Unkown | Teen Ink


May 14, 2018
By XiomaraAh BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
XiomaraAh BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked to the bus stop like I been doing since I was five, it was May but the clouds and chill wind made it feel like it was November, I didn’t think too much about it, I was just going to class, and as always, I didn’t had any plans for later that day. I stared down the street looking for the bus, but there was something, I had never seen, it was like a big cloud, or maybe not, it was more like a big black shadow, there was something about it that made me want to go see from up close, like if it was calling for me, my foot moved forward, but at that moment I heard how a motor was approaching, it was just the bus, for some strange reason it had come from the opposite side of the street, but i just got in it, walked to the middle and sat on the door side.
When I walked out of the bus to go inside I saw that thing again, it gave me a strange feel, I felt like if I had run for hours nonstop and had suddenly stopped. All that adrenaline that made want to keep going but my legs just couldn’t move. My heart was pumping blood to my body as fast as it could, my lungs felt like they were on fire, and my head felt like it was being squished by a truck, and when a teacher yelled and told me to get inside, and I felt like nothing had happened. I tried not to think about it during first period, this thing was calling for me, I thought, but why me? I don’t see anything special on me, but he must have seen something, something that no one else or that not even myself can see.
Later that afternoon I decided to go for a walk in the woods like I had been doing for the past few months, and there it was again, this time instead of being in front of me like the last two times, it was behind me, like if it was a little dog going everywhere with me trying to keep up, I was not scared this time, his eyes were big and round, they were an interesting color, it was like a mixture of grey and blue, that’s when I heard the leaves from trees far away, I could feel how the air started to get colder, but at the same time it felt humid, the black shadow started to move fast, I started to walk but he just kept going faster and faster and so did I, my feet were moving one right in front of the other one. I was breathing so hard but it didn’t matter how much air got into my lungs, it was like I hadn’t breath in a while, like if I had been underwater and could not reach the top. My body collapsed to the floor, I stood up and looked behind me, they were all gone.

The author's comments:

This story was mainly based on beliefs from my childhood and my battle against depression since i was a kid.

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