What lies on Planet Winter Oasis | Teen Ink

What lies on Planet Winter Oasis

October 26, 2016
By whitneyshepherd BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
whitneyshepherd BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What Lies on Planet Winter Oasis
As I sprint behind a few creaky wooden boxes, slowly running out of breath, in the storage area of the ship station keeping an eye out for any guards, my bracelet starts to buzz.
“Jeremy, where the heck are you!” I yell as softly as I can making sure no one is around to hear me.
“I am behind the building at gate seventy-four,” he says.
I look around to find myself at gate seventy. As I slowly pass by cargo crates and metal parts to ships I finally get to gate seventy-four.
“Alice, what took you so long,” Jeremy says with a grin on his face, “And why do you look like that?”
“Look like what?” I ask confused.
“I'm just used to you with bright pink and blue colors, and not this,” he says.
“What, I can't wear blue jeans and gray sweatshirt,” I say. “I'm still wearing a dark purple shirt under this,”
“It's fine, just forget about it,” he says.
“How does my hair look?” I ask. I have my long black with purple highlights pulled up in a tight bun.
“It's fine,” he says. “Let's just get to the ship,”
Jeremy is my older brother, he is nineteen years old. He is three years older than me. He has black hair with dark blue highlights, he has one of his ears pierced, and he usually wears jeans with a random color T-shirt and a gray jacket.  Almost every girl thinks he’s ‘the one’. I don’t get what they see in him.
“Sorry, it’s not my fault it’s three in the morning,” I say in a sarcastic way.
  We sneak over to a ship Jeremy somehow busts the bolted door open.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask Jeremy in a nervous tone.
“This is what you always wanted, right?” he asks. “You better think fast because I may have set off an alarm.” he says. An alarm went off the second he says that.
“I guess I have no choice now,” I say.
We quickly jump in the ship, Jeremy is starting the engines, and I am checking to make sure everything’s running smoothly. We go faster and faster with every second as the ship zooms down the runway. I look back to see three other ships catching up. On the sides of the ships it says Skyrim Police.
“Are we all clear sis?” Jeremy yells.
“No,” I scream back, “There are three Skyrim Police ships on our tail.”
Jeremy is turning the ship left and right trying to get the cops off our tail, and I’m swaying back and forth trying to keep my balance. After what felt like hours Jeremy finally cuts them loose.
“Are there any planet stops around?” Jeremy asks.
I look at the GDPD radar (Galaxy Destination and Planet Destination). “There’s one on the right in about 500 milestars,” I say pointing in the direction of the planet stop.
We slowly descend on the small planet stop hoping there would be supplies for us and the ship. I walk into the supply store and a sign says ‘we speak Zilaton’ in what looks like a 1000 different languages.
I go up to the counter, doing my best to speak this language, and ask “Does this place have any food and gas for a hunter ship?”
“Yes we do honey, the food is in row twenty-eight,” the lady says with a southern accent, “What version is your hunter ship sweetie?”
“It’s the 7000 version,” I reply.
After I get all of the supplies we need, we start our way to the planet Winter Oasis.
“So, what are you going to tell mom and dad?” I ask Jeremy.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“Weren't you going to college to be in the big family business? If mom and dad find out that you're missing-”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, “I left them a note saying that you and I are going on a trip before I go to college.”
For what seems like months we finally arrive at the planet Winter Oasis. I look out the window of the ship expecting a winter wonderland, cozy cottages, little towns, kids playing in the blankets of snow, and people ice-skating on the lakes, but what we see is the exact opposite. All the cottages and towns are ruined as if a storm went by, there are no kids playing in the sheets of snow, and no one skating on the lakes.
“Wh-what happened to this place,” I say looking at Jeremy about to burst into tears.
“I...I don’t know,” he says. You can tell from the look on his face that he is determined to find out who did such a horrible thing.
We manage to drag ourselves out of the hunter ship. I see a small town standing on its last legs. I sprint to the half torn cottages burnt almost to a crisp. I walk into one of the cottages. The first thing I see is a picture of a little girl who looks about seven years old with blonde pigtails and a white dress, a boy maybe the same age with slicked back brown hair and a button up suit. I burst into tears as I bring the photo closer to my eyes.
“It’s ok,” Jeremy says in a soft tone, “We will find out who or what did this terrible thing.”
As we walk out I put the picture in my bag hoping that I would see the two kids. Jeremy and I walk around hoping that we would come across someone. We go in every cottage and every town to find anything that might help us.
As we head back to the ship Jeremy sees something.
“Hey Alice,” he says.
“What,” I reply.
“I think you might want to take a look at this,” he points up at the sky and his face is in awe.
I look at what he points to. It is a bright beam of light as if a galaxy blew up.
“What is it?” Jeremy asks looking at me, “You’re the space scientist thingy,”
“Galaxy and chemical engineer,” I say correcting him, “I’m pretty sure it’s a reaction to the chemicals of carbon, astro gas, and uranium acid in the air, but they usually don’t glow that bright for that long,”
“Quick get in the ship; we are going over there,” he says in the most serious voice he could.
We go so fast that I think we may fly past it. We land about fifty feet away from the blinding light.
“JEREMY WAIT!” I scream at the top of my lungs running after him. He was face to face with the gleaming sky beam. “What- are- you- doing-?” I ask trying to catch my breath.
“I see something,” Jeremy whispers so soft I can barely hear him.
“See what,” I say leaning in closer to the crystal clear light. I am in shock to see what looks like a person. “No way,” I say in an nervous but excited at the same time. “We need to hide,” I whisper to Jeremy, “Right now,”
We duck behind a snow hill a few feet away from the shining light.
“What are we doing!?” Jeremy says in a nervous and scared tone.
“Shhh,” I say.
The person comes out of the stunning light. She is pale and wearing this weird black suit that looks like a scuba diving suit with thin, tiny teal lines all over. She has fiery red hair, and she looks like she is holding a scanbot 100.
“Who is that?” Jeremy asks.
“Shhhh,” I say punching him in the shoulder.
We hear a buzzing noise fly fast above us, and slowly land next to the pale women. Her ship looks like she could barely fit in it. The ship is a small sphere with a glass window about the size of a basketball. We watch her get in the tiny sphered ship and zoom off. Jeremy and I walk to the place the women had once stood. Only a few pieces from her clothing was chipped off from the lights glow. I stare at the pieces and then it hit me.
“I know what this is!” I yell in joy and excitement.
“Know what?” Jeremy asks.
I go to get a hand full of snow and chuck it at the blazing lazer. It evaporates immediately in its heat.
“See I knew it!” I shout.
“Knew what!?” he yells.
“The weird looking suit, it’s some sort of light shield.”
“That explains why she could go through the beam,”
“The question is where do we get one, and what is in that beam of light?” I say. “We need to go to the space suits and ships planet.”
We both get in the ship and try to find the nearest space suits and ships planet. As we fly around for what only seems like twenty minutes before we come across a store planet.
“Excuse me, do you have any light beam reflective suits or anything like that?” I ask the man with extremely long ocean blue hair.
“Yes we do ma’am, they're in the back; follow me,”
Jeremy and I follow the man to the back of the building where the storage area is located.
“How many suits do you two need?” asks the man.
“We need four suits please,” I say politely.
The man opens the metal, bolted door revealing twenty reflective light beam suits all in a perfect row. There are machines among all the sides of the squared room working in sync with each other.
“Go ahead and pick your four suits and I will meet you guys at the checkout line,”
“Wait, how much do they cost?” Jeremy asks.
“Where are you from?” Asks the man
“We’re from planet Skyrim,” me and Jeremy say at the same time.
“The four suits will be 250,000 Sky Pellets,” the man says.
I look at the twenty identical suits all in a perfect row. They are the exact same as the women with the fiery red hair has. We go to the checkout line and get our four light suits. Jeremy and I walk back to the ship when we see her, the lady with fiery red hair. We try our best to hide the suits and not make any eye contact whatsoever. Holding our breath, not blinking, and not making any noises, we walk right past her.
We head back to Winter Oasis. Jeremy parks the ship behind a few mountains of snow, so it will not be seen by anyone or anything.
“Before we put our lives in danger we should test these suits,” I say.
“Right,” he says.
I lightly toss one of the suits into the burning light. We look at it for a minute making sure the suit didn't disintegrate. We both put on the light deflecting suits on, and slowly walk into flaming beam.
“Wow!” Jeremy says, “This is-,”
“Amazing!” I say finishing his sentence.
It's a winter paradise, as if I was looking into a living snow globe, or a fairy tale come to life. There are towns, cottages, frozen lakes, blankets of snow, and falling crystals filling the air.
“How is this in here?” I say in shock.
I pace back in forth thinking of how this world got in this five feet diameter beam of light, and how are these people surviving without the special suits. Jeremy is just in awe.
“Ok, I have a few theories,” I say to Jeremy, who isn't really paying any attention to this situation.
“Ok,” he says still looking around like a little puppy.
“It might be possible that the chemicals in the atmosphere mixing with the light beam might make the air harmless, but then why do we have to wear these suits. The women with the fiery red hair must have done something to the atmosphere so that the people who live here will not be harmed, but we have to wear the suits or else the powerful bright light would kill us.”
“If that is the case then how is she controlling the atmosphere and the light?”
“I guess the only way to find out is to look around.”
“I think that we should look by the mountain tops, because if we go into town they will probably ask a lot of questions.”
We go and look around every mountain we can find to see if there is anything to do with the women with the fiery red hair. Then we see a cave in a mountain with a reddish, yellowish, and orangish glow to it.
“Do you see what I'm seeing?” Jeremy asks turning in my direction
“I have never seen so many machines, computers, and security screens in one place!”
Ring ring ring “Hello,” Jeremy says answering his phone.
“Jeremy where is Alice now!” Our Mom says shouting at Jeremy.
“She is with me, and we are on vacation,” he says in a calm voice.
“Bring her home now,” she says in a harsh full tone.
“Why does-,”
“I set up a business meeting for her, so she can be in the family business.”
Before Jeremy could reply I grab the phone from him.
“Mom, I never wanted to be in the family business. I want to be galaxy and chemical engineer!” I yell.
Before our Mom could answer I hang up, and hand the phone back to Jeremy.
“Ok let's just forget about that, and figure out what's going on,” I say to Jeremy.
We look at the programming on the laptops, what the security screens show, and what the machines are doing.
“It seems like the women is going to change this whole planet,” I say still looking at the different programs on the laptops.
“What do you mean?”
“Well the programs on the laptops all relate to the atmosphere in the light beam and the atmosphere on the outside of the light beam, and the screens show the towns, and the machines are calculating the weather on the inside and outside of the light beam.”
“Well, what do we have here,” a chilling voice echoes through the cave.
“We were just hiking an-,” Jeremy says, but then was cut off.
“Shut it,” the women with the fiery red hair says.
I slowly back up to the laptop that controls the light beam.
“Stop, you don't know what you're doing,” she says to me with a cool stare.
I turn around so fast the I get a little dizzy, then I start to type shutdown codes in as many laptops as I can. While Jeremy pushes the women as far away from me as possible. I now start to rewire a few machines to explode. I sprint by and grab Jeremy’s arm and we get out to the cave ready to blow at any moment. As we run to the exit of the light, we see the towns, cottages, frozen lakes, the blankets of snow, and all of the people disappear into the air. We hear a loud BOOM in the background as me and Jeremy leave the beam of light.
We shoot out like a bullet into a pile of snow. I get up as fast as possible to see the women with the fiery red hair, and if the towns are there. I'm filled with joy to see the women is gone and that everything is back in its place as if it was never touched.
“It's so pretty,” Jeremy says.
“What the heck just happened,” I say as if I was brainwashed.
“Are you kidding me!? You just saved this world!”
“Really? Well now what do we do?”
“We need to go back to Skyrim and tell mom!”
Back at planet Skyrim…
“Mom, Alice saved the planet Winter Oasis!” Jeremy shouts almost breaking the door as he opens it.
I trail behind him with my head down expecting a hit to the head. I feel arms around me, and I realize it is Mom.
“I'm so proud of you,” she says with tears in her eyes, “You go and be that engineer you always wanted to be.”

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