Black Figure | Teen Ink

Black Figure

January 8, 2016
By Sam Daybell BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Sam Daybell BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The fall breeze blowing through my window, kissing my face had awoken me. It was the Saturday morning made me want to spread a smile, what was the point though? The nightmares I have been cursed with have taken those emotions away from me. I don’t smile
These nightmares have been going on since I was just a little kid, as long as I can remember. It always starts out like a good dream. I’m just living my life happy and suddenly everything goes wrong. I never remember what goes wrong, I always forget that detail.
The creaking of the wooden floor in my room makes me cautious to try and not wake up my siblings. The creaking of my stairs do the same thing. I get to my kitchen and pour me some cereal and start eating. I go and pick out a vinyl and start spinning it, who cares about my sibling sleep anyways?
I don’t think a Saturday morning could get any better than this. I’ve got a bowl of my favorite cereal, I’ve got some Lionel Richie singing in the background and no school to worry about. This is great.
I start to feel the vibration of someone’s footsteps, I look back to see that it is my grandpa,
¨Well Timmy, what are we going to do today?¨ My grandpa asks as I notice how blue his eyes really are.
¨I’m thinking about just sitting around home. Maybe do my laundry or something.¨ I reply.
¨What you say sunny?¨ My grandpa says while cupping his ear as he turns down the volume of the record player.
¨I’m just going to do some work around here and just bum around.¨ I respond once again.
¨Sounds like a plan.¨ Grandpa gave me a thumbs up and flashed that cheesy smile he always had, “Go and get the paper,” he said as he sat down in the chair across from me. When I stepped outside the air was chilly and the grass had frozen dew formed on the top of it. My bare feet were melting the delicate crystals as I walked on them.
“Big black figure claims that he is looking for a teenage boy named Timmy”
“What the heck is this?” I yelled, slamming the paper on the table. I felt my heart drop as my eyes peered into the picture of the black creature. “Grandpa what do I do? This creature is looking for me!” I looked up from the paper and peered into my grandfather’s eyes. My grandpa looked at me with his eyes. Something wasn’t right. His eyes were big and black with a white dot in the middle of them
“They need you, they want you. Let them have you, let them use you.” I could see razor sharp teeth as he said those few words.
“Who the he** are you?” I yelled. That was the wrong thing to say. My grandpa stood up and put his arms around my neck. My eyes had a deep gaze locked into his eyes. Little by little my grandpa was turning darker. He looked identical to the figure that was in the paper.
“I need you, I want you, let me have you, let me use you.” The dark figure whispered into my ear, it tickled to be honest. The dark figures grip was getting tighter each time I gulped for air.
“Dam**t you, let me down!¨ I said as best I could. The dark figure looked like it was raising his fist to punch me. He didn’t punch. A long tube started squirming out of one of its arms getting awfully close to my left eye. It was getting closer by the second. The end of the tube started forming into spikes. I was frantically squirming trying to get out of the creature’s hold yelling, “Someone, oh please someone please help!” The spikes had just gone into my eye and the figure had opened his mouth and--
“Hey, hey you’re alright. You’re in my arms, everything’s is going to be okay.” I figured that the warm arms that were squeezing me were my grandma´s.
“Thanks grandma, I was having a bad dream.” I look up to lock my eyes with my grandmother’s eyes, this was not my grandma. My eyes were staring straight into the eyes of the black figure, there was something different in the way the eyes looked. After going pondering through my memories I realized that this figure now had white eyes. The eyes were so white that they seemed to light up my dark bedroom.
“I love my job.” Said the dark figure flashing that horrid smile again. I could see it’s black arm raise up again. “This is the best part.” The tube came out of its hand with lightning speed. It shot out and stopped when it was about a half of an inch away from my right eye.
“Ahh! Ahhh! let me go you son of a B**ch” I took another stab at getting free, the smile on it’s face seemed to grow.
“Hey, Hey, Hey! This won’t hurt that bad.” The dark figure said, “I promise.”
“Okay. Do it. ” I relaxed all the muscles in my body. I didn’t know what he was really going to do to me and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. The little tube came up to my eye and seemed to gulp it. It honestly didn’t hurt. The black figure was right.
“I’m going to  give you some new eyeballs now.”
“Sounds good.” 
I couldn’t see what the figure was now doing. There were a lot of painful high pitched screams.
“Hey is everything okay?” I asked.
“Everything is wonderful, just wonderful. Now hold still!” It barked at me. I felt things go into my eye sockets, I inferred that they were new eyeballs.
“Now when I snap you’ll be able to see again.”
“Yay.” I said trying to sound happy.
As soon as I heard the snap I could see again. The light from the streetlight streamed down onto the dark figure. There was also enough light that my eyeballs in it’s hands were visible, “What are you going to do with my eyeballs?”
“Oh, you’re going to put them in for me.”
“Umm alright, I guess.” I grabbed the balls from out of his hand and shoved them into its sockets.
“Pop, Pop”
“Now snap!” The dark figure yelled.
“Ahh that’s better.”
“Ya I bet it is.” I said while walking over to my mirror. I look into my mirror to see that I now owned the black figures white eyes.
“Holy Sh**!” I said looking at the figure. “What did you do to me?”
“Find a kid and rip his eyes out. Rip your eyes out and replace them with his. You’ll be human.”
“Umm, I am human” I say looking down at my arms. I was not human, I looked identical to the black figure. “What the he** did you do to me?” I said while looking up. There was no black figure anymore just an old man sitting where the black figure was sitting.
“You better get on your way.” The old man said while itching his beard.”
“It’s just a dream. It is just a dream.” I tell myself.
I wake up and sit up in bed, “Phew, I’m glad that is over. A bad dream that was all. Nothing more than a bad dream.” Sitting up and looking at myself in the mirror, there sat a black figure in the mirror with eyes white and radiant. I get out of bed and started walking to my mirror, so did the black figure. I am the black figure, “Well dang, I guess I was wrong.” I say in a whisper voice, “Who am I babysitting tonight?” 

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check out my music 

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