The Caes | Teen Ink

The Caes

October 25, 2016
By deigo BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
deigo BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I opened my eye thought to myself this is going to be an important day. Today I am going to get the world’s most insane crazy nut job killer. He has killed over 200 people and injured 45 others. I sprung out of bed looking at the time I’M LATE my boss is going to kill me. I hurried up and got dressed and made some coffee. I picked up my car keys locked the door and ran down the apartment stairs. I jumped in the car and slammed on the gas pedal trying to beat the time but just my luck there was a train. Meanwhile, I was waiting for the train to pass. I got a text message that my detective assignment came in, finally I can crack this case. 20 minutes later I arrive at work and I see my boss waiting at the door with a big frown on his face. When I walked up to him he said
“Your late and that the documents about the criminal are on my desk.”
I walk in my office and see a big pile of papers on my desk no one wanted to do this investigation because they were all scared that they would get hurt or even die. I read through all of the papers and found out that the criminal had a favorite bar that he went to every weekend. So I decide that I am going to go to the that bar and see if I can get him. I think to myself that it probably isn’t going to be that easy,
I quickly headed over to the bar and when I walk in I see him and four other men surrounding him they all had guns and they were in the VIP room on the upper floor. So I start to walk to the stares and one of the men standing outside of the VIP room told me
“I couldn’t go up there it was only for VIP personnel only,” so I look up and try to find another way to the room but with the corner of my eye I saw a window on top of the VIP room, so I would have to find a way on the roof to get in the window. So I headed out the bare and look up there was a ladder leading to the roof, I started to climb the ladder when I overheard that they were going to meet some people at the boat docks for the stuff, I didn’t really know what they were talking about but it was interesting. So I jumped off the ladder and got in my car and started to drive back to the station. Finally, when I arrived back at the station I told the caption to send out some police officers with me and head to the boat docks. When we arrived there we saw a whole bunch of armed men with guns, we even saw the criminal Bill, he has been doing drug trade and killing all over the world, I finally have a chance to put him in the slammer. They were trading other people from a different country stuff I couldn’t really see what it was it was in a black case. The boat patrol rolled out and surrounded them and we started to move out there was a big shooting everyone was shooting everyone, I didn’t really care about anyone but Bill he got in a car and started to drive off so I followed. Now we are on a high speed chance going faster than ever on the freeway.
He was swerving all over the road and I was trying to stop him but he wouldn’t so I pulled out my gun and shot his back tire his car flipped on the hood. I hurried up and stopped not trying to cause any more damage and hoped out the car. And started to him I saw blood on the window and I opened the door and saw him upside down with the seat belt wrapped around him. I dragged is bleeding body out of the damaged car and when I started to take him to the police car I felt a sharp stinging pain on my leg, when I looked down I saw a knife in my leg. He stabbed me while I was taking the knife out and he tackled me to the grown and I wrestling trying to get out if his arms reach, when I got up I put my arm around him trying to restrain him he tried to fit me but I hit him over the head with the knife handle and knocked him out. I dragged him to the cop car and put him I the back and took him to the police station I saw all the cops who were in the shooting before I left after Bill, some were hurt and some were killed but we got the meanest of them all and I finally cracked the case and I even got a promotion and I went in my office and I see I got another case on my desk. I didn’t even dare look at it I was tired and wore out I also had to go question Bill when I finished talking to him the last thing he told me
“it wasn’t over it never has been and they were coming for me so I should be ready” ……

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