The Clockworkers Gift | Teen Ink

The Clockworkers Gift

April 14, 2016
By Decode BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
Decode BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her dress was torn down the seams, the white fabric sullied by the muddy waters in which she stood . All around her it looked as if time had stopped. The trees stood frozen in their places, their rustling leaves holding their position. The fresh droplets of morning water had stilled upon the very tip of the leaves, and looked as if they were about to fall on to the floor waiting below. The lake she stood in appeared to ripple from where she stood, but those too had frozen in their place, and she was too afraid to move from her spot.  It was still early dawn and the sun had yet to fully climb its way over the tall trees, their shadows casting a permanent darkness on the waters where she stood.  She looked around taking a deep breath, and took a step forward, expecting to break something in some weird way, only to bear witness as the waters around her moved in a way that reminded her of when you put oil in water and watch them separate.  The waters parted around her as if she was not there at all till she reached the bank of the lake, and she took her first step onto the land. Making her steps slow and steady, she looked at her feet for about eight steps before she raised her head to look around her.  She reached her hand out in front of her, not thinking anymore, only letting her body move on its own.  Her slender fingers moved slowly out towards the tree in front of her.  She didn't understand what happened next, only that when she brushed the tip of her finger across the bark of the tree, a strong gust of wind blew from behind her, blowing her tattered and wet dress up against her legs as her hair whipped across her face, blinding her for a moment, and the place where she touched had let out a stream of bright light that only forced her to close her eyes again. When she reopened them, everything around her exploded in a brilliant wave of colors. The leaves all began to fall and blow around her in their amazing colors of blue and yellowish green. The sky above her had turned shades of purple, blue, and yellow blending into a haze.
“Well, you certainly have grown, haven't you?”
The voice had come from a boy who was standing on the thick branch of the large tree that she had touched.  His clothes were like nothing she had ever seen before.  He wore bandages down his arms that unraveled themselves, that hung limp at the ends, his chest was covered by a short-sleeved waist coat that appeared to be too big for him, and around his neck hung a necklace with a clock gear attached to it.
He jumped down to the ground next her and she took a step back in nervousness and a feeling of shyness also crept over her.  What shocked her most was his eyes. She didn't know what to make of them: his irises were a bright violet color, and his pupils were square.  He watched her with a happy grin on his face, and she didn't know what to make of this boy.  His blonde hair only made his eyes stand out more, and his hands were shoved into the pockets of his waistcoat.  He looked her up and down, and a low whistle escaped from his mouth.
“I guess you no longer play with those little dolls either.”  His mouth formed a small smile.  And his eyes, they looked like they could stare right into your soul and steal it.  He stalked over to her till he was right in front of her, his shoes almost touching her bare toes.  He stared into her eyes, searching for something.
“ You- You're...” Cutting of the rest of her sentence with a finger he held up he responded back.
“ No, not yet princess , don't wanna break the spell just yet.”
She backed up to the edge where the water of the lake kissed the land.  And looked down when she felt her heel submerge itself and she moved it back to the land. The boy closed the distance that separated them and raised his slender finger till it rested itself in between her eyes, and as if under some spell she gently closed them, the only thing she was aware of was his voice.
“It's almost time, but for now.. Wake up princess.”
A gust of wind blew her off balance and she felt herself fall backwards and as she broke the surface of the water, the only thing she could remember hearing is the chime of a clock as all her senses faded.

The author's comments:

I listend to a song about a girl in wonderland and i had an idea.

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