Help, Every One is Getting Sick | Teen Ink

Help, Every One is Getting Sick

October 25, 2016
By SydneyMorel21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
SydneyMorel21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Bye Dad, love you!” Oh hey, I’m Mackenzie Phillips, but you can call me Mack. It’s the year 2022, and I live in Los Angeles, California with my dad, Michael, my mom, Angela, and my siblings. Noah is twenty one, Tyler is twenty, I’m nineteen, and my sister Nicole is seventeen. Anyway, let’s get back to the story. Today my siblings and I are going out on the boat. My dad is at the station, and my mom is at the store. At seven thirty, we drive back home, in our floating car. About five minutes afterwards, my dad brings us home. I run up to him and give him a great big hug.                           
“Hey Dad, how was your day?”
He says”O it was ok. What about yours?”
“Mine was awesome. I did a double backflip on the wakeboard.”
“Awesome, let’s go eat dinner now and I’ll tell you guys what happened at work today.”b
So we go sit at the table and while we eat dad tells us, today we found out that everyone in Los Angeles is getting sick from the restaurants.
Later that night Dad gets a text from an unknown number, and it says I'm going to Hawaii next come find me.
“Dad can I go to Hawaii with you.” I say.
“ Sure but you might be board.”
The next day Michael, and Mack go to the police station and he shows everyone the text everyone gets all their stuff around and then they're off in there jet police cars. They go to Maui because it is one of the biggest islands in hawaii. Once they get there they finally get some pictures of the person that is causing all the trouble. His name is Brady McCowan, they go on a search for him. Meanwhile back at the hotel Mack is getting bored so she goes to the beach and is getting ready to learn how to surf at the ocean. Once she gets there she sees that on the waiting list BRADY MCCOWAN, she calls her dad and she tells him where she is and that he needs to come right now. Then she sees a guy running out of the building with a bag and behind him he drops a glass bottle.
“I’ve got him” Mack says to herself.
She runs after brady and he leads her all through the beaches of Maui. he dad finally finds them in the jet car and he jumps out and tackles brady.
“That's the end of your mischief, let's get him back to the station.” says Michael
After they get back to the station they lock him up and go home to their family.
On the way home Mack says, “ I never got to go surfing in Hawaii.”
“ It's ok we are going there on spring break which is only four weeks away.” says Michael.
Once they get home the whole family goes out on the lake and spends the rest of the day out on the lake. So four weeks pass and it’s time to go to Hawaii.
“Let's go get on the plane to go to Hawaii.” says the whole family.
On the way to Hawaii Michael said “were luckily Brady did not get to posen anything in Hawaii because of Mack catching him.”
Five days later
“I finally got the hang of surfing dad!” said Mack.
Then two more days went by and they went back home. When they got back home and michael went to the police station.
The head police officer said good news all of the restaurants are cured.
One of the other police officers said “yes I’ve really wanted chinese food.”
So all of the police officers went out to eat with their families at the chinese palace.

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