A New Fairy Tale | Teen Ink

A New Fairy Tale

May 4, 2016
By Bubbleswithasmile SILVER, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
Bubbleswithasmile SILVER, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Whatever you are, be a good one.” By Abraham Lincoln

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest near the kingdom of Camelot. In that forest lived a young girl with her mother. In another section of the woods lived seven dwarfs in a messy cottage. And in the darkest part of the forest lived the family of wolves. They all went on with their normal lives until one day evil brings them together.

“But Mom, why do I have to take the cookies to Grandma?”

“Red, I told you before, your grandma is sick and she wants to see you,” said Red’s mom. Her mother had just baked fresh chocolate chip cookies to take to her grandmother.

“The woods are dark and scary. Plus the wolves are out this time of year!” exclaimed Red.

Her mother went on and on about how Red should not be scared of the woods at age 13, and how she could pierce a wolf with her bow and arrows at first glance. With her new-found courage, Red packed the basket and went off into the deepest part of the woods.

In their little cottage were seven little people running around like chickens without heads worrying about Snow.

“Oh, where is she? I knew I shouldn’t have let her go alone!” said Doc fearfully.

“She’s fine,” yawned Sleepy.

“We should go look for her. Achoo,” sneezed Sneezy.

Grumpy announced,“ No, you can’t! The wolves are out and it looks like a storm is coming.”

Dopey agreed with a spitting sound.

“But we must!” boomed Doc. Then he grabbed his lantern and headed out with the rest of the dwarves not far behind.

A blow of a whistle sends 40 little feet scrambling into formation.

“ Now, kids,” commanded the Wolf,“ we will practice hunting today. I have hidden some meat for you to find and eat. Who ever finds a piece first will get extra dessert.”

With one screeching puff, the little wolves went sniffing for the tender juicy meat. Suddenly a clap of thunder and a lightning strike sent all of the wolves running back inside.

“Ok,” said the Wolf,“ you’ve left me to fetch the food for dinner.”

So the Wolf left to fetch the dinner in scariest part of the forest which had the best meat.

After walking in the woods for a while Red felt lost, and scared of the storm roaming about. Suddenly she heard a rustle in the bushes, then she looked up to see a black crow perched on a tree glared its glowing red eyes pointing toward seven little men that may be able to help. In those rustling bushes lay the wolf who spotted Red’s cape and thought of food, so he followed her toward the dwarfs.

“Excuse me,” said Red, “ I am lost and I don’t know where to go.”

“ Well, we are looking for Snow White,” said Bashful.

“Can I join you?” asked Red.

“Of course you can, but afterwards we’ll take you back home.” exclaimed Doc.

While questing for Snow, all eight of them heard the rustling again. All of them terrified took out their pick-axes or bows and arrows and pointed at the bush. Then the Wolf jumps out of the bushes and lets out a big growl to scare his new found prey. Everybody ran in different directions in fear.

Before long the Wolf stops and says,“Sorry. I won't eat you. But let me introduce myself.  I am the Wolf.” Then he recognizes Red’s cape.

“ You're the one who ate my mother!” yelled Red.

“ No, that was my dad. so is that your mom’s cape?” asked the Wolf.

“Yes, it is!” humphed Red.

Just before the Wolf could speak, a dark shadow which looked like a faced plastered itself onto a tree. Everybody turned their head.
“You and all of your loved ones are going to die,” whispered the shadow. It then disappeared in mid-air.
“So that was a bit weird,” said Grumpy. Then Dopey tugged on Red’s cape. He pointed in the direction of a thick black cloud coming from a tower.

“Oh! Today is the day that I am going to get back at that little wrench, Snow White,” said the Evil Queen.

As the queen scrambled around to get the perfect ingredients, she could hear the scratching of her raven upon her dead husband’s skull.
“I am going to destroy everything and everybody in the forest, so I can be the fairest in the land,” cried the Evil Queen!

Then she threw all of the ingredients in her pot. It oosed and bubbled and, puff. Out came a dark cloud of evil.

The Evil Queen whispered to it,“Go and kill everything that comes in your path.” Upon hearing this, the cloud wisped out of the window.

So after settling their differences everybody noticed the darkness coming straight towards them.

“Is it me, or is that creepy storm cloud coming right at us?” exclaimed Happy.

   “It sure is, Happy,” said Bashful,“ and it’s coming fast!”

Everybody started to panic. All of a sudden, the wind started to blow like there was no tomorrow. The cloud was destroying everything in its path. They could hear people screaming at the top of their lungs calling for help.

Then there was a whistle blown by the Wolf, “compose yourselves dwarfs and lady. We need to help those people and defeat whatever that cloud is to save our families and the forest!”

“Look at all of that terror and destruction,” said the Evil Queen to her raven.

She couldn’t help but look out her window with joy. Her raven squawked in delight.

“Soon everything will be destroyed and I will be the fairest in the land,” cried the Queen.

Out her window she could see some people holding a tree for dear life not to get sucked in. She smiled. Everything was good in her eyes.

The dwarves, Red, and the Wolf all started to run as fast as they can to find the people that needed help. When they thought that they got to the spot, nobody was there, and the storm was just minutes from where they were.

“We all have to work together even though our differences have kept us apart in the past, to defeat this darkness! Ok?!” said the Wolf.

“YEAH,” yelled the others.

Just then the darkness was right in front of them.

The dwarfs pulled out their axes, Red took out her bow and arrows from her basket, and the Wolf sharpened his claws.

“Now,” yelled Red!

All of a sudden life became a black blur. Red shot arrow after arrow at the darkness which shot them back. The dwarfs threw their axes at it, which distracted the darkness to let the Wolf get to the right position to pounce out of the bushes. He clawed and blew with his mighty breath at the darkness. Then darkness seemed to be heading back to where it came from. Everybody was congratulating each other on how well they used their skills.

But then the darkness multiplied and came back. Everybody turned around in shock. Then one by one the dwarfs got sucked up by the darkness.

The Wolf and Red tried to run away, but the Wolf was being held back,“ Go without me.”

He desperately tried to claw the air but it was too late. Red now was backed into a tree, she clung on to it. Then everything went black. Let’s just say that Grandma didn’t get her cookies.

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