Hunters | Teen Ink


December 31, 2016
By saltysaurus BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
saltysaurus BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." - J.K. Rowling

Nothing was new. Just the same old rusted metallic walls that encased the seemingly endless supply of humans of all ages. The grubby concrete ground was just as cold as ever. The two mattresses that were supplied in each cell were so thin that it barely rose an inch off the ground, collapsed under any amount of weight. The stuffing inside of the s***ty beds had been ripped out by the rats and mice that scurried along attempting to find either food or shelter.  The clothes that hung of the children’s skin was sweaty, ripped and gave off a putrid smell. It was as if they had covered their bodies in an old rag that they have found on the side of the street. Whimpers of little kids could be heard, echoing down the long, dark, and ominous hallway. The sound of the roaring sea was dimmed and muffled, as if someone had their hand covering the mouth of sea. It pushed and strained against the walls of the antique jail trying to spread its arms, and sometimes it would succeed, water would come splashing through the little cracks in the wall and coating the floor once more. There was still the foul-smelling aroma that coated the entire room.
James had tugged little Dan into his arms as he desperately tried to warm the little boy who was slowly losing his will to survive.  While Luna had been clutching onto Muse’s hand so tight she thought it would fall off. The four of them were awake, but they all had the same broken, hollow look on their faces. Their faces so slimmed down you could see their cheek bones poking out. The eyes dark and clouded over in sorrow. Their skin looking a sickly color of green. They no longer looked like little kids, but tired and stress adults.
“Luna...” Dan Croaked out. His voice hoarse from the crying he had done the night before.
“Yeah Danny?” she asked timidly back attempting to put a smile on her face for the little boy.
“Can we play patty cake again?” he asked pulling away from the death grip James had developed.
“Sure!” She replied in a happier upbeat tone.
The pair of kids scooted closer together and started rhythmically tapping their hands together while joyfully chanting.
“Patty Cake. Patty Cake. Bakers Man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roooolll it. Paaaaatttt it. Mark it with a B for baby and me!”
Over and over the two did this as James and Muse sat back and watched. Smiles slowly crossing their dark faces. It seemed as if when the kids did this they were lighting a bright match in the darkness of the night. This light spread further and further to the point where the older adults that had been trapped there for a long time let out a little laugh and let a smile dance its way onto their faces. Some of the other kids in the other cells who knew the song joined in. It was if they all weren't there anymore. But that happiness was soon gone, just as if the sun had been covered in the dreary clouds.
In came the Hunters. Their crooked mouths were twisted downwards in a frightening scowl. Their darkened colored eyes were harsh and narrow as they glared all around the at the cells that coated the walls. The figures were hunched over but yet held such a pride in them. The steps they took echoed and shook as everyone when quiet and died down. All expecting the worst.
“Alright now…” came the harsh haunting voice came from the one who had entered first.
“Who… WHO STARTED THIS!!” He yelled.
His voice was loud and menacing. Scaring everyone to the point where they all fell back and curled up into little balls clinging onto each other. When he noticed that he wasn't getting an answer he scoffed and started walking around.
“No one will say eyy?? Well that’s not good now ain't it??” He yelled peering into the cell that James, Dan, Luna, and Muse. Dan and Luna had become frozen stiff.
“HA… looks like I found it out… it was you two wasn’t.” He said unlocking the cell and stepping into it. His head was tilted to the side and a wicked grin crossed his face.
“Ya know what we do with those who break the rules righ’?” He asked his voice getting deeper with each world.
Everyone was frozen stiff. Dan was slowly having tears filling up his eyes and down onto his sunken cheeks. Luna whimpered and ran to Muse’s side, burying her face.. It was silent as James stood up in front of the Man. His once broad figure was slimmed down and trembling as his hand reached up and slapped the man.
“I’ve had enough. It's bad enough you locked us all in here, and now we can’t fun? Im done.” He said in a defying voice.
“Oh… you just messed up bad lil boy… TAKE ‘EM! ALL FOUR OF ‘EM! TAKE ‘EM TO THE TESTIN’ CHAMBER!!” He yelled punching James in the face and then quickly grabbing his hands and tying them behind his back.
“Shame I can’t hurt you no more… but that’d be damagin’ the subjects, and I don’t want that.” He growled in James’ ear and shoved him into a guard.
Guards pooled into the tiny cell. Harshly grabbing the kids and tugging them along out. Everyone in the other cells were staring. Some in horror, and others in pity. They didn’t know what to do as they glumly down the hall their wide with horror. Once they reached the Man chuckled.
“That righ’ there… is where y’all migh’ die. Enjoy it freaks.” He said grabbing Luna by the hair and slamming her down on the table. A scream of agony escaped her lips as she hit the metal table. Metal holders were quickly slammed down upon her wrists and and ankles as tightly as possible.
“Well? whatcha y’all standin’ around for? Get ‘em all strapped in before the doc gets ‘ere.” He snarled at the other guys.
They all jumped into motion as fast as they could tugging the three others along as harshly as they could. Soon enough all of them were strapped down onto the metal tables and struggling to get free.
“Ah ah ah! I don’t think so ya little brats. Those metal straps ain’t goin’ anywhere any time soon” The man smirked and licked his lips in a sadistic manner.
“I can’t wait too here all y’all screams. It’ll be my prime entertainmen’.” he said laughing as he walked out into the hall. 

The author's comments:

This is a little piece from a bigger work of writing that I am hoping to complete druing my four years at high school. I'm hoping that i can bring in some interest with little bits and then finally tie it all together.

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