Sci-fi/fantasy stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Most discussed Sci-fi/Fantasy Articles

By Solar_Winds BRONZE
St. Louis, Missouri

Another nightmare about Sonya being captured, Jozua thought as he trekked through the sand, movements slow from his insomnia-ridden sleep. A merchant from the mining lake-city of K...
Solar_Winds BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“A lot of my time is spent figuring out what exactly to do in a day as I attempt to navigate the rough waters of an almost-adult life. Balancing homework, videogames, drawing, reading, and writing can be a very hefty task, but I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it one day. ...Probably."<br /> - Me

Bella_Queen DIAMOND, Plymouth, Ohio
90 articles 26 photos 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.<br /> -Walt Whitman

Bella_Queen DIAMOND, Plymouth, Ohio
90 articles 26 photos 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.<br /> -Walt Whitman

By Bella_Queen DIAMOND
Plymouth, Ohio
Bella_Queen DIAMOND, Plymouth, Ohio
90 articles 26 photos 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.<br /> -Walt Whitman

SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

By emzelf BRONZE
Vancouver, Washington
emzelf BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
🖖🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿<br /> <br /> "That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here: not to conquer you with weapons or ideas, but to coexist and learn."<br /> <br /> - Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

By elerner BRONZE
San Francisco, California
elerner BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
Bella_Queen DIAMOND, Plymouth, Ohio
90 articles 26 photos 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.<br /> -Walt Whitman