The BIG Bad Wolf | Teen Ink

The BIG Bad Wolf

May 24, 2016
By HiMyNameisJeff BRONZE, Katy, Texas
HiMyNameisJeff BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One fine day Mr.Baby wolf was living in card board box in the Thicket.He walked back home to see a big branch fall fom the tree right above his house and land on top of it and right before his eyes it spontainously caught fire. He quickly tried to put the fire out but it was no use he house was already burned and smelled strongly of charcoal. He didn't have anything to do now so he went out looking for a job. When he arrived in the nearest town exhausted and went looking for water. He found some in a horse pen and got a nice refreshing drink. After that he saw that no one was hiring wolfs because on every hop a sign was on it that read NO wolves allowed.
When nightfall finally came he was wandering in the forest for a nice place to sleep when he found a really tall tree. He quickly climbed it and made himself at home. When morning came and birds were chirping he came down from the tree and began wandering around the village once more for any luck that day. Sadly there was none so he just sat next to a trash can and waited and waited until he heard ‘’ VISIT SOON ‘’ ‘’ok mom’’’’GOOD LUCK ON YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS HOUSES’’ ‘’ok’’ ‘’OH AND MAKE SURE TO USE EXTRA GLUE’’ ‘‘Ok mom bye ‘’ BYEEE!!!’’
That was wolfs call to find food so h stalked him and his brothers and followed them until 3 days later when he walked up to the door and knocked. KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK..Hello ? And to his surprise Pig came out and quickly ran back in.Mr.Wolf acted quickly he blew the house over and there was the pig standing there with a bow and arrow aiming at him so Mr.Wolf ran for it. He came across the other pigs house and blew them over but tons of scrap metal went everywhere including rocks but to his surprise again the pigs were on the floor dead . Or at least thought they were until a big rock fell and killed him.The pigs got back up and started laughing.They rebuilt their house and cut the wolf into many parts for wolf stew, milkshake and pie.They had a very tasty meal that night.And the wolf died sadly ever after.


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