Dance of the dead | Teen Ink

Dance of the dead

April 1, 2016
By gg12345 BRONZE, League City, Texas
gg12345 BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun slowly descends into the horizon, sinking into the great mountain of the west as it devours it. The sun fights and tries to escape as its rays of light desperately rip into the skies leaving only clouds behind. As it slowly starts to disappear, the pale moon rises from the east with its army of shadows consuming everything in its path. The soldiers of darkness made their way to the sacred forest a place where good and evil were once one, and swallowed it whole leaving no trace of light, but the light of the moon watching over the forest.

You could hear the owls haunting hoo’s and the great wolf's howls that echoed through the forest bouncing off trees and mountains, as they call their fellow brothers to join the battle against evil. In the heart of the forest lived an old Japanese maple tree in the center of a circle shaped field approximately 20 whales in diameter. Surrounding the circle were tall fat trees that almost touched the clouds. The maple tree was crooked and fat with no leafs to cover its twisted branches, the trunk was dark and rotting and seemed to have traces of a white tree in it almost as if a second maple that was once merged as one with the dark side of the tree, but it was mostly gone, swallowed by the dark part of the tree.  As the battle raged on in the forest you could see the dark side growing corroding away what little still remained of the white tree. Anger and hatred was growing larger as more lives were lost.
Legends say that only those with pure intentions may walk in the field without dying. There has only been one man to have ever walked the field without dying. He was a monk from the mountain temple Konko named Tao Wu. He would occasionally meditate and speak with the tree, but as time went by  he grew sick and old and his visits  stopped, some say that he died in the mountains while meditating, others say that he’s still alive looking over the forest from the mountains. It had been 142 years since his last visit the tree.
A hooded man emerged out of the tall trees surrounding the field and looked at the horizon before placing his cane inside the circle, he placed his right foot in the circle and stopped as if checking to see if the ground was sturdy enough to hold him. Then placed his left foot in the field, stopping once again before finally walking without pause towards the center of the circle were the tree lived. The moon hovered just above the tree casting light upon the field. Black clouds began to form covering the skies and with the crackle of thunder the heavens opened up. The wind blew at the man with furious strength making the man fall on his knees. He picked himself up and began to walk fighting the treacherous winds until he was face to face with the tree. "It's been too long Heiwa iji-gun, you have grown evil and corrupt you rot the very ground to stand on and poison the soil that holds you."
He reached for his cane and grasped the handle and pulled the shaft with his other hand revealing a hidden sword. Slowly placing the blade against his hand and splitting this palm open without placing any pressure to the blade. Dark red blood ran like a river down his arm, he proceeded to wet the tip of each finger with his blood then he placed his hand on the tree and began to mutter the chant "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo". Immediately the tree's trunk opened up where he had placed his hand and began to wrap its branches around him embracing him pulling him into to the hole. The wind spun around the tree making it sway back and forth dancing with him as it began to swallow him, merging souls with each other until he was gone. 
The sky suddenly stopped weeping and the wind stopped howling, it was only the tree and the pale moon and for a moment everything seemed normal and calm but before there was time to comprehend what happened black flames spewed out of the hole engulfing the tree in fire. The flames poured out of the hole completely covering the tree, but the tree did not burn, the flames did no harm. The fire burned for long hours before it retreated back to the hole. When the smoke cleared up it revealed the same tree, but it was different than before not burnt or in ruin but reborn. 

It had been revived, cleansed of the evil that consumed and corrupted it. Leafs began to grow where empty branches once hung, the rotting wood was no more, the hole where man had vanished began to seal. The once rotten tree that brought hatred and darkness found its inner balance that had been thrown off  many years ago the two sides found harmony as  both sides spun into a spiral extending upwards with its branches spreading across the field in a perfect balance of the dark and light wood intertwining like serpents, coexisting with each other to maintain the balance in the world.
The armies of the darkness retreated back into the dark corners of the world and the moon declared peace with the sun thus creating day and night. Then the tree spoke out in the voice of Tao and said, “I am the beginning and ending of what is war, I am the good and the evil that lurks within this realm, I bestow upon you the power to choose which side you feed and the power to make a difference."

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