The Day That I Will Never Forget | Teen Ink

The Day That I Will Never Forget

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

 It was Monday, March 13th, 9709 in Diamond City, which is the new Indianapolis. We don’t call it Diamond City because it is made out of diamonds, but because it’ so shiny and it is a really clean place, until the town was under attack by technology robots.
     My name is Tim, I have dark hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. I was born in 9694. I am 15 years old. I live in a mansion and the place smells nice and every room is shiny have a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, and uncle. We all have fancy clothes just to look fancy. I have a standard family and the best part was that I was the only child in the family. Everything in my childhood was great for me not because I don’t have any siblings to bother me, but because I’ve been treated fairly By my parents and my grandparents.
     My mom has brown hair, white skin, and dark eyes and my dad has blonde hair, white skin, and red eyes.My grandmother has brown hair, white skin, and green eyes and my grandfather has dark hair, grey eyes, and white skin. My parents will always be there to help me with work that I get from school. Also they would also help with chores that I do.
     My grandparents would take me to really great places if I did good in school and sometimes we would have a campfire at night and watch the fireworks in the sky.
     My aunt would take me places on my birthday and my uncle would do the same, but only around December before Christmas. I like playing video games so on my birthday or Christmas they would give me a game that I’d like.
     I go to the Diamond City High School. I learned a lot of stuff there. I have five friends that I haved hanged out with at school. The school has diamond decorations everywhere and it will always smell like air freshener.
One of of them Robert, he has blue eyes, white skin, and brown hair. Robert is a really good friend, but sometimes he can be a little bit bossy.
     Then there’s Brad, he has blonde hair, white skin, and dark eyes. Brad is really great with inventions.One time at a science fair, he made a robot out of nothing but dead batteries.
     Then there’s Jen, she has green eyes, white skin, and blonde hair. Jen is really athletic one time at a ten-lap running test, she was the first one to finish and she had overlap  the whole class three times.
     Then there’s Tina, she has blonde hair, beige skin, and brown eyes. Tina doesn’t talk much, sometimes she gets stage fright during some of her presentations.
     Finally there’s Brandon, he has dark hair, dark eyes and beige skin. Brandon is really good with jokes, but during school he can sometimes slack off.
     My friends mostly wear casual clothes and sometimes on special occasions, they would wear fancy clothes just like me. Everything was going great at school until one day, it was completely like the end of the world.
     It all started when I woke in the morning, I had a bad start because first it took me more than five minutes to find my alarm clock. Then, I couldn’t find anything to wear or something to eat for breakfast, but I did manage to catch the bus.
     On my way to school, I sat with Brandon on the bus. He had told everything about how the world was going to end, which was ridiculous but I listened anyway. I got to school. Luckily, I got breakfast there and I went to class.
During lunch I talked to my friends, they were surprised because of a huge thunderstorm.
     Brandon said that it is going to be more than a thunderstorm.
     More hours had passed, it was the end of the school day. I decided to walk home until suddenly, I felt a huge earthquake and the sky started falling. I started running for my life until I started to see a giant spaceship tribe destroying the whole city with lasers. Out of nowhere, there were falling evil robots falling from the sky taking people hostage. It can only mean one thing, it’s the end of the world. For once, Brandon was right.
     I had finally found a way to my house and when I went inside My parents were gone. The invaders probably captured them, so I decided to run away. When packing up my my things, I saw this guy with a black coat and a laser gun. He was destroying the robots like it was nothing. When he destroyed the invaders, I decided to follow him. I ran as fast as I could to keep up with him, then I saw him stop and pull out his jetpack to fly into the giant spaceship. I waited for something to happen, then a short time later, the spaceship exploded. Once the ship exploded, the city was back to normal.   I ran back to my house and my parents were here, they were worried at first, but they were glad that i’m okay.
     It was night time and I was really ready for bed. After all of this, I thought about the day that blew my mind, the day that i’ll never forget.




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