A New Era | Teen Ink

A New Era

April 12, 2016
By Hunger_Games_Dream_Team BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
Hunger_Games_Dream_Team BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Georgia come over here, you got to look at this,” I called, staring at the screen of my air top hovering over my lap. This girl and her friends were trying to escape MY mall, MY society, MY perfect utopia.
“Yes, Rebecca,” Georgia, the head of the mall security replied, “ I’m assuming you want me to take care of those girls as well.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less,” I turned off the air top, “report to me if this problem progresses… And bring me one of them alive before you finish with them.”
  “Yes, Rebecca.”
     As I walked out the door, I turned back for a moment to see Georgia calling her station on her air phone. What a good head of security… certainly better than the last five.
After meeting with the mall advisers I got twenty minutes to just gather my thoughts, so I took the elevator down to the basement floors, the actual bottom floor. My home is the biggest in the mall, a whole floor, just for me, Rebecca, the ruler of the mall, the only different one.
Looking out at the mall I see all of the floors. The top floor, for the wealthy; the middle floor, for the middle class; and the bottom floor, the poorer floor. All of the floors are well maintained, though, and everyone is well off, they were all rich on Earth, before they got here...   
“Rebecca, we have this boy who was going with them,” Georgia reported as she barged into my office
     “Okay, Georgia, where is he being held?” I was still staring out the window.
    Georgia led me to one of the basement floors, above the dungeon floor, but below the elder floors. Five doors down, on the right.
     After stopping in front of the door Georgia pulled out Aron’s file and started listing off his file information.
     “OK, that’s all I need,” I interrupted Georgia. A small headache was starting to form in me.
     Aron was sitting in the corner, eating rice pudding, a treat only upper classes get. Obviously, the solution we mixed the truth serum in; such an impulsive boy.
     “Aron, hello, I’m Rebecca, the leader of the mall.”
     His face turned red as he lifted it up. Rice pudding all over his fingers.
     “Aron, who is leading this rebellion, what are they trying to do, and when is it happening?”
     “Maddie is leading the rebellion,” Aron covered his mouth in awe, realizing what was it his meal, “they are trying to get to Earth, and they are leaving tonight.”
     Aron continued to blabber out Maddie’s plans and motives. As the truth serum started to wear off, I strode back out the door towards Georgia.
     “Georgia,” I called, “bring this boy back to his friends… and let them escape tonight... I don’t want any of the rebels to have safety in the mall.”

On the surveillance cameras, I watched the five children “escape” the mall and ride off with two of the older shuttles I placed accordingly.
“Georgia, use the usual excuse on her whole family. I want them all gone. With so many rebels coming from one source it seemed impossible for that family to contribute to the mall in any way.”
“Yes,  Rebecca,” Georgia replied.
“What region are they heading to?” I questioned.
“Southwestern,” Georgia replied, “toward the Arks, I presume.”
“Lucky, I can’t imagine what would happen if they went to the Unbound.”
“Yes, I would assume that they would most definitely be done for.”
A small grin formed on my face, “any chance you attached the new wireless, long lasting cameras that transmit the live feedback to an air screen on their safety bags?”
Georgia pulled out an air pad; the feed from the camera playing live. 
“I can’t believe you gave them the rocket with--”
“Oh my goodness!” Georgia interrupted me as Aron was killed after exiting onto Earth, “I’m soo sorry Rebecca, for interrupting you.”
“No, don’t worry.”I responded, “I am shocked as well.”

360 days later

     “The ceremony must be finished at 14:25 sharp.” I told my task team, “everything needs to be timed out for this event. The mall people-- all of the mall people-- need to be watching.” I paused another moment to order my thoughts, “Make the ceremony only on the third floor. Then the night of we open it on the second floor… the night after will be on the first floor. So we can show the people their place again.”
“Will the second and first-floor openings be after curfew?”
“Yes.” I needed the two bottom floors to be reminded that they are lower. Although Maddie’s rebellion was nearly a year ago, the thought of it still remains.
     Stepping back on my floor made me appreciate what I have in the mall. My tan walls and wooden floors reminded me of the good times from before. The air tv and air top reminded me of my accomplishments, along with the photos of me throughout my years. But as I walked into my room and saw my brother’s picture a piercing memory coursed through me.

“Kids gather around, you will be dismissed soon, but we just need to cover the history for today.”
As the children circled around I began my story, “A long time ago the Earth was thrown into chaos. Overpopulation, pollution, and scorching heat devoured the world. Many died of diseases and flooding. Skyscrapers were built to hold everyone, but many fell down due to poor construction. We thought we were in the future, but really we were thrown into the past. Things got so bad that many of the rich fled and took a mall to space. Everyone else was stuck on earth as the core erupted and split the earth in two. So many died that the population was reduced to two warring tribes the Arks and the Haven. Half the Earth became molting lava and the other half, towering oceans. As a result, we fled to what were once the North and South poles.” I took a breath to let that soak in, “now the mall people come to Earth to collect food, and they supply us with medicine in order to collect food safely. But, every couple of decades, the mall people come back to Earth to steal an Ark or Haven leader from their tribe and make them their leader.”
When I was done hands were raised as the children were intrigued by the topic. “Rebecca, why do they take people from the Earth?”
“The people up in space don’t know what to do with themselves, they are just poor leaders.”
“Rebecca, are they going to come for you?”
“No, I would never allow that.”
After my special visit to the school, I start to make my way back home for my military strategy lesson. I am due for the crown soon, the first ever female Ark leader. Born nine months after me was my brother, the current leader of the Arks, Alex. Being the male of the family he feels that he should be the leader of the Arks, ‘we need a strong male to fight the Haven’. But this didn’t bother me, until today. As I was saying, I was walking home from the education building when I saw a small puff of smoke coming in my direction. Jason must already be cooking dinner, I thought as I started to walk faster. But when I finally arrived there I realized, no, it was not Jason cooking dinner, it was my brother walking side by side with ASTROS--I couldn’t believe it, they disobeyed our treaty and my brother was with them.
“Miss Rebecca, go with them,” Alex ordered. He was wearing the nasty grin on his face, the one he wore when our Father died and he knew there was a possibility of him being a successor.
“Why brother, you are the fountain of all my troubles,” as I looked down at the Astros laser expellers and at their fleet of ships hovering over the town, casting a shadow down on the city I knew what I had to do to protect my people. “Alex, you will regret this last day of me on the last day of you,” I followed the Astros to their jet as two children came up to me, “don’t worry, I will be back for you when I come back for him.”

Brother, your final day is soon to arrive.
     I pulled out my air phone, “Georgia, I want two of your fastest Astros to report to my office, I have a task for them.”
     ~Yes Rebecca~
     “Kelly, Mark, welcome to my office.”
    “Hello Rebecca”, both of them replied instinctively to me while saluting.
“I have a mission for the two of you,” I pulled out the pictures, “I need you to find these two Arks and their families and bring them to me. And, Give this to my--the leader of the Arks, but don’t read it.” I handed Mark the letter, “Also when you're doing this, Mark, Kelly you need to pick two more children at the Ark tribe educational center and bring their families along with them to me and bring me a child from the Haven tribe along with his or her family.”
     “Yes, Rebecca.” just Kelly replied, “thank you for this honor of serving the mall. We both are ecstatic to serve.”
     “One more thing. You both must be back by tomorrow.”
     “Yes, Rebecca.” Replied Kelly.
     “You are dismissed.” They both bowed in unison and then Kelly strode out of the room, followed by Mark.
     “Kelly, Mark, I am so happy to have you back,” I announced as I walked toward them and the spacecraft. “It seems as though you both got burnt, if need be, feel welcome to go to the high hospital for that.”
     “Rebecca, we have returned with several families.” As they opened the doors the first to run out were the two children, only four years older than when I first left, they still had the same faces but grew so much.
     If I hadn’t been thrown away than all of my Ark people would be here today, and the mall ruler would be the one who we would fight, not the Haven ruler.
     “Miss Rebecca, I knew you would save us!” The little girl I knew from before cheered. “Sir Alex is as dumb as a stump. He ran the nation into the ground!”
     “Don’t worry Adeline, you and your family will be safe here. I have a whole suite for you guys.” I smiled, a true smile, “and please call me Rebecca.”

     So far the ceremony of the new wing is going perfectly. It is 14:20 and I already delivered my speech. My brother is going to pay for everything he did wrong and the Haven will finally be defeated. According to my sources, a guest will come to the mall to, if she doesn't though I have a backup. Adeline will be incorporated into my high ranking spots, either way, she has seen so much at her age and must be experienced already. But, it will be harder for her to learn about my position before she must fill it… Why would I even want to give this up anyway?
     14:23: My horrible brother is going to pay soon.
     They are unveiling the new wing.
     There is a rumble, starting out slow and quiet, then growing louder and faster. Outside the window, it is like everything is happening in slow motion. The earth caves in then runs out, creating a sonic blast, taking my brother, the Haven, and those rotten kids with it.
     During the rest of the ceremony I was perfectly fine, it was only when I got back to my house when the shock hit me.
     I. Killed. My. Brother.
     I start to bawl my eyes out, I hated my brother, but he was my brother, my only brother, the last of my family members. I agree he was a jerk and was stupid, but he was my family. Now I have none.
     I wake up to the buzzing of my air phone. I am about to ignore it until I see that it is Georgia calling.
     “What’s up?”
     ~The child has arrived~
     “Thanks.” I hang up the phone. A small hint of a smile crosses my face brings up my mood and pushes me out the door.
     The baby is wrapped up in a soft, purple, cotton blanket. The name Raven embroidered on it in a white pearly thread.
     Soft, happy tears stream down my face. For the first time, in a long time, I feel that I actually have a real family.
    I pick up the baby in my arms and whisper, “look Raven, look at your mall, look at your society, look at your utopia.”

The author's comments:

Take a look into a evil leaders life.

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