Leaving | Teen Ink


May 9, 2016
By Anonymous

I stifled a laugh as he caught me by the arm. Lifting my other arm up, I smacked him. Immediately red appeared at his nose as he toke his hand off of my arm.
“You don’t know what you are getting into Mal. The Enquaeden beast is not something to fight. Don’t go. They are trying to kill you,” he yelled as I grabbed my cape to leave.
“You don’t understand Zoltan. This is the only thing that I can do. I might die, but atleast I can save my family while doing it,” I said with tears appearing in my eyes. Before Zoltan could see me cry I fastened my cape, and ran out the door. The wind wiped my tears as I ran. What was I running for? I was running for my family, Zoltan, and myself. At the moment, nothing could be better than going to the Flubraqu stadium. I needed to get away from everyone, but was this what I wanted.

I knocked on the huge metal door. A sound almost as loud as thunder came from it. In seconds a small maid came to the door.
“Yes,” she said in a loud voice. Very surprising for her size.
“Um... I’m Mallory Yuerdan,” I whispered to the maid.
“Oh yes. We have been expecting you, come right in,” she responded.
Beckoning me inside she brang me to a small room where she told me it is my chambers, or at least for now.
“Tomorrow you will be waken up no later than ten o’clock. You will be escorted to the stadium where we will give you family one thousand gold pieces and you will fight the Enquaeden beast. Every hour you stay alive, your family will be given more gold pieces. If you kill the beast, you will be awarded far above anything anyone has ever gotten. Good night,” she told me right before she left the room. Once she leaves I grab my bag and open it to the small contains. I grab the outfit and I put it on.
The long black pants folded perfectly into my black leather shoes. My jacket draped over my waistline, the bottom settling along the thighs. This was my hunting outfit. Most people didn’t know that I wasn’t a normal little school girl. I was a hunter. I wasn’t about to let some beast finish me off for the sport of other people. Then I tucked myself behind that blue sheets of my bed and fell asleep.
In the morning, I was startled when three guards came into my room, escorting me to the waiting stables, not even letting me fully wake up. I looked up at one of the guards. He had no expression on his face. He thought I was going to die. Why would he interact with a walking meal for the Enquaeden beast.
Five minutes later we arrived at the stables. The stables were meant for horses, but they served just the right reasons when someone was about to die. In no time at all the crowds are heard cheering from the stands. The stable door opens revealing the stadium. I walk slowly around in a circle looking at the incredible stadium looking down upon me.
Questions started going through my head. What if I die? How will my family survive? Where is the thing I am supposed to be killed by? Why did I decide to do this?
“RELEASE THE BEAST,” the speaker screams from the stadium. From the far left side, a huge metal door creakes open. When there is a small crack in the door a huge beast comes tumbling out. Roaring, scratching, and howling it sees me. Running at maximum speed it comes at me. All I could think about was my family.
Then, everything goes black. 

The author's comments:

I love writing Fantasy. Ideas pop into my head and I write it down. It is so fun to write. 

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