Door In The Wall | Teen Ink

Door In The Wall

January 12, 2017
By nancywelcome BRONZE, Belmont, New Hampshire
nancywelcome BRONZE, Belmont, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking around there is nothing besides white walls at first. My eye catches on a door in middle of the room.  The door is vibrant, almost blinding from it being the only colorful thing. The smell of paint and bleach fill the air. Stepping forward, my footsteps echo off the walls. The door colors vary between neon pink, purple, orange, blue, green, and yellow, all mixing together. The wet paint drips to the floor like rain on a window, and, when touched, has a very faint burning sensation.
   The doorknob is difficult to spot against the door because  it is shiny black and blends in with the paint. There‘s  no lock which makes it accessible to the outside world. When the doorknob is touched it has a shocking cold feeling to it. Turning the doorknob hearing a silent click as if it were saying ‘come in!’ I opened it swiftly to reveal the inside of a hazy room.
Walking into the new room the floor is white except for the neon paint spewed across the ground and dripping down the walls. The neon colors glow showing the perimeter of the square room. Moving all the way through the door into the glowing room the door slammed shut behind me blending in with the color changing wall. The room made me feel like I was being suffocated. It screamed of joy and laughing, but it isn’t happy. The room was being forced to glow, but there was no light to shine in its darkness.
Looking straight ahead another door chose to show itself in the faintly lit room, this one darker than water in the depths of a night. It was easy to spot the doorknob because it shined brighter than a diamond on the all black door. I open the door and instantly put my hand in front of my eyes. Entering the room there is a blinding bright light shining from somewhere in the room.
With adjusting eyes the first thing I notice is how much the temperature dropped compared to the other rooms. The four walls were replaced with mirrors. The room was very neat and clean, not a spec of dust or smudge anywhere. The only thing that ruined the room was the splintering wood bat in the middle of the room and my reflection in the mirrors.
Looking into one wall of the mirrors, I saw a reflection of myself crying. Tears just streaming down my face. Turning to look at the second mirror, I could see my scared and frightened eyes, almost as if I had just witnessed a terrible crime. Anxiety started creeping it’s way into my body.
Quickly turning to a third mirror, my eyes started observing what was in front of it. It was still my reflection, but this reflection was judging me. Judging every single. Flaw. that could be seen. It was making me feel very self conscious and shy. Getting tired of finding all my flaws, I turned to the fourth mirrored wall. I was getting so fed up with this room and the mirrors and the feelings they made me show. Looking at my reflection I saw so much anger burning in my eyes. A million unanswered questions flying through my head. This room was making me feel so many emotions which all just clouded into a big fire of anger.
I was so angry and emotional, I picked up the wood bat in the middle of the room and swung it over, and over, and over breaking all of the glass mirrors. Ignoring the cuts and splinters I was getting. Until I get too tired to keep swinging and stop, falling to my knees from exhaustion and pain. I look around the room at the mess I have created. Everything was broken and it was all my doing, I caused myself this pain when I didn’t need to. This room is cold because there is no one, it is empty, it is broken.   

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