but what brings you two to this lovely tavern?

ANTHONY: Well, we have just returned from the war with the Branch Empire, those southern fools thought they could try and take the crown again. But we fought hard and with courage, isn’t that right dear Gabriel?

(A brief pause before GABRIEL answers)

GABRIEL: Hmm? Oh yes, we fought bravely for the strength of our family’s right to the crown.

ANTHONY: (Laughs) Indeed, I must say, when it comes to war, there is no greater honor than fighting for the crown. I remember when we charged into a town called, um- Hmm it seems I forgotten the name- but I remember charging in, pushing out the enemy, and vanquishing all those who dared to try harming the people!

CINDY: Oh, how courageous of you.

ANTHONY: Aye, we have many stories of epic battles, from the mud pits of Serpent’s Tail, to the siege of Castle Fang. Oh, and then there were the trolls, defending the bridges, I charging in on with a spear with my brother at my side charging with his bow. Come, Gabriel, tell them about you skills as an archer.

GABRIEL: I rather not, actually, my skills are not that special.

ANTHONY: ‘Not that special’? tell that to the troll who got an arrow up his nose!

(ANTHONY and the girls laugh)

GABRIEL: It was his eye, actually.

ANTHONY: What was that, dear brother?

GABRIEL: Oh, I said that I’m empty on my drink so I’ll just go over get another.

ANTHONY: Ah, Excellent!

(GABRIEL walks to the right side, stage dims and light focuses on GABRIEL, who leans on right table and signs before sitting down. He then takes out the handkerchief and looks at it, queue CLARA enter from the right and looks at GABRIEL.)

CLARA: Excuse me sir- (looks at GABRIEL’s sigil on his armor) oh, forgive me your majesty; I was simply trying to look for my handkerchief.

GABRIEL: No offense taken, in fact, it is I who should apologize; I had no idea this was yours.

(GABRIEL returns handkerchief, CLARA takes it nervously.)

CLARA: Forgive me for asking, your majesty, but were you in a war? Not that it’s any of my business, but I just saw your armor and thought- well, I mean you can wear armor whenever you want, you are a prince- it’s just that it looks like it went through war.

GABRIEL: (Gloomily) No, you are right- and stop apologizing by the way – I was in a war, (takes on a sarcastic tone) I fought nobly and for the crown that my family rightfully owns (takes a drink).

GABRIEL: How could you tell? Some people might assume that I was just wearing this for show. Though most wouldn’t say it to my face.

CLARA: I… I was a nurse in a war, some years ago; I have seen soldiers, their wounds and scars, physically and mentally. I guess I could see those same scars within you.

GABRIEL: (Stiffens) I…I am proud of these scars, they area symbol of the bravery and honor I presented for my family. I am… a hero.

CLARA: (looks at him sympathetically) Well, all I can say is I’m sorry that you had to go through that. (Starts walking away)

GABRIEL: I told you, you don’t have to apologi- (looks back at her, more sympathetic) wait don’t go!

(She stops and looks back)

GABRIEL: Forgive me, those weren’t my own words, well I mean they were my own words, but… they did not show my true feelings. I- I wanted to thank you. You were the one person that didn’t praise me or wished for stories.

CLARA: Oh, well thank you, your majesty, for the compliment, but I’m just a maid and don’t deserve praise-

GABRIEL: Don’t say that, any person that goes out of his or her own way to try and save a man’s life is deserving of any praise, not matter what place there are in society. And don’t be fooled by my title, while I am, in fact, a prince, I am what you consider the ‘middle child’ of 12 other princes and princesses, so my importance isn’t as big, when comparing to my brother Anthony.

CLARA: (Pause) Well, maybe now that you have returned from the war, perhaps they will understand what you had to endure.

GABRIEL: (Chuckles) I wished everyone had your mindset. No, my family will be praising my brother and I for being heroes, snickering behind our backs all the while lords and ladies give us praise while trying to remember our names. Of course, I will simply be repeating the same lines as I told you, trying to keep my smile all while trying to prevent myself from bashing my head against a pillar.

CLARA: (Giggles) You remind me of my brother. He always hated meeting with our relatives, and he would try falling off his horse so that he was too hurt to see them.

GABRIEL: (Laughs) A man after my own heart. I would love to meet your brother some time.

CLARA: (Smile fades) He is no longer with us unfortunately.

GABRIEL: (Face saddens) I’m sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind me asking, how did he die?

CLARA: Oh, you really don’t want to hear my stories, (looks over to the left table at ANTHONY) besides it appears you’re here with your brother to celebrate your victory, so I don’t wish to bring down your mood.

GABRIEL: Well, to be quite honesty, you are the most interesting person I have met here, and I must say that unlike my brother, I do not have any happy memories from the war. (Pauses) Come sit, I wish to hear more about you.

(CLARA looks around nervously, before sitting down. Then light reveals the left table to show ANTHONY, and girls)

ANTHONY: Gabriel!! Come join us again, Red wishes to hear more of your stories!!

GABRIEL: (Turning to ANTHONY) Not right now, brother, I am busy at the moment.

ANTHONY: Very well, we will wait for you. (Laughs as the lights dim on the left side of the stage and focus on GABRIEL and CLARA again)

CLARA: Oh dear, if I’m taking you away from your brother I should-

GABRIEL: Don’t worry please continue.

CLARA: (Pauses) Well… Both my father and brother were in a war some years ago. They were soldiers for the Stagg army fighting the Ogres of the Serpent River. They both died fighting them.

GABRIEL: (He’s silent for a moment) I’m terribly sorry, no daughter or sister should endure that.

CLARA: Thank you, you know to be honesty, myself, no one has ever said that to me. Most people, like the villagers or my mother, said that they died fighting for the king and you should not mourn them as soldier, but praise them as heroes.

GABRIEL: That’s nonsense, a girl should be able to mourn her own family, whether they are heroes or not. (Leans forward and signs)

CLARA: Do you see yourself as a hero?

GABRIEL: (Pauses) No… No I do not, I don’t know if anything that I did shows me as a hero. Now, do I see myself as a warrior? Yes, I do, I have learned to study maps and coded messages to find ways to flank the enemy or stop them from taking valuable territory. I can guess how far my arrows will travel in order to prevent the enemy from getting any closer. I can work in any terrain whether it be, mud, water, rain, snow, or sleet and can still hit with pinpoint accuracy. All of these qualities signify a warrior, and that is what I have become, a warrior… a warrior that kills. My brother, Anthony (looks over to ANTHONY), he is a brave man and one of the best wielders of a spear I have ever seen, but I simply cannot tell whether he is a fool who is stuck in his own fantasy or a soldier who enjoys war, and to be honest I don’t wish him, or myself, to become either one of those.

(A long silence, before CLARA reaches over and holds GABRIEL’s hand)

CLARA: I’m sorry that you had to endure such horrors and do what you had to do.

(GABRIEL looks down and clears his throat)

GABRIEL: Hey, you know I should-

(Lights reveal the left side once more as ANTHONY walks over to GABRIEL)

ANTHONY: Dear brother, you are missing out on all the fun, (Lifts GABERIAL UP) come Red wishes to talk with, I will leave you two alone to talk, while Cindy and I got over and get some more drinks.

GABRIEL: Anthony, wait-

(RED comes over to GABRIEL and drags him to the left table as both sit down)

RED: Hello, your majesty.

GABRIEL: Hello… Red.

RED: So is it true that you were in the war with Prince Anthony?

GABRIEL: Umm, yes I was, um, in the war. (Looks over to CLARA, who nervously shifts in her sit)

RED: My, that is amazing. You know you’re not as big and strong as your brother, and for a while I thought you weren’t really in the war.

GABRIEL: No it’s true I was in the war, and fought bravely for my family’s right to the crown.

RED: You know it’s funny in that you hear about lords and princes who say they were in a war, but in truth they just wait until their army has won and claim that they were on the front lines fighting the enemy. I should know, because a couple months ago I saw Prince Leon in this tavern, see, he was drinkin’ away while one of the biggest battles of the war was happening. (Laughs)

GABRIEL: Well, I can assure you, I was in the war and I fought with everything I had.

RED: Right. Oh, so you really are one of the princes of the Stagg Empire right? Of course you are, then that means you and your brother are next in line in being one of the most powerful, and richest, kingdoms in the world. Are you thinking about any specific brides?

(GABRIEL glances back at CLARA as she gets out of her chair and begins to leave)

GABRIEL: (Hurryingly) I’m sorry, but would you excuse me for a moment?

(GABRIEL goes over to the right side of the stage as ANTHONY and CINDY comes back)

ANTHONY: Dear brother, where are you off too? (Tries grabbing him)

GABRIEL: (Shrugs off ANTHONY) Not now Anthony.

(ANTHONY and CINDY walk over to the left table as the left side dims, leaving the right side of the stage lite)

GABRIEL: Wait! Please wait!!

(CLARA stops)

GABRIEL: I must say that I’m terribly sorry, I do not know your name and I abruptly left you here.

CLARA: Do not worry, your majesty, it was your brother, I… understand. (Smiles) but if you wish to know my name is-

(Lights reveal the left side once more as ANTHONY walks back over to GABRIEL and grabs his arm)

ANTHONY: Come, dear brother, the girls and I want to talk with and more of your stories.

GABRIEL: Anthony, please.

ANTHONY: Come, we’re supposed to be having fun-

GABRIEL: Enough!

(Pulls his arm away as lights dim to the left and right and the light focuses on GABRIEL and ANTHONY)

GABREL: Fine, dear brother, would like hear some of my “great” and “glorious” war stories? How about the time when I shot an enemy messenger in the leg to prevent him from revealing our camp, and that I had to listen to his cries, all night, while he was slowly dying? (Walks slowly towards ANOTHY, as ANTHONY backs up and hits a chair) Or how about the time I watch those funny little trolls tore our soldiers limb from limb while I tried shooting as many as I could in wet and soggy mud? Or what about that time when we spent three weeks in the cold mud pits of Serpent’s Tail, waiting for the enemy while our men, OUR men, froze and rotted away with the corpses that surrounded us? Can you think of any better ones? Because, I certainly cannot think of anything else. Everything that I saw from that war has given me nothing but nightmares. How can you simply ignore all of those horrors? Were you surrounded by clouds whenever you rode on your stead? Or are you truly blind from the horrors that I saw? Because I don’t think you remember the same war that I remember. (Pause and then a heavy sign) It’s just- how is it you can act like this after everything we saw?

(Long silence while both look solemn)

GABRIEL: Anthony, I-

ANTHONY: No your right dear brother, we have both seen things that we cannot simply turn away from. And to be quite honest, this is the only way to cope with what we have seen. I can do nothing more than play my part, for I am “The White Stagg of the Empire” and we are always surrounded by people who will never fully understand what we feel and went through.

GABRIEL: (Looks over at CLARA) Not always dear brother, not always.

(Lights reveal the whole stage again)

ANTHONY: (Pauses) Well, it seems that the storm is cleared, it is best that we better head off. (Looks over to the girls, smiling) Sorry ladies, but we must be on our way to the castle.

CINDY: Aw, must you?

ANTHONY: Indeed, unfortunately, we have a long ride and we must be off. (Looks over to GABRIEL) you can get ready while I pay for our drinks.

(ANTHONY and girls walk away as the light focuses on GABRIEL and CLARA as they look at each other)

CLARA: Wow, that was brave of you to admit, especially towards your brother.

GABRIEL: (Sign of relief) I must say that after that, I feel a little better. Though I wouldn’t have ever done it without you.

CLARA: (giggles) It was nothing your majesty.

(Takes out handkerchief)

CLARA: Here take this.

(GABRIEL looks confused and shocked)

GABRIEL: But, that belongs to you.

CLARA: (Smiles) Yes, but, I don’t really need it anymore. You can keep it.

GABRIEL: Oh no, please, I cannot take this; I don’t even know your name.

(CLARA walks over to GABRIEL and closes his hand with the handkerchief in it.)

CLARA: Keep it, as a reminder of a shy little girl who made you happy.

(Kisses him on the cheek)

CLARA: Goodbye… Gabriel.

(Begins to walk off to the right stage, but stops)

CLARA: And my name is Clara.

(Smiling as she walks off the stage, passing ANTHONY, who enters and looks back at her)

ANTHONY: Who was that, dear brother?

GABRIEL: A girl with scars, but a caring heart, like me, like us.

ANTHONY: Well, I guess its time to leave this dismal tavern; I’m sorry I pushed you into this place.

GABRIEL: Don’t be, in fact, I’m really glad you took me here. I feel a lot better, and less alone.

ANTHONY: (Smiles) Really? Great!! I’m glad something honest came out of this misadventure (Laughs).

(GABRIEL smiles and he takes his cloak and puts it back on as ANTHONY grabs his shoulder. Both start slowly walking to the left side of the stage.)

ANTHONY: Come, lets be off to the road, one things for certain is that you haven’t lost your poetic tongue, maybe you can make few on the ride home. Something about Courage, Bravery, and maybe Love, you definitely showed all of those traits today.

GABRIEL: (Smiles) Yes, perhaps your right, I wouldn’t mind writing a few poems. Oh, but don’t worry, (Looks at the handkerchief and puts it away) I think I have the perfect one.

(Both walk off to the left side of the stage as the lights dim and sounds of birds can be heard)

The author's comments:
This play is what I consider a prototype for the two main characters, Gabriel and Anthony. I plan writing a story with these settings and characters and I want to see whether or not it would fair well for readers interested in this kind of fantasy. I hope that people will be able to understand the character growth within the play and see this as a deconstruction of the fantasy trope. I hope that you enjoy it.

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