Waterfall Dream | Teen Ink

Waterfall Dream

May 26, 2016
By Douja BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Douja BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I lay in my bed quietly thinking of the sprits that may harm me. There’s something I need to tell you. Promise not to tell anyone. I can seek and connect to sprits. Of course some are evil and some are angels. I stay with my grandmother Melinda. Some say she’s a witch, but no one knows. And then there’s my sister Miracle and me of course. My name is Dream. As I lay in my bed frightened, I saw a bright light walking towards me it led me to a closet, one I have never seen before. There was something unique about it; the closet was all the colors of the rainbow when I open it! The next thing I knew was in another world. One of waterfalls even the people were water. Everything was including the trees. All of a sudden the closet appeared so as I pulled the knob, I was back in my bed again but it was morning would anyone believe me if I told them what I seen, and could I ever go back to this magnificent world?                                                                                                      

   I walked into the study where I saw my grandmother Melinda. She said, “Hello dear how are you doing this morning.” “I’m fine just going to see if Velvet has prepared breakfast yet”. Grandmother replied with, “you know she probably has Velvet is the best maid.”
   So I walked into the kitchen and I noticed that there was no food on the table hmm that’s strange. And there was no Velvet, but this didn’t seem like her I didn’t know where she was! So I went back into the study to explain to grandmother that Velvet was missing, but she instead that she saw Velvet enter the kitchen. I knew this meant my grandmother was either losing her mind or Velvet was a sprit. I would forever wonder but, I felt ever since I saw that dream or other world strange things had occurred.
    Later in the evening Miracle asked me, “have you seen grandmother she asked me to give her this. “Miracle handed me a cup with a slimy, green and bubbly concoction in it. I paused for a minute to stare at the cup then I asked, “What is this.” Miracle, replied “I don’t know she said it’s for a recipe.”
    Now I was wondering if the rumor was true was grandma a witch! Later at night I and Miracle went searching the house for grandma but, she was nowhere to be found. Everything didn’t make sense it was as though grandma had disappeared. So I went to my room hoping that she was going to show in the morning it was late, perhaps I was just tried and my mind was playing tricks on me. As I lay in my bed the next thing I know was hearing noises BAM! CRACK! And then that door appeared again although it was the same door the colors had faded. I opened the door and then things were turning to ice, besides the waterfall that still had water flowing gently as though it was magical. The water looked as though you could walk through so I went; there was a table with a glass ball on it as I peered into it! I saw grandma and Velvet she told me that they took her, but as I was about to ask her who the glass ball scattered. Then the door appeared again looking more faded I knew grandma was in trouble so I grabbed the door knob. I was back in bed again it was morning it was déjà vu all over again, but I was afraid that grandma and velvet were in trouble. So I got out of bed to make sure grandma wasn’t in the study of course she was gone. I faced the question if this was really happening to me or am I dreaming. So I ran real briskly to Miracles room when I got there she was sitting up as though she was possessed.
                           Speaking real fast saying, “ you must go through the door it was the mist.”                                               Frantically I yelled who is the mist but, Miracle started fading I felt as though my life was turning for the worst. I was lost but suddenly I remembered grandma telling me never to go down in the basement it was my only chance. So I opened the door to the basement next thing I know the door was in front of me completely dark wondering what will happen I slowly grabbed the door knob and then! As I opened the door the waterfall became a puddle. I jumped quickly into the puddle before it shrank. Now I was in some type of fortress and then I saw these people made of water were they the mist. I guess there was only one way to find out, I walked up to them and before I could get away they grabbed me. Before I knew it I became a prisoner thrown in a dungeon cold and dark. I guess there was a good outcome though I discovered who the mist was, in the corner of my eye I spotted Velvet, grandma and Miracle.
    I asked them are you alright they responded, “Yes, but what are we going to do we are all suck down here now.”
    And I remembered everything was made water so perhaps if I just pull I will be free. I was right I told everyone to pull and we were free. Now I had to make sure this would never happen again. I asked grandma for a match, so I made a bomb to explode everything I hope this works! Everything caught fire but, I forgot were the door was. We ran and final I found the door now black and disappearing we jumped, and the next thing I know I was back in bed and it was morning. I ran quickly into the study grandma was their I hugged her and, then went into the kitchen and there was Velvet with biscuits and chicken.
I sat down to eat breakfast and I asked Velvet were you scared of the mist.
      She replied, “What is a mist I have no idea what you’re talking about dream you have such a vivid imagination.” I said never mind and went into my room I thought about it was everything a Dream I guess I would never know for I was in my own little world.        

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