a Trio Verses a Legion | Teen Ink

a Trio Verses a Legion

October 25, 2016
By blakephillips BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
blakephillips BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm and sunny day in Middle-Earth. The grass was green the trees were gently swaying in the breeze, and on the outskirts of a beautiful elven village a deer even popped his head out of a bush  to see what was going on as Glorandal walked by. Glorandal was a young slim and well fit elf. He was also one of the villages finest young warriors. He was enjoying nature as he ate his breakfast with his friends when a rider galloped up in a green-gray mottled cloak concealing his face. Glorandal ran to protect the village but when he got close he realized it was his friend Lockland,a half elf, . Glorandal and Lockland greeted each other as old friends when they heard  another rider they already knew who it was and they greeted him as old friends too .Just as well because it was Balin (a dwarf ) from the Lonely Mountains. They ate
Balin belched and said,  “ Come on then it is time to go. I think we have given this hooligan far long enough time  .”
They all responded with a groan, longing to stay at the elven village, but reluctantly they gathered their  stuff and finally set out for their  journey of which Glorandal still had no idea of where they were going and what they plan to do. At last Glorandal finally gave up and asked the question that had been on his mind ever since they had arrived earlier that morning.
“Where are we going and who are we after, “Glorandal almost begged the question to them.
They looked at him with a wicked smile.
Lockland said with practiced ease,“We are going to go after the goblin king and all of his orc and goblin friends.”
“Okay then,”Glorandal said. “Let’s get to it.”

They were off and rode one hour at a time then of course they had to stop and let the horses rest. The trio  eventually got to the goblin hoard after three days of hard riding and only stopped and slept when they needed it most , and of course  right before they went to prepare for battle . It was hard to prepare for battle. You had to make a checklist and go over your equipment like your weapons and shield ,and your horses and your gear. You had to leave behind all of the gear and your horse and hide them in a grove of trees and hope no one will steal them .
As the three young warriors went into the cave not knowing what to expect they held their weapons ready Glorandal had his bow halfway drawn , Balin his axe brought up ready to smash his opponent with a mighty downstroke ,and Lockland his long two handed sword ready to run a goblin through . They rushed into the huge cave only to find it abandoned, left to the rats, and there were a lot of rats .
“Man ,what a disgusting hole in the ground, ” Lockland whispered  .
Balin whispered in his ear, “I know, and to think anything could live here, I mean look at the maggots on the floor, the filth of the soot on the walls, and there is no light whatsoever.”      
Glorandal with his elf ears and eyes said in an ominous voice, “We are not alone,”
Just then, the one torch they had on the rack was snuffed out by an arrow , a goblin arrow . About twenty goblins appeared over the side of the cliff and the closest one was about eight meters away . Glorandal shot in rapid succession and dropped three of them with an arrow to the chest . Then it was Balin and Locklands’ turn; they went in swinging and smashing the sword and axe and each killed five of them. Meanwhile, Glorandal was picking off the ones he could, he killed two more with the bow then he joined the close range combat with his two long daggers  and the three of them were unstoppable the final two goblins tried and tried to block their attacks but they just kept at it, and the trio finally succeeded, saving  one of the goblins to torture in order to get information on where the rest of the goblins went and where the goblin King was .
They were in the misty mountains which was only a day's ride from where they were  now. They made sure that they had all of there stuff and sat down to eat their lunch they had a very delicious meal of rabbit stew after Glorandal has successfully killed and skinned two plump rabbits . with half a pot of water,six full sized carrots, a couple potatoes,  the rabbits, and some chips, and a nice chunk of  warm bread .They were off to the Misty Mountains .the ride was uneventful ,but as they approached the mountain they saw the king out at night he had just woken up and was taking a walk because he had just got out of being cooped up in his goblin cave for four days they sneaked up about 20 meters away Glorandal very slowly pulled an arrow out of his quiver and set it on the bow with practiced ease he slowly stood up and pulled back the string and took a deep breath and let the arrow fly all hey herd was a   “wizzz ,thunk”.  Glorandal’s arrow hit him straight in the back of the head! When they went to retrieve the dead body they realized it was not the king but it was his son and his father was raging right at them . Glorand al quickly fired three arrows but they did nothing to stop the raging father even though they all hit him in the arm , leg , and the right shoulder . It was now Balin and Locklands’ turn while Balin went one way and lured him closer Lockland went the other way and stuck him right through the armpit and straight through the heart. The all celebrated that goblin king was dead and now the legions of orc and goblin will soon die, for they cannot live and flourish without a king. And that put an end to the dark ages.  

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