The Xaveir Paradox | Teen Ink

The Xaveir Paradox

May 19, 2016
By Titanmaster32 BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Titanmaster32 BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


May 18th, 2003

Taylor Xaveir was sleeping in her bed when she was kidnapped. At first it was a small vibration, but slowly escalated into a vibration so strong that the unicorn painting that Taylor had painted a couple days earlier fell, off her wall. However, this wasn’t the strangest part, because the vibration wasn’t occurring anywhere else. It was only happening in Taylors room. The vibration continued for about thirty more seconds, then stopped abruptly. By this time, Taylor was awake, and scared. She picked up her Hello Kitty flashlight her father had bought her last summer, and started to scan the room. She started at the door leading into the hall, and slowly rotated the beam of light until it reached the window.
Something was moving in the window, and made no attempt to hide itself, almost as if it didn’t realize that it was sitting outside the window of a frightened seven year old girl. Then, it attacked her. Strangely, it didn’t attack with the ferocity necessary to kill her, it attacked almost as if it had a plan, or if it wanted her alive.
She tried to kick it, but it grabbed her feet. In a desperate attempt to free herself, she grabbed her bedpost, but she knew that the amount of strength that she was using to hold herself against the bedpost couldn’t be sustained for much longer. Trying to create as much noise a possible, she screamed as loud as she could. She heard footsteps outside of her door, and more rushing up the stairs, and then, she lost grip dragged out her window, hearing the only thing that could save her slowly fade into the darkness.

  Chapter One: A Hopeless Cause
December 20th, 2009
This is the story of how I traveled back in time...And saved the world
When my sister was kidnapped from her room six years ago, no one could figure out how she was kidnapped. Her room wasn’t disturbed in anyway, actually, that's not true. The unicorn picture she painted when she was seven had fallen off the wall, but besides that, nothing had been disturbed. Not even her bed, which had looked like it hadn’t even been slept in.
But it had, because I saw her go into her room. I went and gave her a hug goodnight. I had tucked her in. My mother and father were getting a divorce at the time, so they slept in different rooms, and they didn’t want to go anywhere near each other, so it was my job to take care of my sister. My father wasn’t very stable to begin with, but when Taylor went missing, he went completely nuts. We had to send him to the Montana hospital for the mentally ill. My mother had a slight alcohol problem also, but the divorce and kidnapping happening at around the same time drove her over the edge.
She was drinking constantly, and occasionally went into a drunken rage. But I still live with her. The one thing I look forward to is school. I know, I know, “CARTER! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE SCHOOL! THAT MAKES YOU WEIRD!”  But I do, because that's where my best friend, Leo, goes every day. My little safe haven, so boring yet still my savior.
The little rundown school had lost government financing a couple years back, during the collapse in the economy, so now they rely on the students to pay for their education. Although school was my safe haven, there was still Lucas and Richard. Ever since Taylor had gotten kidnapped I’ve been getting “I’m sorrys” and “They’ll catch the man who did this”. Not from them. It actually seems that they try harder to get me to feel bad. But that's what they do. Richard and Co. Breaking kids with dead sisters since 1932! 

Anyways, they usually bully me for my lunch money, or for some other reason that I’m not aware of. But today, something was different, their eyes had a hatred in them, I guess I did something to upset them. Actually now that I think about it, I did drive by Richards house and hit his trash cans over.
“CARTER” Yelled Richard, disturbing me from my grief. Richard is built pretty well, like Arnold Schwarzenegger on his first dose of ‘roids.  But isn’t the most intelligent of the two. His brother Lucas is the opposite of Richard, small, skinny, and very intelligent.
“YOU KNOW WE KNOW YOU DID KICK OUR TRASH CANS!” Richard exploded. Slowly approaching, with his brother following behind. He stopped about ten feet away, giving the other students time to form a circle around us, kind of like a fighting rink.
“You know that there are consequences for your actions Carter, so did you consider the fact that we wouldn’t find out.” Announced Lucas. His eyes burned with hatred pure enough to light the dead embers of a fire. While Lucas was talking about how much I was going to regret even looking at his trash can, Richard snuck behind the line of students, flowing with them to make it easier to blend in. He stopped behind me, and prepared to throw the first punch.
“...And if you ever do that again, I swear, you will regret ever being born.”
A sudden pain in my lower jaw informed me that Richard had manned up enough to punch me. A film of red covered my vision, and I sprang up like a spring flower.
“You want to man up Lucas,” I taunted, “ Cause I got enough for both of you. You and your trash cans.” Lucas’s face suddenly went red, and Richard, seeing that I had embarrassed his brother in front of the entire school, bellowed and charged at me like a bull. I dodged to the side at the last second, sticking my foot in front of the charging man-boy. He saw my foot, but he was to late, tripping over my foot and going flying, hitting the ground with a satisfying CRUNCH! Now it was Lucas’s turn to try to take me down, throwing everything he could find at me. Water bottles, math books, and rocks flew by my face. But his advanced IQ couldn’t stop the human charging at him from the other side of the circle. I reached him within a few seconds, and pushed him into the ground. He skid about five feet before running into a rouge tile. I picked him up by the collar of his shirt, and held him there, staring into his little glasses rimmed eyes. That's when I realized the entire group was holding their breath, waiting for me to target one of them. I slowly let him down, realizing what it looked like, a kid who just took down two of the worst bullies without batting an eye, giving them a stare that told them they were next, that I wouldn’t stop at the bullies. I turned, and the tension in the air disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared, and I heard a few audibly sighs. I got into my old toyota, and drove off, to the one person that cared about me.

The author's comments:

This piece isnt finished, it is only the outline of the first chapter/prologue 

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