Void. | Teen Ink


April 12, 2016
By KantTouchThis SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
KantTouchThis SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The darkness, an infinite cycle of being and nothingness. It stared at him as he contemplated it, and the darkness itself seemed to be trying to understand what it is. Or what it is not. Since it wasn’t the existence of the darkness that was puzzling, it was it’s delusive form: nothingness.

Transforming and pulling at it's surrounding, it sapped both the form and meaning from any entity that dared to came close.

Maybe it wasn't something at all. The darkness was seeking meaning, frantically hoping that it would find a mirror.

And the mere existence of the darkness nulified by contemplation, as it became a void: an infinite form that had no form to take.

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