No Gravity Noah | Teen Ink

No Gravity Noah

June 3, 2016
By malm89 BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
malm89 BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Noah Jones was born on May 4th 1993. He was a perfectly healthy and normal baby that blended in perfectly with every other baby in America. Until Noah was six years old, he was not particularly big or strong. But  as he got older, he came to the realization that he could jump and throw things so much farther than any other of his friends and even most of the kids that were older than him. Noah or his family never knew actually why he could throw and jump so much farther than everybody else.

As he grew older, it became apparent that Noah had a gift. He had broken nearly every school track record by his freshman year in high school. Noah Jones had everyone scratching their head in disbelief, including local news reporters. Noah would start to wake up to local news reporters standing outside his house. This was especially remarkable because Noah looked like your average teenager. Despite all the publicity he was getting, Noah truly did not know why he had such athletic ability.
After being a top news story for three weeks straight and breaking almost every school track record, he parents decided to take him to a sports doctor. When they got to the doctor's office, he was in disbelief.
Doctor, “I really don't know how your son can demonstrate these amazing feats of strength, it’s almost like he is immune to gravity.”
Noah’s Parents, “That’s not possible, is it?”
Doctor, “If it was possible, he would be the first person ever to have this happen to him.”
Since Noah, his parents, the sports doctor, or the local news team could not figure out why he could throw and jump so far. So He always just assumed he was born with the ability to resist gravity while playing sports.

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