The Diary Of Zaire From Lynix | Teen Ink

The Diary Of Zaire From Lynix

January 6, 2016
By SamaSky BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
SamaSky BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
-Coco Chanel

Carsen was braiding my messy hair while Mom was adjusting the the pictures on the walls that were crooked. We were dressed in our best clothing and our hair was up in fancy hairstyles. I hated when we were dressed up like Barbie dolls. I wasn’t used to it, especially when I’m out all day at the market with my friend, Lorde. But today, Mom claims it to be a special day. The day when the daughter of the King Aude of Lynix, Arla comes to buy something from my mom’s potion, spells and brewery shop. It grabs so much attention to our house which means I have to dress up like a Barbie doll much more ever since Mom opened up that dang shop! Arla goes to my school. Everybody thinks she is so beautiful and that they should suddenly make her Queen of our school! Lorde and I think she’s full of it. Oh, who am I kidding? We know she’s full of it! But of course, my older sister Carsen and Mom think she’s just a peach! My eyes start twitching in irritation everytime I see her, that Lorde has to give me a good flick in the head to get my eye to stop twitching.

I heard a knock on the door, then I launched into my room and shut the door. I heard my mom welcome Arla. Carsen welcomes her and asks her if she would like a refreshment. Of course in her cheesy voice she said, “A lemonade will be fine, if it won’t be too much of a bother?” she continued, “I’ve been trying to cut down all sugar to become healthier, so if you could, dial it down on the sugar, please.” I opened the door and walked out into the living room and immediately, Arla and I caught each other’s eyes. She shot me a quick glare then beamed a fake smile and said, “Zaire! How are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!” I flash her my fake smile and walk over to the couch to sit next to my mom. “I’m great, Arla! It hasn’t been that long! Only a few days since I’ve last seen you.” She puts down her fake smile and I have a small party in my mind. Arla is a large nuissance.

Pharast 9,
In History class today, we learned about the Lynix War one hundred years ago. It was when magic was first discovered by a king of Lynix. His name was King Zaddix. He used the magic that he had to stop our enemies from the Land of Cork. King Zaddix wasn’t a king during the war, he became king after he stopped the Corkians. Before the war was even declared, though, the old king was overthrown by the Lynixians because he was a tyrant. After that he went to Cork and asked them if they wanted to join him in his plot to destroy Lynix. Cork, of course accepted his request and they declared war on Lynix. Lynix went hectic and were even more afraid that they had no king to lead them. But the Lynix army fought the Corkians and destroyed a little more than a fourth of them. While a fourth of them were killed, most of them were hiding in army bases and they shot guns in any direction. “It was a bloody time.” said my history teacher, Mr. Garlan. During this time, Zaddix was in his cabin trying to figure out a way to stop them. He was mixing a few random ingredients, such as frog legs, pressed grape juice, scraps of metallic fabric, bits and pieces of his old caravan and finally, a drop of his own blood. What King Zaddix didn’t know was that, he had magic in his blood, so the potion came to life. The recipe claimed to bring truly horrible things to an end. If they weren’t truly horrible, then it would bring that something or someone to its senses to stop doing the horrible thing they were doing. If it wasn’t horrible at all, then nothing would happen to that something or someone. If I can make a potion to make me fly and I make multiple potions of this,  Zaddix thought, then I can fly over the Corkian army and pour this magic over them! Zaddix spent most of his days out collecting ingredients from the shop, and trying to find out a way to make the potions without draining all the blood from his body. He eventually found that his saliva could also help the potion stir with magic. Then, during a warfare against the civilians, Zaddix drank the Flying potion then grabbed all his material and jumped. He found himself flying in the air with the Fleaugers, magical birds that flew just below the clouds. He opened the bottle and tipped it. The blue liquid poured down on the Corkian army and one by one, soldiers began disappearing. Some of them ran to their ships and sailed back to cork, but only ten of them were still standing. When Zaddix became king, he made those men his royal guards. It turned out that they were captured by the Corkians before the war and then were forced into fighting in the war! What a coincidence!

It was only this one lesson that I didn’t fall asleep in the back of the class, which meant Lorde didn’t have to side kick me to wake me up. (she sat next to me in History.)

Pharast 11, Cosday
At my school, all eighth graders have to take a Mythology class in school. It is required for us to be able to pass the grade. When I went today, we were talking about present day creatures that are similar to legendary creatures. As always, Miss KarZakmot For one, we talked about Fleaugers. They were magicals birds with long wings and diamond eyes. They had long multi-colored tails, with colors that varied depending on the gender. If it was a male, then its tail would be red, blue, and green. But, if it were a female the colors would be a light peach, purple and lavender. People would hunt Fleaugers for their diamond eyes, and sell the diamonds for a lot of Lynixars. Mating season was in the winter, and males had especially large wings so they could get mates by showing that they would warm the females. Then we learned about DraficadiZons. They were dragons that were extremely short and had whiskers and tiny ebony teeth. DraficadiZons don’t have any gender from what we know. Chemists are still trying to figure out the mystery of the DraficadiZons. I think it’s really cool that they have their own species, as one species. They are beautiful little creatures that glimmer in the  sunlight. But like all beautiful things in the world, it has a dark side. If you get bitten by a DraficadiZon, you will get the plague and you will be rushed to the nearest Lynix health asylum, rested on a cot with fire from underneath it. Healing flames, blue flames. DraficadZons were not discovered during the Corkian war, so the Corkians could not get into their caves. DraficadIZons were still creatures, but only those who knew about them did not call them DraficadiZons, they called them “The Ivory Bugs”. But after the Corkian war, they later got discovered and the people that had known about them were forced into chemists’ labs to tell them about what they knew. The chemists later took credit for “doing science” on them. When those people told them that they were really the ones that knew about the DraficadiZons, citiZens of Lynix called them craZy, as they couldn’t read a single page. Large or small text.

Lorde was the one that fell asleep this time in Mythology class, so I had to flick her in the head to wake her up. By the time Miss karZakmot was done blabbering about her boyfriend after the lesson, the bell rang, then Lorde and I dashed out of room to our lockers. Lorde and I had lockers right next to each other and almost all of the same classes. Except for one elective, Creative Culture Education, we see each other all day, every day in the year. I looked around the school. I never noticed how beautiful it was. Sure, I knew that our school used to be an old building for religious gatherings, but I didn’t know that after 100 years, it still managed to stay beautiful, and the marble pillars, that supported the beautifully painted ceiling, still stood strong.

After school, Lorde and I walked home from Argod and into Foran. We stopped at the Market to get some Artomenos (dried, sugared mangos). When I went home, I went to my room right away to right in my school journal all the things that I had noticed today. because they are all worth remembering.

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