The Indomit | Teen Ink

The Indomit

December 13, 2016
By ColinMeier BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
ColinMeier BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Indomit. It walked on two stubby legs covered in slime, those same stocky legs carried a torso broader than the horizon. The mechanical door shot upwards in one swift motion as the Indomit approached the entrance. Smoke billowed out at the it’s feet.

“Stop, stop!” The man frantically screamed.
It grabbed the man by the legs and tossed him like a rag doll. The once stark white corridor was now painted in a crimson red, the man's fatal end being the paintbrush of the walls.
The beast kept lumbering forward, its feet leaving a trail of gunky residue in its wake.
“It’s in hallway 37-E,” Malcolm whispered into his wrist communicator.. He crouched in a broken door way that ejected sparks around its rim. The Indomit had already tore through this section. “Here’s a view” Malcolm edged his wrist out of the doorway and pointed his communicator at the Indomit.
“Okay, okay. We’ll work towards your location,” The voice on the device responded. A holographic representation of the Indomit lurking in the halls of the ship popped up on the wrist communicator attached to Payton, Malcolm’s brother.
The response echoed out of the room and bounced off the walls of the tight hallway. The Indomit reared its head in Malcolm's direction, it’s eye’s filled with turbulent anger.
Malcolm scrambled to his feet and clicked on his wrist communicator. “It’s on the move, it’s on the move. What should I do?”
“Uh, come to us!”
“You asked for it” Malcolm clicked off his device in between strides. Weaving through debris and navigating the endless pathways of the ship, Malcolm listened for the monotonous patter of footsteps. “Where are you?” he yelled out into the halls of the ship.
“Here, come over here” Payton answered.
Malcolm followed the recognizable call of his sibling.
“Where were you? I told you not to break away from the group.” Payton asked frantically
“I was looking for it, the Indomit. That doesn't matter it’s coming now.”
“I specifically told you not to, you know what I’m tired of you-” Before Payton could finish, thunderous steps filled the air.
“Attention!” Payton commanded
The entire group collectively stopped, immediately each muscle in each of their bodies tensed up like a wound coil. A poor soul’s body slid forward along the ground, an errant hockey puck that came to a halt at the men’s feet. The Indomit slowly appeared from around the corner until it consumed the view of the group.
“What’re we gonna do, he’s only getting closer. Payton, PAYTON!” hollered Malcolm.
“Wait!” fired back Payton, “Wait ‘till he’s closer.”
Malcolm said nothing, but his breaths quickened and sweat began to roll down his forehead.
All at once, the group fired at the Indomit. First darts to calm it, then a net to contain it. It let out a deafening wail and collapsed to the ground in a heap of alien sludge and otherworldly mass. Moments later, the beast was detained. The Indomit did not struggle to escape or wiggle in fear once captured, it merely sat still.
Later, the men were tugging the Indomit along to throw him back in his cell. Payton and Malcolm led the group.
“Why didn’t he fight back. It doesn't make any sense.” Malcolm inquired.
“She knows who runs everything from the furthest star to the nearest planet. Humans.” Payton answered with confidence.
“Okay, that's great, but he still killed far too many of our men. Those men’s wives and children won’t be able to ever see their husband or father again. Ever. Doesn’t the Indomit know that she possesses that much power?”
“Yes, it does. But that isn't the point, Malcolm. Strength is in numbers, and it never stood a chance.”
“Then why did she escape if she knew her failure was inevitable?” Malcolm asked again. This time the question poked at Payton.
“Just drop it. It’s over now.”
Malcolm’s mind wandered. The Indomit escaped only to be relieved of its suffocating grasp for a short time by breaking free from its cell. It too had a place in the galaxy, somewhere with those similar to itself, in its natural home. However, the humans placed it where they saw fit, locked away in a small cell in the dark confines of space.

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