The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

May 27, 2016
By SEpirates BRONZE, Atwater, Ohio
SEpirates BRONZE, Atwater, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The ship hit the ground fast and hard. No major injuries,  a headache and a sore back. I pinch myself to see if i'm dreaming , I crash landed onto a planet. Not just any planet, a planet not even known by the human race. I have been stranded here for 3 hours and I feel like i’m going to be here a lot longer. My name is Captain George Hendricks, I have been with the NASA space program for over 15 years. I am a very experienced space technician and somewhat of an expert on the milky way galaxy, I have traveled to all 8 planets. But I have never seen anything like this. An extraordinary advancement in space technology has enabled scientists to create a new machine called the tr9. This unbelievable machine allows astronauts to travel into different galaxies. The usual precautions were taken and of course animals were used to test this first. The experiments were successful and the machine was considered safe enough for human use. That’s where I come in, it was a solo mission and I was going to be the first human being to ever travel into a entire different galaxy.
  A year and a half later after many hard tests and experiments, I was ready to go. I said my goodbyes to my family and friends and the day finally came. August 22nd 2055, launch day. The machine was attached to the side of the shuttle. It was Smaller than I expected  (about the size of a school bus). I did exactly what I was told and climbed my way in. I was nervous to fly a shuttle that I wasn't all too familiar with. I found my way to the pilot seat and awaited my orders. A message comes through my helmet “tr9 has everything prepared for you captain”. I was very surprised to hear this. I have never been on a mission where I did not have to prep for lift off. Ten, nine, eight. Sweat beads up on my forehead, I inhale a deep breath. Seven, six, five. I exhale. Four, three, two, one.

The lift off went as smoothly as anticipated. The shuttle was quick, I passed mars, jupiter and saturn in no time. Then Uranus, and Neptune. “ Prepare for teleportation captain” I ensured all buckles and harnesses were fastened and braced for what was next. When all of a sudden there was a loud bang towards the back of the shuttle. A red light flashed behind me along with a loud buzzing sound. I quickly called back to base to inform them about the problem. “ Captain the tr9 has taken damage, you need to act quickly.” My training has prepared me for situations like this, I quickly gathered the tools that I needed. A burning smell filled the air, and fuel was leaking profusely. I quickly realised that repairing something like this in mid flight  was clearly out of the question. I knew what had to be done.”Captain we have to land as soon as possible” I called back to base “Set the tr9 to the closest galaxy.” The shuttle began to vibrate and with a quick flash of light I arrived.  The closest planet to me was bright green and a sort of egg shape. I prepared myself for a crash landing.

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