Victorious | Teen Ink


January 24, 2017
By Anonymous

I walked through the waves of bodies wondering when I would find the perfect one. Then, I spotted it. The way it was built allowed for quick movements, and its sleek figure meant it could easily slip into the shadows. Combined with a little tweaking and the ability to camouflage, this bot would soon join my ranks of spies. I walked over to the cameras to determine which sector needed more surveillance. After careful consideration and multiple chart consultations, I decided that Sector 00-311 was a little lacking, especially since I had a sneaking suspicion that something was brewing down there. I walked over to my window and looked out at the Utopia I had created. Humanity had been on the brink of extinction until I had gathered the last of them and built this place from the ground up. In order to prevent any other disasters that could potentially wipe the people out, I had started manufacturing security bots to be my eyes and ears. In addition to my bots, I had cameras and bugs installed everywhere. While I watched the cameras, I had more bots sort through the feedback from the bugs.

In my Utopia, everyone had a schedule. Everyone had some kind of task to do whether it was working, going to school, or simply being on house duty. Everyone had something, and I made sure they kept on doing that something. Well, with the exception of the allotted free time every day. However, over the past few months I had noticed that some seemed to be taking advantage of the free time, and were using it to plot against me. I thought nothing of it. People were always ungrateful for the huge service I had done them, and because of this I had faced many rebellions before. All were small, and all were squashed. I would always be victorious. I would always come out on top, and no one could ever hope to stop me.
I turned back to the cameras watching over Sector 00-311, only to discover that they were all black. I tried gaining access to my police bots down in the sector, but soon found that they were all down as well. As a last attempt, I tried contacting one of my spies, and succeeded in linking up to one. “What’s happening down there?” I asked, already knowing the answer. “It’s another rebellion Ma’am,” the bot replied. I grinned. “And so it begins,” I said, ending the connection. I grabbed the microphone from the console in front of me and pressed the button to transmit my voice across the facility. “All war bots commence preparations for battle,” I commanded. I placed the microphone back down and watched through the screens as people from all sectors of Utopia started to gather together. I was stunned for a moment as I saw the amount of people rising up, but laughed when I saw their “weapons”. A few had actual guns, but most of their weapons were improvised. I saw things such as crowbars, shovels, and, to my surprise, a few swords. I assumed the people thought they could win just by sheer number, and I laughed some more, confident in my victory.
I continued to watch as my police bots went into action, beating people down. I figured the rebellion would be stopped there, but I was proven wrong as the sea of people began to advance towards my building on the top of the hill. That was when I set off the alarm and let my war bots loose. Since they were uphill, my bots had the advantage over the people. I could see the peasants taken aback by the number of bots swarming towards them, but they fought anyway. The bots’ metal skin plus their advanced weaponry and battle tactics quickly overpowered the people, and they started to fall. Person after person went down, one after another. Soon enough, the people dropped their weapons and surrendered.
My bots were then tasked with escorting people back to their homes. I offered no assistance, but simply left the defeated to pick up the pieces themselves and resume their daily schedules, using free time to now mourn the dead. As my bots finished up, I decided to go outside and see the results of the fighting up close. I walked through the waves of bodies, and smiled to myself.
Yes, I would always win.

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