The Jewelry Box | Teen Ink

The Jewelry Box

November 6, 2016
By Anonymous

I remember the day my great grandmother gave you to me. I had a great love for antiques and you were the perfect fit for me. You were so beautiful. White as snow with a bright shine that glowed like stars. Sitting on my night stand like a prize staring back at me. I had a good feeling when I first got you, I felt like a little girl again. I would sit on my bed for hours, gazing at you and winding up the ballerina to watch her sing and dance inside. You play such a beautiful angel like noise, similar to the sound of a mother’s lullaby to her child. I listened to the sweet song you play every night before I went to sleep and every morning right when I woke up. It's was peaceful and calming to me. You became a part of my daily routine; I was drawn to you.

It was a Tuesday morning when my great grandmother passed away. I remember it like it was yesterday. I woke up to the sound of my mother on the phone with someone, crying hysterically.  I was too scared to get out of my bed and ask her what happened, I just glared at the jewelry box she had given to me about a month before. I didn't have to ask my mother what was wrong. I knew in my heart and my stomach that she had passed. I don't know how I knew, I just did. I was pacing around my room trying to figure out what to do next. I winded up the jewelry box, and thought hard as the song played. My mother knocked on my door about twenty minutes later and confirmed what I already knew. My great grandmother strangely passed away in her sleep, no one knew how or why it happened. My mother was a mess. For the first days following her passing all my mother did was cry. I didn't know how to act, but I decided to put the jewelry box she gave me into my closet. It felt weird looking at it because it reminded me of her too much.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a strange screaming sound. I ran out of my room and sprinted to my mother’s room to see what was wrong. I swung open my door and I saw her in her bed. Sleeping like a baby. That was strange. I walked back into my room, dragging my feet as I went. I just figured that it was a part of my dream that just seemed to feel real. Crazy me. I got back into bed then fell back to sleep. About two hours later I woke up to the same screaming sound. I began to get scared because I knew it wasn't my mother who was making the noise, and I only lived with her. I heard a muted song that sounded like what plays when the jewelry box was winded up. I went to my closet, opened the door, and saw it open on the shelf. The ballerina spinning and all. I thought it was weird but I didn't think anything of it. I had a history of sleep walking, so it was easy for me to just blame myself for the unusual activity.

The next day I went to visit my sister. She asked me to bring some of my great grandmother’s things to her, so she could have something to remember her by. I thought about giving her the jewelry box but it was too personal to me. I was connected to it. I decided to bring her some of our great grandmother’s old rings and necklaces. Before I left my house, I brought out the jewelry box and let it play the song once. It felt so good to hear its sweet melody. I wanted to bring it with me even though I wasn't going to be giving it to her because I loved it so much. My sister lived 3 hours from me, and I was not feeling the drive. I had to drive on this long, creepy road for almost an hour. It was known as the creepy road because there has been more car accidents and deaths on this road than any other road in the entire state. Every time I drove on it I got chills, it's almost like I can feel the spirits of all the people who died. As I was driving on the creepy road I got a bad feeling in my stomach. I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw a truck speeding and swerving in the road. I tried to speed up and pull over but I couldn't in time. The next thing I knew the truck rammed into me and my car went spinning.

Once I snapped back into reality I realized what happened. I was in a car accident. I was fine but I saw the man who was driving the truck lying on the ground a few feet away, swimming in his own blood. I laid there on the ground, unable to move. I looked to the left of me and saw the jewelry box perfectly intact and open, playing its song. I thought of it as an act of God, or maybe it was my great grandmother watching over me. I was convinced that this was a sign, and I was listening. My sister drove to come get me, as my car was completely totaled. It was out of life, just like the drunk driver who hit me. In the car on the way to the hospital I sat there and held the jewelry box.

I laid in my hospital bed, unable to move. The room was ice. I was stone, I felt paralyzed. No one was in the room except me. I was surrounded by complete silence until I heard it. The sound of the jewelry box ballerina started to play. I watched it twirl around again and again, each time feeling more and hypnotized. When the music stopped playing I felt a creepy sensation infiltrate the room. The box didn’t give me a happy vibe anymore. It was weird, creepy and unsettling. I pressed the button on my hospital bed to alert a nurse to come to me but no one came. I started to worry but there was nothing I could do. I felt hopeless, like a fly stuck in a spider web. The next thing I knew everything went black. Completely black and dark. I heard the ballerina’s song play once more, then a black swift cloud floated out of the box, wrapping me up and consumed me.

The author's comments:

This is about a girl whos love for a jewlery box turns into something much darker.

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Gabl2390 said...
on Nov. 11 2016 at 10:57 am
Loved this story. So different, good job to whoever wrote this! (: