Do Not Cross | Teen Ink

Do Not Cross

April 12, 2016
By AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
AngieMangie2137 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

May 2nd, 2077; 9:30 P.M.

I hid behind the sharp operation tools watching everything. I had snuck by the police to get in. I was just so curious to see what has happened to the body. It was so dark; it was even darker than pitch black. The doctors started to operate and once they cut, a creature had flown out swallowing them whole. Spitting out their bones. Did I mention the bones were black? So, I ran behind the walls of medicine and out the door, and shutting it and putting a broom in the handle. No one knew what was happening, so I would tell the police but then they would know I snuck past them into the room. So, I went out the other exit where I saw my friends waiting for me.

“What happened?!”

“Do you know what’s wrong with the body?”

“We deserve to know what happened to it, we have rights ya know!”

“STOP!” I screamed.

They all looked at me in fear and disbelief.

“I’ll tell you but I can’t tell you here”.

“Let's go to the house”.



May 2nd, 2077; 10:15 P.M.

While we walked into the dark room with no windows and just candle light, we sat down in a circle ready to discuss.

“So?” “

“You can tell us now.”

“We’re waiting..”

“Alright!” I said, “So when I snuck past the police and ran into the room I was behind the sharp operation tools. Anyways, they started to cut the person open and a creature flew out swallowing them. All that came out was bloody bones just lying there. I ran so fast and out the door and put a broom through the handle. That “thing” was huge it was like 10 times bigger than me. I have no idea how it fit in the person's body but I need to figure it out.”

Everyone was quiet and just did nothing but look at their thumbs. Standing up and walking or either pacing or sitting.

“That’s serious dude.”

“Yea I mean they should have taken an x-ray first and see what was inside.”

“Surgeons can be dumb sometimes.”

I felt like I was forgetting to tell them, something I saw in there, but I forgot.

“Guys it’s time to go to bed we have a big day tomorrow,” I said.

“What? Why?”

“We’re going to figure out what that creature is first thing in the morning,” I explained.


May 3rd, 2077; 6:30 A.M.

“WAKEY WAKEY!” I screamed. No one got up so I went to the kitchen and got the densest pans I could find and, BAM. “I DON'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE’ OF Y'ALL, SO YOU NEVER GONNA SLEEP CAUSE’ OF ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.



“You didn’t hear me the first time…” I said.


It was 6 o’clock P.M. We have been shopping forever. I explained everything they needed to go on the trip to L.A. We got our stuff and went to the bus and then we were off, there was no turning back now. The news came on. “Breaking news, some creature from the OR in the Southeranitory Hospital had escaped. The police had found evidence of a broken broom on the handle and floor. We have lost one of our best police officers, fighting the creature, along with the 5 operators. The police officer’s head was not destroyed or fleshless. Covered in buboes, the scientists are examining it. They have a feeling that it in the bubonic plague also known as the black plague. But there are some serious issues included not related to the black plague. That is all. Back to you……”

“Dude, uhh you put that broom there.”

“Yeah, I sort of know that I AM the one who put it there,” I said with sarcasm.

3 hours passed and all we were asleep, but me. “Los Futuros Angeles!”

“That’s us!” I said, “Come on guys…...we’re here.”


May 3rd, 2077; 9:30 P.M.

This is where the science lab was, I had just realized that. We can sneak our way in and see what's happening to this head. I am the master of sneaking past guards. I ran in with only one of my friends. We made it past the guards. It was a literal maze. We found the body but they were still examining it. I was waiting for 30 minutes doing nothing but watching, they finally had their lunch break. It was time to examine. We went up to the table looked at it and left. We had a couple of samples for the apartment. While we stayed my other group members came.

“Woah, you guys snuck past the guards?” I asked.

“Nah, the guards left somewhere.”

“Ha, yea it’s their lunch break.”

“Yea beats me, that’s why I don’t seem surprised,” I said.

“Shut up, dude.”

“How about we all shut up, the people are back.”

I looked at my wristwatch and see that it's 10:30 P.M.

“Guys it's 10:30 we better be on our way to the apartment, we have samples of the body now let's go.”

May 4th, 2077; 8:00 A.M.

As I woke up and stretched like I always do, it was a Saturday and I hoped it would be a relaxing day until;



“ARE YOU OKAY?!” I said with power and fear.

“Th-The samples, there g-gone.”


“No way, ” I said.

We all took the whole apartment, well, APART. We had nothing. We needed it! That thing was too important! We went everywhere. To the lobby, the buffet, the pool, the science lab, we weren't caught so we're good. We got nothing.

“We should just give up.”

“Are you sure you took to the apartment?”

“It was in my hand the whole time,” I said.

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes!” I said as I raised my voice.

“Well, it’s not here!”


Everyone was just standing there looking at me like I had just killed a person.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell like that,” I said whispering.

“We have gotta do something about it.”

We were all confused and then, it hit me. I remember I put a tracking device on it. I know it sounds stupid but I know now that it's not anymore.

“GUYS!” I yelled.



“I just remember, I have a tracking system on everything I own!” I said.


“Well, what are you waiting for, GO!”

We all went running to the computer in the room. We gathered around and I started to log in. Just as I pressed the button this mysterious creature just pops up. ‘You can't access this Muahahaha’ the computer said.

“Yea ok sure, I can hack into the freakin’ government. Let me do this.”

As he started to hack with numbers and random letters, we were in.

“I can’t believe it”......


May 4th, 2077; 1:00 P.M.

“My parents have it?” I couldn’t believe it.

“What?!” I said. This can’t be true. I clenched my hands together until they turned white as snow.

“We have to go come on.” I jumped up and ran.

May 4th, 2077; 2:30 P.M.

As we went to the bus everyone's face was pale, like they have seen a ghost.

“All aboard to Military Plaza: Apartments!”

“That's us,” I said as I stood up with fear. Looking at everyone as they had the same expression as me. As we walked into the bus we saw them. Did they know we were coming? As I whispered to them that it’s them. They had our samples. We ran up to them and they saw us coming. They took out 2 pistols. It was just about 2 1/2 inches away from my face.

“What do you want?” They said with their Russian accents.

I am part Russian.

I had enough of this so I took the gun and kicked them back onto the floor and just pointed the pistol at them.

“Does that change your mind, Mom? Oh and you, Dad.”

They just laid there silent as of everyone else on the bus. Dad, in the pool of blood, when he hit impact on the floor. I can’t believe my parents had it this whole time. Dad whispered something.

“What?” I asked. No answer.

“What!?” I screamed.

“I know what it is,” he said. I stood there with surprise and fear.

“It’s the E-Plague,” he said louder.

I just stood there with my friends staring at him and the samples. I will figure this out. How it happened. But I need more help, and I know exactly who to call.


To be continued...

The author's comments:

This took me at least a week to make, I hope you like it.

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