Unbothered | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By myhea_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
myhea_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I live in a place where the sun doesn’t come out. Where I breathe in so much polluted air every day, which I wake up. One day in this miserable city I might change everything, a woman can always dream.

It’s April 16th, my first day back from vacation. I head out to Chrysler’s Main Factory. It’s not a job that everyone would like to have, but in my opinion it’s the best out there. I hear the wet footsteps as one of my co-workers runs right behind me. It’s one of those wet days when everyone is depressed and tired. My co-worker shoves me as it begins to rain. I didn’t say anything to her because there’s no point. I head into the front door of the factory.

“Mrs. Lake I have some good and bad news for you,” says my Boss.

“Call me Diamond! I’ve worked here long enough for you to call me by my first name,” I exclaim.

She giggles, “The good news is you're getting transferred and promoted to a new factory.

The bad news is our new factory is in a place of the unusual.”
My boss walks away from me as I stare blankly into space. I was confused at the thought of her saying, “a place of the unusual.” Mrs. Cartery (my boss) has come back with information on my new job and where it is.

“You must be ready to move by tomorrow evening! Your flight leaves exactly at 5 o'clock,” she stutters.

I quickly nod my head on everything she says. The thought of leaving Detroit made me somewhat curious. 5 Christmas’ ago I left the city. As I open the front door of the office a powerful gust of wind makes the packet of paper fly out of my hands. Luckily the papers only land a few feet away from me. My favorite co-worker Janet grabs the papers from the floor and hands them to me.

“It seems like you’re the one of us who has the guts to up and leave this place,” Janet smirks, “It was nice having someone with effort around here.”
I give her a hug before I leave the place I love so much. I have to choke back tears as I walk back to my car. It’s almost like the sky knows how I feel and starts to rain. I couldn’t help myself, the tears just flow down my cheeks. I drive back to my apartment with heartbreak. I know I shouldn’t be crying over such an exciting promotion.

I arrive at my small but comfortable apartment. It isn’t much, but it is still home. After today, it won’t be mine for very much longer sadly. I walk down the dimly lit hallway. As I, walk all you can hear are the screeches and creaks of the floor. I remember when I first moved here, I didn’t get use to the sound until four years later. My favorite neighbor Mrs. Gallagher steps into the hallway. She is a very old lady but she is kind as ever.
“Hello Mrs. Gallagher, how are you today?” I say loud enough for her to hear.

“Hi Darling, I’m quite fine today! I would stay and chit-chat but there’s a bingo game this very Sunday, I can’t miss!” Mrs. Gallagher yells as she leaves the building.

I grow sadder I can’t tell her that I’m going to be moving. I told myself to quit being a baby and suck it up. I didn’t grow up around crybabies. I became like this 6 years after my parents plane crash. I get very upset every time I think of them. I didn’t realize I am standing outside of my door. I struggle for about 5mins trying to open this old rusty door. I finally open it and turn the light on. I spend 6 hours packing everything in totes and boxes. I fall asleep on the floor for 12 hours.

Later the next day the sky is cloudy and the roads are dry. I look at the time, its 3:30. I only have an hour and half to be there for my flight. Which my 40 minute drive takes up some time to get to the airport.
As I arrive I immediately dash out my car. I run to the nearest airport carriage cart I can find. It takes me 20 minutes to load my things onto the cart. A young handsome man sees me struggle as I try to push the cart, towards the airport.

“Miss, may I help you out? A pretty lady like you shouldn’t be moving such a huge cart all by herself,” he asks nicely

“No, no thank you! I appreciate the offer and I rather push my thing by myself then let a young man like you waste your energy, plus my flight 289 might be too far from yours,” I say back.

He comes up to me and sternly says, “I don’t take no for an answer.”

He walks beside me while pushing the cart. The airport is huge. It smells like must and vanilla. It is like a million people in one place who don’t know what deodorant is.

“May I ask you what your name is?” the young man next to me asks.

“Diamond Lake, I probably should have told you before! Anyways what is your name?” I ask him.

We stop in front of my airport gate and they take my luggage into baggage claim.

“Luke Thompson,” he whispers into my ear.

I didn’t realize that he is so handsome. He’s 6’3 with dark brown hair and big green mesmerizing eyes. Looking at him is so distracting that I didn’t catch a single word that comes out of his mouth.

“Huh what did you say,” I ask him.

He laughs, “I was saying that I hope it isn’t weird that we have the same flight.”

I gasp, “Well… I guess I’ll have a new friend going into a new state, You have no idea where you are going do you?” he chuckles softly.

“FLIGHT 289 IS READY FOR DEPARTURE FLIGHT 289 IS READY FOR DEPARTURE!” someone yells over the intercom.

We walk side by side onto the plane. We sit next to each other to get to know one another better. His husky voice is so nice to talk to.

“How do you know so much about this?’ I ask.

“I’m from that place, I was born and raised there, and it’s quite a magnificent world!” he whispers into my ear, “I think you will learn to love it there.”

I nod my head as he continues to talk to me. I fall into a deep asleep.
*12 Hours Later*
I wake up to Luke carrying me! I jump right out of his large muscular arms, almost landing face down on the floor. He catches me in mid-air. I choke back on air, as he lifts me back. The light from the sun blinds me from seeing his strong gorgeous face.

“I think you can put me down now,” I smile at him.

“I guess, but do you even know where you are going?” He questions.

“6372 Middair Ave.” I say to him.

“Looks like I’ll be escorting you there myself,” as he guides me outside.

I could not believe what I was seeing. Such mythical creatures I use to believe as a child are right in front of my eyes.

“You knew this place was like this and you didn’t tell me,” I say in shock.
Under his breath he says, “You’re so gorgeous when you are surprised.”

“What did you say? Forget it are you going to take me there or not?” I yell at him.

He doesn’t answer but pushes me towards his weird vehicle. Some type of connection sparks between us. He leans in so close that all we can do is stare into each other's eyes. He opens the door for me. His car is so out of this world. I think to myself flying cars in my world would be so unbelievable. I laugh at myself; well this is a different world. He drives or should I say flies to this huge extravagant hotel. Luke drops me off and gives me his number just in case I need some help.
*1 week later*
I finally get comfortable in my new suite that I’ll be living in until I afford a house. I am the new boss of the new factory which is running real smoothly. In my free time I’ve been getting tour guides from Luke like right now! This place is so astonishing and beautiful that I can’t help but ask but boatloads of questions.

“What is the name of your world? I really did not even pay attention to my airplane ticket just at the gate number and the time,” I ask with excitement.

“Kiyiah,” he responds so sweetly with his sparkling smile.

Every night after work Luke and I will meet up at my place or his place for dinner. My place will always smell like his fruity island cologne, it’s a twist between coconut and watermelon. I instantly fall in love with his cologne every time he walks in. Eventually I fall in love with him.  After a couple weeks of getting closer and closer with him. Until finally he asks me out on a date.

Tonight is our first official date. I’m burning my light brown wavy hair with the flat iron. It’s the first time I’ve ever straighten my hair in a long time. It is nice to do something new and I think Luke will like it

“Who is it? I yell from the bathroom.

“It’s me, Luke!” I hear the front door shut, as he yells back.

“You are here awfully early! I’m just beginning to get ready,” I shout.

“What are you getting so dressed up for we’re not going out to anywhere?” He chuckles.

I step out the bathroom to him in the sitting in the living room. He stares at my hair in shock. I tell myself that he must not like it. I put my hair into a bun and awkwardly walk into a kitchen full of groceries.

“What’s all this for?” My voice squeaks.

“It’s for our date dummy,” he heads towards me in the kitchen.

I start to realize how short I am compared to him as he starts to unpack all the food and movies that are in the bags.
After several hours of eating and watching movies I fall asleep on his shoulder during the move “Purge”. He carries me into my room and then kisses my forehead before settling me down on the bed.

Before he leaves he whispers in my ear, “I think I’m in love with you!”

As I sleep peacefully he leaves quietly without even a sound of the door closing. I start to have some pretty interesting dreams about him. During those dreams I realize I only know the basics about him and he practically knows everything about me. I literally went back to my childhood to now and I don’t even know anything about his family. I want to know the real Luke, not the one who treats me like a princess and takes care of me when I don’t need to be. All these mythical creatures that live here and can tell what they are but I have no idea what Luke really is, he looks like a normal human but I know he’s more than that. He’s so mysterious and secretive and I trust him anyway when I shouldn’t. Ever since I met him he’s changed me so much.

I’m in love with Luke and I know he’s in love with me!

I wake up from my thoughts hesitantly. I get up and start to call Luke, when an unknown caller pops up out of nowhere. I answer with some frustration because I hate when people I don’t know call my number.

“Hello, this is Ms. Lake!” I say politely.

“You are not to speak to Luke Thompson ever again! I sternly advise that you listen to me closely, it is forbidden for any human to be in love or have any affection with our kind, If you chose to break our law the penalty is death,” the unknown caller says then hangs up.
I sprint out from my suite and make my way out of the hotel to Luke’s apartment. His apartment is a few blocks away which aren’t far since I’m running. I wonder if it is all a joke or maybe Luke got the call too.  I stop right outside the doors of the apartments. I walk up the nicely painted stairway towards the crystal clear glass door. I walk inside and head to his apartment. The wooden door of his apartment is slightly cracked open.
KNOCK KNOCK no one answers...
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK stills no answer…
I bust the door open, and makes a loud THUD. I start to check every single room yet no one is there! Usually I would think he would be here but I guess not.
RING RING Luke’s home phone rings. I let it ring for a good two minutes.
“Ms. Lake we know you are at Luke’s  apartment and now that you know he’s not there, we're coming after you whether you like it or not,” and the other line goes dead again.
I didn’t even get the chance to ask who they are but I didn’t care, no one can keep me from him and I will put up a fight if I have to.
I run for my life! I have no idea where I am going, yet I know I am on a mission to find the love of my life. I don’t know what street I’m on. I look up at the street sign, it is pretty blurry since I am running to no specific destination. I take a few minutes to stop and regain my vision to look at a tall figure. The figure in a blur puts a bag over my head before I can even move.
What seems like a few hours of driving nowhere? The van gradually starts to stop. I hear a couple of voices speaking. The door to the can slides open, I instantly roll out onto the hard rocky surface. I start to try and take in my surroundings. I take in the smell of old people and water; I see what seems like a huge courthouse.The bag over my head really isn’t blinding at all. At that point I realize I’m dealing with the government.
Someone lifts me off the ground and the way they did felt all too familiar. I want to scream at him but I trust him. After all he’s been such help since we met. We go through several doors and finally he puts me down in a chair. After he takes the bad of my head, very quickly he gags my mouth with a sock. It takes a few minutes to regain my full eyesight. The man in front of me isn’t who I expect. He is built just like Luke, yet he doesn’t have the same facial structure. I look around the circular room and spot three windows and two doors.

“Don’t think you’ll get out young lady,” the familiar voice says.

I raise my eyebrow and cough out the sock before saying, “Aren’t you the mysterious man from the phone?”

He sneers, “The name is Leo Thompson.”

He smirks at me as I stare in awe

“My little brother didn’t tell you much about our family did he,” he rants, “We practically run this world, because we’re the most powerful creatures.”

I literally have no words to say. Luke should have told me about this. I start to get angry at the thought of me probably being his pet.

“It’s not his fault he couldn’t tell you sweetheart, he had already broken a few laws,” he chuckles quietly.

The door to the right of me slams open. In comes a guilty face Luke, and I just want to scream at him. His family has threatened me because we love each other and that is nothing that big to react over.
He charges straight at his brother with full force, which knocks the wind out of Leo. They wrestle on the floor until blood starts to splatter everywhere. And awfully tall woman runs at both of the boys with Tasers. Before Luke and Leo notice her she puts them on the ground. Cries of pain fill the room!

“Both of you need to stop acting like little pups,” she shrieks.

Neither of them says a word. They stare into the woman’s eyes for what seems like an eternity. The woman turns away from them to stare dead at me. Her presence makes me want to hide, yet she is so gorgeous that it's scary.

“So you are the human that’s in love with my youngest,” she yells, “You have broken our laws which leaves me no choice but to kill you.”

Her voice is so powerful, that room begins to shake. I didn’t say a word. My thoughts start to cloud my mind which makes my body start to shake. The lights in the room start to dim, every second that passes the room grows darker and darker. The only thing I hear is my heart pounding. THUMP THUMP THUMP! I pass out on to the cold hard floor.
“Mother what spell did you use?” One of the boys asks.

“I didn't————

I can’t hear anything anymore I am completely passed out. I can’t see anything, not even a glimpse of light. What seems for hours of thinking on when I’m going to wake up my body begins to shudder back to life. It is a sensational feeling, yet I ache from not moving at all. The light blinds me as I open my eyes. The shrieks and yelling being to make my clot with blood. My voice cracks as I try to make a sound. I really am tired of these people. They torture me just for the sake of love. After a couple of minutes I begin to understand what they are talking about.

Luke runs to me and cries out, “Diamond, Diamond can you hear me?”

I don’t want to talk to him at all. I truly want to stay away from him and his horrific family.

“Stay away from me,” which hurts to say even if I do love him.

“Please, do not say that, I’m in love with you Diamond!” He pleads.

He tries to get my attention but i will not give him the time of day. I look around to see his family surrounding me. Even his father has come into the room, man the boys look just like their father.

“You creatures do not have to worry about me, I’m never going to talk to him again,” I whimper.

“I wish it was that easy sweetheart but it isn't,” Leo smirks.

Luke warns Leo, “Watch out!”

“Let her go, she is not of use if she wants nothing to do with us,” Mr. Thompson states sternly.

I look at Luke for the last time. My heart truly hurts but it’s necessary to not be with him, if I’m going to be tortured. He looks at me in complete distraught and I feel bad for doing this to him. I take one last glance and walk away for good

My life has changed ever since the last time I seen Luke and his family three years ago. I left him for good reasons and for my own good. Today is July 4th my first barbecue with my new friends. I do not speak to anyone of them about Luke at all. Not even my new best friend Jade or my closes friends Jake and Mellisa. They are all magnificent creatures; Jade is a fairy; Jake is a werewolf and Mellisa is a centaur. People back home will never believe such a world.
I am proud to live here.

“Diamond, Diamond girl you are spacing out on me!” Jade laughs at me.
“My bad, I was thinking about something,” I smile.

For hours we laugh and have fun which is really relaxing and calming me until I see him. All my happiness turns into sadness. He catches me looking at him and smirks. Next to him is a female clenching his arm. I feel so disgusted with him, I almost gag. Jake sees me looking at Luke and taps my shoulder.

“Luke the player, always on every new girl in the world,” Jake sneers.

Which then puts the pieces to the puzzle together; it makes sense for me to instantly fall in love with him ever since I met him. He is the only person that showed me around here first. All his pleading and saying he loves me is all just bull-salt to him. I finally realize all my sadness and heartbreak is all for nothing. Oh well, the factory I run is still booming and my new house is humongous. All my hard work has finally paid off and I have what I want which includes my great friends.

I am happy even without a man!

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