The New Killers of The Century | Teen Ink

The New Killers of The Century

May 9, 2016
By VGGods BRONZE, Colorado Springs CO, Colorado
VGGods BRONZE, Colorado Springs CO, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       As I walk past the door always locked and closed I realized that it was open today. It was 2743, my name is Hunter and my team and I have found a new species, we call them Alarick’s. I am a scientist working at the substantial science center of all time, the name is Czech it means good and kind. The animals are lizard like reptiles with razor sharp teeth with a long tail and are very dangerous. Males 16-24 feet females are about 14-18 feet. They have venomous bite and paralyzing saliva. We found them living in a deep cave underground, we were amazed to find them living down there for so long. Since that day we have inhabited there instincts and know better than they probably know themselves. One day I was walking to work and next thing I know I see a door, that particular door is always locked and closed but today it was wide open, usually that bother me but today it did. The reason why is because it had claw scratches on it, I grab my flashlight from my pocket turn it on. Then I see eggs, I was confused then I move it a little to the right and see a ginormous hole. I move my flashlight franticly a see an Alarick laying there protecting her babies.

                     I step quickly out knowing if I stay in there any longer I will surely be killed, I start running words my lab, as I catapult through the door I say to my friends “There is a Alarick on the loose I found it laying in a abandon house with eggs”. Quinton, Tevin, and Cameron look at me then smile I say “What are you smiling at I’m NOT joking”! “Well let’s go check out this Alarick on the loose you’re so scared of” Quinton says, we all go to the house I was trembling in fear, I grab my flashlight and shine it in the house but nothing was there. The eggs were gone the hole was patched up and even worse the Alarick was gone. I walk in and everyone else does to I say “I’m not crazy he was there, I...I... promise she was here”.  Quinton laughs in sarcasm and then mid laugh he starts to scream franticly. I turn around and the Alarick was on Quinton tearing him to shreds his screams as you hear a quick crack and I realize Quinton was dead with his neck almost backwards.

          We all run out screaming I look back to see Quinton laying there life less. Tevin screams “Hunter you can’t stop its chasing us RUN”! I start run then I grab my phone and dial 911. I say to them we have an Alarick on the loose it just killed a scientist the name of Quinton Baily, please send a police force. They arrive with guns and heavy forces the commander name of Joel says to his men let’s kill this abomination before it kills more people. The commander grabs his gun then next thing you know the Alarick jumps out and grabs one of his men then impales him with the end of his tail. The commander screams take him out. Then I heard a scream it was commander Joel, the reptile had him by the leg, commander Joel was paralyzed he couldn’t do anything then the Alarick throws him up in the air then gobbles him up like a cabob. The men screamed and ran away so I knew what I had to do. I pick up a gun from one of the dead men aim at the Alarick’s belly, then squeezed the trigger. I felt a couple of kicks in my shoulder, then suddenly the Alarick drops and I drop the gun. I look all around seeing dead bodies lying there. I see the cowering men lifting their heads from the protection that they were hiding behind, then I knew that it is finally over. After that day we put the Alaricks in maximum security with the most secure firearms and men. Then ever since we visit Quinton’s grave every month in memory of his death, on his grave it says the following”R.I.P. Quinton Baily for giving his life trying to find a lost Alarick “.

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