alien | Teen Ink


January 26, 2017
By Anonymous

Short Story part 1
Opening my eyes, picking my head up from the ground, and brushing the dust off my helmet I see them closing in on me. The creatures, reptilian like tails dragging behind them, with their mouths foaming and salivating for my body. The sound of the count down is the only thing that keeps my eyes open and focused on my demise. too weak to move and too sore to keep my eyes open, I close my eyes and try to remember what events led up to this point.
“Buzz, buzz, buzz” I was getting a call, a very important call early in the morning. So i was still in my bed. My head hurt from the drinks I used to drown out the past.
“Answer” This is when I finally picked my head up to look at who was calling, it was the general from the… nevermind he's retired now.
“Demion we have a job for you, we nee-”
“Decline call” The message pops up on the screen asking if I was sure I wanted to hang up.
“It's your brother, somethings happened on the mining ship on mars he was stationed at.” “WHAT HAPPENED TO MIKE!”
“Your brothers condition is unknown, Coms were lost with stavastapole the rest of the information is classified you’d need to join the mission to know the details. So are you in?”
I open up my locket close my eyes slowly and lower my head “ I promised that i would never do anything like this again… bu-,but this is different. I’ll do it”
“Good we are happy to have you aboard. The mining station, it pulled up something out of the ice. Something inhuman, a new discovery that will go down in history. Your mission is to evacuate as many civilians as you can, and most of all to bring back a specimen.” I did not care for what the general had to say, he always was a man who cared more for accomplishment and less for the people they use to achieve that goal. Only one thing was on my mind. Mike. Later after getting onto a ship my memory fades only to be brought back near the station.
“Rigs get your sh-- together were about to exit and breaching the hull of the station.” This was Mason we had a past, so he knew me enough to call me rigs. Luckly he was on this mission also.
“You’re some tough s***, Mason, waking a man with a loaded gun in his hand up from a nap. Damn my safety isn't even on”
“Rigs, stop spacing out.”
“Yea. I’ll lead the existing procedure.” I get on the controls and revolve the ship signaling to everyone that I was releasing the air, once they all signaled back I opened the hatch. Then we propel ourselves using air jets to get to the hull. The doors were all on lockdown for containment.

“Breaching the door! Stand clear…  bang!” The force was immense with all the air from the room being sucked out into the vacuum of space. We then go into the room and shut the emergency wall and let the air gradually come back.
“There’s only four of us at this side of the station, all other units are spread out at different entry points so keep your eyes open for friendlies” Suddenly the radios we had went off strapped to the side of our belts. The voices were frantic and all at once like a planned ambush.
“Ahhh! They're coming out of the walls! Put up a turret! No use there too cold to pick up.” At this point, the sound of gunfire had left all communications useless. All the sound ceased and the room was now left in an eerie silence.
Mason got right on his radio, “Alpha squad what is your location? Delta give me a detailed explanation for what the fu-”
“unknown life form is in your area!  Beep....this-section-is-now-on- lockdown. Beep...beep…” The computer locked us in, full time quarantine they didn't care if we got infected only if its contained
“Is it the specimen we are after?” Ashley asked in a state of panic.
“Rigs get on your tracker,” Mason ordered so I pull out my tracker and saw 5 dots, one red dot(unmarked) right on top of Marcus. I quickly turned around to see three more people.
Mason in worry exclaimed “s***, Rigs you ok you look pale.”
I reply “must be a bug.”
Andrew, mad and yelling at me says, “don't f#$%^$# scare us like that you almost gave me a damn heart attack.” The red dot disappeared and we went on our way.
Mason, resetting our objective, states “we should get going we have to find out what happened to the other squads, let's start with alpha. rigs get your tracker on it.”  
    Andrew opened the sliding mechanical door which air pressure raised dust before we could get a good view of the room that lies ahead. As we enter the first room we are taken by surprise because it seemed that we had entered some dark cave like area. As we exchange confused and worried glances we continue further through the unknown and Alien like scene that is before us. It was almost like this door was a great divider, with the walls before it being metallic and bright. The place we entered looked almost alive, with the walls being made out of some scale like material, and the precipitation filling my nose. Throughout our walk the walls got more intricate in their designs, I leaned into touch the wall to get a feel for it, in case I had to climb it. The texture was that of a wet, slick, like a slimy moss rock, and surprisingly cool to the touch very cold brought on with a cool bit of air. The smell was almost pristine and untainted, it was almost like we were violating some rule by being here. With our bodies radiating heat a waterfall of gas dropping out of our clothing, and the faint stench of sweat gradually getting stronger we approach the commens room, or at least that's what it said on our tracker. This room was yet another very different and hostile place, the only thing that we fully recognized was the sound of our boots clanking against the floor of scale like material. When the aroma of the room changed the clanking of our boots stopped, and the unsheathing of our weapons became clear to hear, because we smelt putrid rotting flesh the clean air was now gone. Looking around to find the source took longer than the walk to get here, to this place soon to be forsaken by god. I saw a shoe dangling from the bottom side of a wall, raising my head up I instantly regret it when I see a bloodied corpse of a young boy. Trying to find answers I lean in for a closer look, while mason is radioing the other squads asking about the material on the walls, I see that the boy had a hole in his chest with the ribs sticking outwards, almost like something has bursted out of it, this put a sour and dry taste in my mouth like when you would have right before you about to throw up. Examining the body even closer I find that the kid was eaten from the inside out. This reminds me of a certain spider that plants its eggs inside of livestock and even people, when the egg hatches the body is used to nourish the babies only to leave behind a lifeless corpse to be viewed by others to tell you that there are even more out there.
“What the hell is this place Rigs? It's all scaly and slimy.” Mason added
“I can't help where my tracker takes us, it's going straight to alpha,”  I reply.
Andrew still mad at me from before says, “Well I can’t take your crap anymore. I could get there in half the time you can” Andrew grabs the tracker out of my hands and looks at it.
“What the f#$% you doing Rigs, this is going the opposite way of alpha. were headed right towards a miner.”
Mason, knowing what i was doing says “alright then we're just going to delta not that big of a deal, they were on the side this miner is on.” As we get closer get closer to my brothers signal, we get to an open room with that weird scale like material on all the walls. The tracker starts to beep faster, and I start towards the dot and yell out’, “Mike where the hell are you?”
“God dammit Mike if you don't answer me.” Mike, my brother, always looked up to me that's why he joined the marines. something happened to him, something that’s my fault. It’s slowly coming back to me bit by bit, and with each memory I feel less, and less alive.

A voice calls out very low and muffled, “Damien, don’t come near me?” Too overjoyed, I disregard Mike’s question, but in retrospect, I should've heeded his warning.
“Where the hell have you been you should've picked up your radio when… ” I turn a corner to see my brother up on the wall plastered into the scale wall, stuck to it with slime.
Infatuated with my brothers safety and disregarding the danger he is in, I say, “you'll be ok I just need to get you down from there.” I reach my hand out to touch him, by this time the rest of my squad was there.
Before i touch him he screams “ahh”
“What's wrong, wh-”
“Demonoid listen to me this is the most important thing I am ever going to ask you to do. you have to shot me in the chest.”
“Shut the F@#$ UP… never say anything like that again”
“specimen located, retrieving.” I look back in rage at that voice. I recognized that tone of voice from the war, it was an Automated intelligent robot

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