The four Cities | Teen Ink

The four Cities

May 9, 2016
By PuppyAwwww BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
PuppyAwwww BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While Noiun was working in the field one day the ground began to shake he ran home to see if everything was okay at his house.  He arrived and he saw two soldiers standing in his house waiting for him.  They told him that he would need to go into war against a giant dragon that escaped from the neighboring country.  Noiun got put on the fire force where he had to put out all the fires that the dragon started.
He eventually got to the battlefield and saw the dragon from a distance and he could tell that it would leave a lot of damage.  As the dragon got closer the ground started to shake even more.  The soldiers started to try to kill the dragon and it just made it mad so it blew fire all across the battlefield.  More than half the soldiers were dead dso Noiun ran as fast as he could behind the dragon he got 100 feet away and the heat was almost too much to bear.  But he realized that the dragon had a weak spot on its back it was clearly visible.
He started on a full speed run towards the dragon.  He finally got to it and jumped and high as he could but he realized he didn’t have anything to kill it with so he landed on the dragon and ran towards a spear on the top of its head.  It was wedged into the head so he tried another.  The dragon realized he was there so he bucked him off.  Noiun looked up as he saw the dragons mouth going straight towards him.  He rolled out of the way and got up and ran to the nearest dead soldier.  He grabbed the sword and ran to the  dragon and dove on its back. 
He dug the sword right into the back.  The dragon fell over, when it hit the ground it cracked.  The cracks were so big they went across the whole country splitting it into four parts.  All the water from putting out the dragon's fire ended up filling the cracks turning them into massive rivers.  After the king found out what Noiun did he decided to give up his position as king and give it to Noiun.  And he lived for a very long time with images of another dragon coming.  To this day his kingdom is the safest place to be and he is very prepared for the next dragon to come.
If a dragon did come it wouldn't survive one second with all the security Nouin put in.  Not even one dragon has entered his kingdom with the old story going around of the dragon slayer.  Noiun died and now his child is king and keeps the kingdom safe.  They died off and their kids own the kingdom.  All was safe until the smartphone was invented in later years but that is another story.

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