Killian | Teen Ink


May 1, 2016
By jenelleranallo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
jenelleranallo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bustle of his fatigued legs strived to reach the end of the solemn road.
Pouncing from limb to limb, he raced. Only to find that his journey would toggle with his strained heart and soon he’d be an exemplification of unethical behavior.
Forgetting is hard when all he did was remember. His heart sunk when the next plane left for the New world. Waving to a woman that will never see him again. Her matured face scrunched from the sadness that filled the atmosphere. Her dark eyes welled with a certain emotion that only her son, Cyprian could feel. The eyes of a solemn man sparked a peculiar gaze which the human eye could not analyze. He blew one last kiss and his support system was erased. The plane faintly disappeared into the gloomy London sky. His chest filled with the fogged air and exhaled loudly. His day was ruined. The melancholy fellow hunched his back and returned into the vacant house.
“This is it.” he rubbed his swollen temples and continued to paced in the kitchen. His body stalked to the fridge where a picture laid flat against the ice box. A woman with straw curls smiled brightly while she caressed her bundle of a baby boy. His jaw tightened while he raised a hand to form a firm fist which collided with the empty fridge space next to the dainty picture. He snatched the picture and shoved it into his khaki pocket and stormed to get himself ready for this new adventure. It was never logical but, there’s no reason to change what he had no control. He continued downstairs towards his isle. Hung next to it was a dark painting swirled with shades of blue and hues of gold. They danced into a flooding city. He smiled, and then it faded quickly while dropping the paint brush back on the isle.
“One day,” he sighed. “Hopefully soon.” and he left for work. He continued his day when he slugged his way to his average job. New regulations set which boggled his mind set.  Only a few years back things were as they seem. He was distracted by that plane leaving into an unknown area where his mother soon to live a new life without him. His hand lazily held his head up while he analyzed the dull screen in front of him. His mind was a thick mess weaving with old memories and the work ahead. His eyes blurred combining every word into smudge. His brain pounded against his skull in rhythm with the ticking clock.
Suddenly, the bland box filled with vivid colors a small reminder appeared on the bottom right corner. It beaten repeatedly he clicked curiously, anticipating for something different.
To whom this may concern,
The Mid age folk returned to their new homeland securly, the next departures will be throughout the month, make sure your families are ready for their three week preparation. Always remember the world will be impregnable to the dishonest truth of the past. Anyone who interferes in age groups will encounter a tribulation. Separation is only for the good of the World.  We gratefully appreciate the cooperation and those who excel will be gratified immensely.
Cyprian repeated to read the invitation. His eyes widened where somehow, his tribulation would be put to an end. His eyes gleamed with hope that maybe he’ll find an end to not only his madness but, the government. All he needed was the wasted education the government now demolished. He ran his thin fingers through his distraught hair. He rose from his congested cubical and lurked around the break room. He analyzed the bulletin boards until he spotted plane departures. Swiftly he snatched the perfectly printed paper and scurried back to his desk. Crinkling the papers into his pocket and returned to his cubicle . He slid into the chair with ease. His finger lined each word as his lips stretched to a smile.
Flight 30035-----Departure 5:45pm 08/02/20
Report: 5:00pm
Safe travels.
His eyes sparkled enchantment, he is head lurked around the office to see who was left in his eye sight. He abruptly rushed out of the distasteful office and slyly traveled home. Racing into the house he was frantic. He conscientious thoughts were blurred with the hope that thumped against his heart. He flung useless items into the raggedy duffle and took one last glance in the mirror. His taut body stood confident in the reflecting glass, he ruffled his hair and shielded his eyes with wired specs. Slung over his body was a deteriorating trench coat, Cyprian Killian was ready. The alarm rang at 4:45pm and he hastened out the door and blended into the sea of Middle age folk. Guards steady on each corner. His eyes fixed onto the aircraft that would send him surely to his destination. The current of citizens continued, even with sobbing cries playing against their chapped ears. The cool london air breezed violently forcing Cyprian to clung his trench closer. His feet were put to a halt as armed guards fled towards his towering body.
“Blimey mate, we command you to stop.” they bellowed and started towards Cyprian’s shivering body. His long legs strode to reach the jet plane. The guards sped up behind him screaming profanities while he was focused on the goal set ahead. The guards clipped at the back of his grimy shoes, and his beating heart. He strode forward as they tumbled in front of him and tackled down a young fellow of his age. They tousled around the empty concrete, the young man screamed in horror while the guards pinned him down and bashed him in the mouth with a leather belt. They repeated blows to the stomach and mouth until the man was drowning in crimson. Congealed blood crusted against the gashes left on his motionless body. A scream of agony seared through Cyprian’s hollow eardrums and wove into his unsteady mind. The guards stopped each one at the door, raising Cyprian’s stomach to boil. Many petite outburst began to be a frequent issue. As Cyprian approaches the Terminal to be contained, The guards stake out each individual. Thankfully he slipped past with ease and the plane filled with citizens.The plane took off swiftly. Not a long flight, however Cyprian ran through all the downfalls of his mission. Red lights blinked around the congested aircraft. He pushed through the crowd and his ruthless behavior was clouded by the image of his mother. He followed the signs and landed to the house with a banner of Mary Allen Killian. He burst through the plastered door. To find a vacant furnished house.
“Mom?” he called with a certain sorrow that worried him. He walked aimlessly through the house and stumbled upon a semi closed door. Without a thought he whacked the door open to find his mother reading in a chair.
“Mom!” he cried and raced towards her and engulfed her into a tight embrace. Frantic the woman screeched and forcefully resisted against him. He let go loosely and the woman standing in front of him was not the same she once was. Cyprian’s wide eyes stared at her but, she rushed to the telephone. He clawed his hand on top of hers and burned into her eye sockets. She screamed and fought his hand off of her.
“Please, mom don’t you remember me?” his knees weakened and his taut body collapsed over them. She spit on top of him and dialed on the telephone. His eyes were dribbling  as he sobbed in front of the women who raised him.Who he loved. He retrieved the picture that he kept in his pocket and began to shred it apart. Interrupting his disintegrating sanity,stormed three guards.
“She knows me!” he strained as the veins popped out against his heated neck. The guards whacked his knees making them clonk together. They carried the solemn boy out into the street. They pinned him down on the ground. Tears welled and streamed down his scarlet cheeks and his screams were stopped by one blow to the head. Those who excel will be gratified immensely.

The author's comments:

A Dystonpian fiction with the beginnig of seperation of age groups 

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