Forgott3n | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By JoseEspinoza BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
JoseEspinoza BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Agent DH-50 are you there?” screamed Laney.
“Ya know… I could get used to this car right.” I said.
“ Good for you. Now are you on Ave. Montaigne yet!”
“ Nice to hear you too Laney, sincerely” I said sarcastically. I love this car way too much right now, the brown leather steering wheel so soft and grippy, the engine roaring as the pistons blasted faster and faster as time runs the marathon. The V8, 4.7L, 444 Hp, 4.6 second Maserati Granturismo just felt good and right. It all rushed  through my head I could either be a top prospect WR that can and has a lot of potential to be a Millionaire, or a definite millionaire top class assassin.

“ Why are you on George V! I told you, you were booked for 12:00 pm, and it's 12:15, either you get your act together or I pull you off this mission!” howled laney.
“ Calm down, I’ll take a right on Rue Chambiges and a right on Rue Clement, is  it me or is every building here a square.”  I stated calmly.
“ Shut up” said Laney. Every time she yelled in her british accent it kinda made me mad, juust a little bit.  I parked my car inside the parking garage and headed off to the hotel. I’ve only heard of this place and dreamed of staying here.
I stepped in the lobby as I wore my black silk tux, with black Louis V. shoes, and a blue silk pocket square folded in presidential form. “Okay Agent 50, your checkpoints are, checkpoint 1 check in, checkpoint 2, to standby and equip all needed gadgets to execute the mission .Checkpoint 3 dine in at Les Stressa, checkpoint 4 Make Abel Courtois late for his flight.” stated Laney.
“ Wait hold up… Abel Courtois, as in the pharmaceutical guy?” I exclaimed.
“ Yes for Rexincorp, he has to attend a meeting in Singapore, so make him late for his flight, try food poisoning or something of that nature,” Laney stated.
As I was wandering around I noticed the beautiful red rug, and marble flooring. “ How may I help you.” Said the receptionist. “ Yes I'm checking in for Xander Welbeck,” I said.
One of my many fakes names, well I mean, I am a undercover secret assassin for the Widow Project. My real name is Desmond Howard. My dad was from Africa and moved to the United States, then he met my mom in Philly where I was born and, when I was 7 we moved to Colorado. Now my mom is a nurse and my dad is a Captain for his squad in the military. He's the only real reason I'm in the Widow Project, now I have peaked physical abilities, top marksmanship, and stellar fighting skills. Don't even ask about my driving, if I wanted I could be a F1 driver at will.
“Sir, your suite is in room 125 enjoy your stay,” She grinned.
As I walked into my room I noticed the beautiful Royal purple carpet, grand chandelier, and smooth drapes with a beatific king-size bed. A full marble bathroom with hints of gold, and a special dining table made of oak with a vase filled with lavender. I quickly gathered my things and drifted off to sleep.
As I awoke, I heard Laney talking to me, I lost track of what she was complaining about.
“ Alright I got it, geez.I’m signing off.” I stated.
I gathered a drone with a small rifle attached to it. A Rolex watch that could streamline a couple drops of poison, non lethal but, not good for your health. Symptoms nausea headache, sore throat, coughing, and throwing up. I also got a simple 5 inch blade and a small 4 way lug wrench. Then I headed down to the dinner reservation at Les Stressa. Sat down and ordered a scotch for Abel, I was planning on poisoning him by using my watch and telling the waiter to give it to him. Since the reservation was for a closed party in a banquet room, nothing would be suspected. “ Here you are, sir” said the waiter.
I asked for the specials and ordered a seviché, just to fill me. I then dispensed the poison, 
“ Waiter,would you be so kind to reward Abel this scotch I decided not to drink today.” I said.
“ I'll be right on it.” He replied. And gave Abel the drink. He drank half, and got up to give his speech.
“After today simple vaccines won't be needed, with this little microchip which will be inserted in each limb it will consume a virus destroy it without notice. Making cancer and others disease virtually non existent. I'd like to thank you for coming today.”
And showed a simple video telling all it's quirks. Then I moved to checkpoint 4; I went to the parking garage. I headed to Abels escort vehicles and popped all four tires of all 5 vehicles. They were all blacked out Rolls Royces, with fully tinted windows and Kevlar armor. Wow. he always rode in a Bentley continental Gt, I located it with the lug wrench I loosened the bolts, since he had run flats there was no use. I went back to the hotel, placed the drone in my window and dozed to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning I located my Battle suit which was a fully carbon fiber helmet, a titanium chest plate with pockets full of ammo and mini explosives forming an X shape. It also had Kevlar shoulder pads, and a grenade and ammo belt surrounding my waist, and two holsters fit with two silenced pistols. Also gloves that could hold up to 200 pounds of weight, and chameleon technology that made me invisible to the blind eye. Under all of this I had a thin wetsuit that was impenetrable. Now that I was ready I turned on my chameleon technology and entered my car where I turned on my tablet that manned the drone outside of my room. As Abel left the garage I set aim as he was crushing at 55 mph and watched his car flip and turn after the tires burst and fell off leaving no control. The car flipped 5 times finally coming to a stop, as I signed back online; Laney said to finish the mission and assassinate Abel. I entered my car turned of my chameleon tech and went into a full sprint to his car which was now smoking. He got backup as I got ambushed from every angle on the street. His escorts hid behind cars parked on the side of the rode and shot at sight, I threw a smoke grenade and a flashbang blinding them. Then with my physical abilities I sprinted and jumped over the cars on I landed on one knee. I then held my hands to the side and proceeded to shoot one by one as each man dropped. For the left flank of escorts I threw all my smoke grenades and turned on my heat signature vision and sneaked behind every single man and either slit their neck or snapped it. The I made my way to Abel and shot. Shot. Shot. I walked away in my Chameleon technology only to be met by agent Elit3. He was the number 1 Assassin in the world, completing 170 successful assassinations.
“ Hello Desmond, I see you've been busy. Now sadly I've been doing assigned to teach you my ways or something so… Pick your new name and let's proceed. So what is it.”
I felt dumbfounded as I noticed his new state of the Art Spectre suit now white with every detail as mine but including boost boot which makes you more agile, able to jump higher and, added speed because why not.
“ umm i guess I'm agent Forgetten with a three where the e is.” I squeaked. “ jacking my style huh” Elit3 said
“ No… I'm just better,” I said “Agent Forgott3n signing off and out, I'm going home boys.”
As I made my way to his private jet I took off my suit, and put on a casual graphic tee with Iron man on the front. And some Black jeans that got slimmer from the waist and some Nikes. I also put on my favorite Blacked out aviators. All Elit3 did was press a little square on his forearm and the whole suit transformed into a small 5x5 square. “When do i get one of those?”
“ Not for along time kid, welcome to Mark IV.” claimed Elit3. We entered the jet that was hidden in a park, well I Mean what should I expect it had chameleon technology. “ Kid now you know what we have to do right. Execute order 78.”
Order 78 is when you have to fake your own death that way your cover gets hidden forever.
“ I’ll do it.”  

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