Out Of Time | Teen Ink

Out Of Time

January 5, 2017
By Thexile BRONZE, West Bountiful, Utah
Thexile BRONZE, West Bountiful, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fiery planes crashing down…
“John! Wake up!”
Small bombs slowly getting bigger, coming closer…
“Bloody ashes John! Get up!”
I sat up quickly and automatically reached to where my pistol was supposed to be-
It wasn’t there
Looking around, I finally noticed where I was. I was in, what looked to be, a hospital. It looked mostly the same as a normal hospital, but there was no windows. The generally feeling of absurd cleanliness was still there. Looking around the white room, I spotted nobody around. Who called my name then? I thought.
“John!” The voice called again.
This time I knew where it was coming from, my ears. Reaching up, I pulled out advanced looking earbuds from both of my ears.
“John! Wake up!” the voice called, this time from the earbuds in my hand.
“What in the he-“I started to say.
“Welcome to Urio hospitals and sanitation facilities,” Said a feminine voice.
Looking up from the earbuds, I noticed that there was now a woman in the doorway. There hadn’t been a doorway the first time I had looked.
“What happened? Is my family ok?” I quickly asked the lady.
“You must remain calm as you experience the re-introduction process,” She said, ignoring my questions.
“You are one of many cryo pods that were uncovered after the fall of the U.S in 2018,” She continued.
‘Cryo? Fall of the U.S.?” I asked, getting a sinking feeling.
“It is peculiar that you cryo pod survived when so many others didn’t, but we will try our best to reintroduce you into society,” She concluded.
The lady started to walk away at that moment, but I needed to know something. I sat up, and started to stand on my legs, but they gave out. Causing me to crash to the floor, which, like everything else, was very clean.
“I would avoid standing before the reintroduction process is complete, your legs have no muscle,” She said as the doorway disappeared. Well, that’s just handy dandy I thought as I slowly lost consciousness.

“John!” The earbuds were back. Quickly, I tore them out of my ears and sent them flying across the room.
“I am sorry about that,” said a voice, this time male, from the doorway.
“Normally we don’t have to stoop to such measures, but you were not waking up,” He continued, “Those earbuds are set to produce any sound that you find alarming,”
“Any sound I find alarming? Jeez you guys must have some good tech,” I said, “Am I in Japan?”
The man’s face grew clouded with worry “Nobody told you? We really need to upgrade those AIC units,” He said, writing a note on some sort of tablet thing.
“Nobody told me what?” I asked.
“Son, Japan is gone, everything you knew is gone, and this is the year 5020,”
Here comes the unconsciousness I thought with a sigh.

I woke up to find the man who told me the impossible standing over my bed.
“I am Kile by the way,” Kile said, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, “Our records state your name is John?”
‘Yes, that’s my name,” I said giving a little sign.
“Can you tell me what you remember John?” Kile asked.
“Well, my combat group was stationed in the rocky mountains,” I said, “We were one of the last sects of the resistance. My Mom had always wanted me to stay out of the fighting, but I couldn’t resist. Those Chinese were not going to take Salt Lake City on my watch.”
“Hold on a second,” Kile interrupted, “You talk about your mother in past tense, was she alive back in 2018?”
I started, remembering that Kile had said that I was in 5020, “Yeah, she died a while back. Made me promise not to join the war effort. I guess I failed her in more than one way.”
Kile’s face grew sad, “I’m sorry for your loss, continue on with your story.”
“Ok so I remember being attacked by Chinese bombers, our anti air guns were overwhelmed in minutes, “A feeling of sadness came over me, “And I remember my friend Daniel dying before my eyes.”
“I’m sorry, but I need to know something,” Kile said, “What was the last thing you remember?” “I remember a technician stuffing me into a cryo pod, saying it was the only defense against a nuclear strike,” I said, finishing my story.
“That explains some things,” Kile said, “You must have been put in a prototype S12B cryo pod, that’s how you survived.”
“Enough questions, I need answers,” I said, getting fed up with this interrogation, “Where am I? Am I actually in 5020? What happened to my family? Did we win the war?”
“You are at Urio hospitals and sanitation facilities, and yes you are in the year 5020,” Kile said, as if explaining to a child.
“Your family have been dead for over 3000 years, and if you are talking about the Cataclysmic War, or World War III, nobody won that one,”
“Ok, that’s enough!” I said, if Kile wasn’t going to tell the truth, I wasn’t going to listen. This time when I tried to stand up it worked. Looks like my muscles are working again, time to find out what is really happening I thought. Kile stood up to block my path.
“Look, John, you need to rest long-“
I decked him across the face. Kile hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.
“Sorry man, I need to find out what’s happening for myself,” I said.
I started towards where the doorway usually was, and noticed that I was wearing a tight looking hospital gown. I’ve gotta be in Japan, only the Japanese would wear something like this I thought to myself. Feeling along the wall, I looked for some sort of handle that would slide the door open.
“Why won’t this thing open?!” At the sound of the word ‘open’ the doorway appeared. Thus making me fall flat on my face in the middle of a hallway. Picking myself up, I glanced around. It looked to be a normal hospital hallway, a bit shinier maybe. Except, something was wrong. There was nobody around, not a person in sight. Aren’t Hospitals usually bustling with people? I thought.
An electric shock went throughout my body, and I collapsed to the floor.
“We may need to take more extreme measures with this one,” Kile said sounding reluctant.
Everything faded

I woke up in the hospital bed, again. I tried to sit up, but my arms and legs were bound to the bed. Which on further inspection, looked to be floating.
“Well, you’re a feisty one,” Kile said with a chuckle, “I haven’t had to use this thing in years,” Kile pointed to a strange looked device on the table by my bed.
“Look im sorry for punching you but-“I started to say.
“No need, this is a crazy time for you,” Kile said, “Now you might not like it, but I’m going to prove to you that we are indeed in 5020.”
“Window!” Kile said, as if he was giving a command to a dog.
The wall behind me became translucent.
“Restraints!” Kile commanded. My restraints disappeared.
Looking behind me, I gasped.
“Well, it turns out I owe you a BIG apology,”

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